Stella Comes Back

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About a couple of hours passed and it was already three in the afternoon. Sure Lincoln was on Verosika's yacht for hours, but it felt like a short while to him. The day was still a little bit young, and he remembered the curfew hours in his own home.

Verosika looked at Lincoln who was enjoying the view of the ocean some more.

"I can't believe our day is almost up, sweetie." said Verosika in a silky voice.

"There's always tomorrow or another day." said Lincoln.

"I know." Verosika said. "But honestly, I wish I can have you with me forever and ever." she hugged him close to her. Lincoln blushed a little, but she had to know that Lincoln was too young for her. Yes, Verosika may be a Succubus and a pop star but she was too old for him.

After all, he can count on Loona to save his little ass... again. She can always use her excellent sense of smell to track him down from any trouble.

"I have a family, Verosika." said Lincoln."

"Yes, I know." the succubus let go of him. "We can't always get what we want."

"So I forgot to ask, you were in rehab?"

"Yeah." The pop star gave Lincoln an embarrassed look. "I had an alcohol problem and I was supposed to stay there for six months, but I got myself out early.

"How did you get out?"

"I paid the guy running there more than I bargained for, and I can say this to you... he tasted delicious." Being a young little boy Lincoln was, he didn't understand what she meant. "It's complicated, Lincoln. But I got out of there because rehab is for losers. And I am a famous singer. I do what I want, when I want."

Lincoln saw that kind of ego before, particularly towards Chandler on Earth. Sure he was popular before, but how can anyone stand Chandler now? Nobody, that's who. "I see." He said.

"So have you ever thought about becoming a singer? Because you have the most beautiful singing voice ever, besides me of course."

"I haven't thought of it. And you're not the only one to say that. My family says that sometimes, and some of my friends from school said the same thing."

"And I wouldn't really blame that for saying that about you. You got the real talent, sweetheart."


"You are very welcome Lincoln. I mean, honest, kind, funny, and talented? What more could a girl want? Why can't more male humans be more like you?"

"Beats me. I'm not even the most popular kid in my class."

"That's a shame." Verosika sounded a little surprised.

"Hey, Lincoln." said Loona. "Doing alright?"

"I'm fine, Loona. Just having a good talk with Verosika."

"As I said, Loona." Tex pointed. "Kid's living the dream. I bet a lot of people would be so jealous if they saw Lincoln with her."

"That would be an understatement." the pop star admitted. "But you would always stop that."

"Right, since you pay me to do so." Tex remembered. "So how do you think your family's doing, Lincoln?"

"They are probably in bed right now. They are sick enough to sleep through the day."

"Fair enough." said Loona. "Almost like Hellhound fever."

"What's hellhound fever?" asked Lincoln

"It's a hellhound's equivalent to the common cold." Loona pointed.

"Yep. Coughing, sneezing, fever, stuffy nose, you name it." said Vortex.


"Don't worry, only hellhounds get it." Loona reassured the kid. "But you sure you wanna go back there with your sick family? There's a big chance you will catch a cold too, being with a big family and all."

"I got my hazmat suit with me." Lincoln said. "Or I can ask my friend Clyde if I can stay with him for the night or two."

"So you wanna get something to eat at least?" said Verosika. "I know a good place that has good French cuisine."

"The food doesn't have blood or guts in it, do they?" asked Lincoln.

"Nope. Besides, those are just optional condiments."

"Figures." Lincoln thought to himself. "This is Hell and of course they would have blood and guts and food down here." Out loud, he said. "You know, I know Hell is a place where bad souls go, but... it's still better than North Korea in a way."

Loona, Vortex, and Verosika laughed. "Truer words never said than that." said Loona.

"Ain't that the truth?" said Vortex. "People even called that place Hell on earth."

"A really cruel irony." Loona smirked.

So they decided to get off the boat and Verosika led them to a fancy French restaurant called "Petain's Pub, named after French traitor and cocksucker, Philipe Petain. Despite the name, the food seemed rather good here.

Lincoln was right, his family was in bed when he had got back home. It was almost evening and he thought of what else he can do before going to bed. He decided to watch a movie and got some popcorn.

He looked like a real coach potato as he lazed on the couch and eat chunks of popcorn from his hand. Another hour passed and there was a knock on the door. He was caught by surprised to see who it was.

The person was more or less; Stella Goetia herself, looking casual and profession in her pose. "Your majesty? Or... miss Stella?" Lincoln recognized as he bowed. "Or, what do I call you?"

"Bah, Miss Stella if you please." said she. "And you don't really have to bow to me every time you cross paths with me."

"What do you want?" Asked Lincoln. "I thought you didn't want to see me. And what if someone sees you in your true form?"

"No need to be worried. I managed to come here by magic, right next to your garage." said Stella. "And I will just deal away with any witnesses from knowing Hell exists. And I am here because I discovered something rather... intriguing."

"Like what?"

"Oh like your Royal ancestry form Scotland, Lincoln."

The kid looked surprised. "How did you find out?"

"Well as soon as I laid my eyes on you, I thought I have seen a face like that somewhere while taking a vacation to the United Kingdom. I did a little research and it turned out to be true. You are from royalty, Lincoln."

"I don't like where this is going." said Lincoln.

"Look, I do not want any trouble. Octavia really likes you a great deal and I thought that maybe I can put your Royal blood to good use."

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