Loona Meets Clyde

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Lincoln looked a little unsure about going to meet royalty like this. Would this Octavia think he is lame like Loona does about him (in general)? Or would she might be a new friend to him like Loona and Tex are.

He honestly didn't know what to make of this. He was thinking deep down in his thoughts again and wondered if he should meet This Octavia person.

On the other hand; he did meet a couple of nice demons down here, and Vortex is like a gentle giant. Moxxie and Millie seemed to have a healthy relationship for a pair of demons, and Blitzo seemed to love Loona with all his heart. On top of that, Loona does seem to like Lincoln a little bit, and is willing to be friends with him, considering the fact that she saved him from being killed. Perhaps he was being a little too quick to judge about the whole ordeal.

"Earth to Lincoln?" Asked Loona

"Sorry, I was just thinking in my head."

"About what?"

This time, Lincoln told the truth on this one and admitted: "What if I get in trouble or what if a hungry demon eats me up?"

"Come on, many demons around here used to be people who committed sins.

"Fair enough."

"Don't worry, you'll be fine. Many demos. Probably wouldn't even care if you are down here anyway." Loona added. "Just stick close to me and nothing bad will happen. Anyone who tries to hurt or eat you will either get their head ripped off or their body split in two, and I don't mean it like in a magic trick.

"Good." Lincoln sounded relieved to hear that. "Thank you."

"Don't mention it."

"So what's Stolas like?"

"If you thought Blitzo was weird, wait until you meet this guy. You'll be weirded out to meet this crazy fucker. But he's alright, mostly."


"I will say this however, it's Stella you need to stay away from. She is a real classist piece of shit who look down on people lower than her. And she is quite a screamer."

"Like a vulture?"

"Well she might not look like one, but you can totally say she behaves like a vulture."

"What if she hurts me?"

Loona sighed and said: "you're worrying too much again, Lincoln. Try to relax and take it easy. I mean, she and Stolas are about to split up anyway, so it's likely you won't be able to see her at all."

"Ok, I'll take your word for it."

"Ok. So anything you would like to eat down here? There's some brownies down here."

"No thanks, "I already had some of Dad's Lynn-sagna from yesterday."


"Yeah, he's a good chef and he makes good food, and he likes to name his dishes after himself."

"Oh goody. How creative."

They both got off Loona's bed and they went out the front door when Blitzo came home. "I'm back!" He sang.

Loona facepalmed herself and groaned: "oh dear Satan."

"Hey Lincoln! Spending some time with my, Loony here?"

"Shut up, Blitzo. You're embarrassing me again."

"What? I'm always happy to see your friends."

"I told you, Lincoln's not my friend. Just someone I know."

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