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The library was always a good meet up point. Something Percy Weasley and Penelope Clearwater had discovered in their fifth year. Likewise students started to realise everyday. Finding their small corners of the library to hide.

"So... you still don't understand Arithmancy?" Jiyeon questioned and Jungwon nodded, flipping through his book as he sat across from her, "if you don't mind me asking... how? It's just magic, you're great at magic."

"Yeah, but it's systematic magic. It's not just something you do, it has patterns and plans I don't see," Jungwon sighed and placed his chin in his palm, "and I have to be able to read it too... terrible."

"Well... at least we know Advanced Arithmancy is not for you. That's good to know two years in advance," Jiyeon grinned and opened her book casually. Clicking her black inked pen and getting ready to take notes. Through her years at Hogwarts Jiyeon had come to dislike quills and had started bringing black inked pens with her. She still used quills for exams though, as they had to be enchanted to ensure no one was cheating, and for some reason a simple pen couldn't be enchanted just like that.

"I would rather jump from the Astronomy tower," Jungwon snorted and shook his head.

"Well... if you try and read your numbers, maybe you can see who the Hogwarts champion for the Triwizard Tournament would be," Jiyeon chuckled in amusement, getting a dismayed look from Jungwon, "look, it's hard to explain the way you read the numbers. You just do."

"You just do," Jungwon mimicked, "you're so Ravenclaw sometimes."

"As if you aren't so Slytherin," Jiyeon retorted with a small gasp, "not in the bad way."

"Uh huh? Not in the I'll have a dark mark on my arm by the time I'm sixteen type of Slytherin?" Jungwon questioned and Jiyeon's eyebrows knitted together, "no?"

"Dark mark?" Jiyeon questioned and Jungwon had to glance down between the aisles of shelves around them.

"It's uhm... it's his mark. The one we don't talk about," Jungwon whispered, "back when he was still alive... they would put the mark in the sky when they killed someone."

"It was at the Quidditch world cup," Jiyeon muttered in realisation, "skull and snake... like your boggart."

"It was at the cup, but no one got kill- how do you remember my boggart?" Jungwon frowned.

"I just do," Jiyeon shrugged.

"I don't even remember yours," Jungwon frowned.

"I didn't get to try," Jiyeon reminded with a small chuckle, "I was a few people behind Harry."

"Oh yeah..." he trailed off and blinked a few times, seeming to finally remember the boggart class correctly, "Yeah..."

"Gosh, you're adorable," Jiyeon let out a small laugh, hiding it behind her hand as Jungwon continued to blink in confusion once he looked over at her. Getting another giggle from Jiyeon as he did so.

"No I'm not," he reminded with a small lopsided smile, "I'm not adorable."

"Heck yeah you are," Jiyeon laughed at him, placing her chin in both of her palms as she looked over at Jungwon, "the absolute cutest."

"Shut up," Jungwon rolled her eyes at her and shook his head in disbelief, "either help me with Arithmancy or let me be."

"Alright... alright..." Jiyeon let out a small laugh, leaning back in her chair to look back into her book. Rubbing the right side of her rib cage. It was still a bit sore after having gotten knocked off her broom in the Quidditch match against Slytherin last year. Somewhere in the back of her mind she was still able to recall the cracking sound that had been when the bat of Riki's fellow Beater had hit her in the ribs. For a second before looking down into his book, Jungwon sent her a small glance, quietly judging whether or not she looked to be in enough discomfort for him to ask.

While Jungwon took his time to judge on Jiyeon's discomfort, Sunoo was for once late to a meeting in the library. Running down to the table he usually sat at, knowing he'd find Lin there. In his hands was a small book for History of Magic and a small box he had picked up at the kitchen. A wide grin spreading on Sunoo's face once he saw Lin at the table.

"Late?" Lin questioned in amusement as Sunoo slid into the chair beside her and placed the small box between them.

"The House Elves insisted on doing their best," Sunoo hummed quietly and put down his book before carefully lifting the lid from the box, "I asked them if they had any small pies or cakes I could bring... I think one is with pear and the other with apple."

"How nice of them," Lin hummed and managed to take in a sniff of the pastries in front of her, "are they warm?"

"Yeah... they insisted on baking me two pies on the spot," Sunoo sheepishly admitted and Lin hummed with content as she leaned back in her chair, pulling her Divination book into her lap as she stared at the pies, "so... which one would you like?"

"Let's just share both of them. Half half each," Lin smiled and Sunoo slowly nodded before picking up the small butter knife in the box. Pushing the two cake forks a bit to the side to get enough space to cut the pies in half, "why did you bring pies?"

"Because... I thought it would be nice," Sunoo shrugged quietly.

"Why did you want to meet in the library today?" Lin continued in amusement and cocked her head to look over at Sunoo properly. Noticing a small smile spread on his face, "why not invite Jiyeon and Emi as usual?"

"Well... Yeon is meeting up with Jungwon, is she not?" Sunoo questioned, "and Emi is God knows where."

"Yeah... but you never asked them to meet up here... You instead asked Yeon to ask me," Lin reminded and Sunoo nodded, rearranging the pies so each full pie consisted of a half pear pie and a half apple pie.

"Say... is it a crime for me to want to spend time with you?" Sunoo chuckled and Lin shook her head.

"Not at all."

"Then why question me like this?"

"Because... I think you have a reason for wanting to meet just me."

"How was your summer Lin?" Sunoo questioned and scooped up some of his pie on his fork, extending the other fork to Lin, "did you enjoy it?"

"It was fine... nothing extraordinary, like the Quidditch Cup," Lin shrugged with a small smile once she looked back at Sunoo, "did you and Yeon have fun at the cup?"

"While it lasted," Sunoo nodded, "I think you already know how the night ended."

" 'course I do," Lin hummed, "is that why you want to me-"

"Wasn't even on my mind when I asked you," Sunoo shook his head, "I just missed you this summer... that's all."

"You didn't miss Emi?" Lin arched a brow.

"She sends more letters than you do," Sunoo excused with a small frown, "she sends a lot actually... I don't even dare think of how many letters Riki gets if I get as many as I got.

"Well... I kinda missed you too," Lin admitted with a small smile, "I'll write you more next summer."

"You don't need to," Sunoo shook his head, "I'll just come visit you instead... or you could come to Aberdeen."

"Maybe," Lin hummed with a small laugh as she took a bite of the pie. She didn't think twice about whether or not her parents would let her have guests or go visit anyone. She would face that problem once summer came, for now she had decided that this year she would go to the library more with Sunoo.

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