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By the time Arithmancy had ended both Jay and Jake had trouble fathoming anything. Their heads were so filled and at the same time drained completely. Filled with jumbled numbers prancing around in uneven circles, and drained for any sensible thought of any kind. They were barely even able to find their way down towards the Great Hall, and they probably wouldn't have found it if it wasn't for Millie waiting impatiently for them just outside the classroom.

"Jake, I have another question," Millie rushed, following after Jay and Jake the moment they stepped out of the classroom, eagerly flipping through her Muggle Studies book.

"What now?" Jake frowned and turned around, looking at Millie in confusion.

"So... muggle kids go to school, right?" Millie questioned as Jake purposely let himself slow down his walking pace to walk beside Millie with Jay in front.

"Of course they do," Jake hummed with a small nod.

"And... we're currently learning about how that school works, but Sunghoon and I are a bit confused. Like... some of the subjects I suppose we can figure out easily, but then there's other subjects with funny names," Millie excused and looked through the notes she had been taking during her previous class.

"You're taking ancient runes as well, aren't you?" Jay questioned and Millie immediately nodded, sparring the other boy a single glance, "and you think muggle subjects have funny names?"

"Okay, then you explain to me what in the world P.E is," Millie retorted and Jay simply rolled his eyes at her and turned down and into the Great Hall, leaving Millie and Jake out on the hallway to discuss the troubles she and Sunghoon had had during their class. Jake knew he would have to go over the exact same subjects with Sunghoon once he reached the Ravenclaw table as well.

"P.E stands for Physical Education," Jake sighed and looked down into the book she held in her hands, "it's just... doing sports and learning about bodily anatomy. I suppose... depends on where you go to school. Some schools just focus on getting you moving and then ignores all the actual theoretical parts about muscle groups and such."

"Okay... and why do you have that?" Millie nodded and looked up at Jake.

"Uh... to get moving... it's healthy," Jake shrugged and glanced into teh Great Hall.

"But we don't have it at Hogwarts, and I must say I still feel like I am completely healthy," Millie grinned in amusement, "is it just some funny muggle thing?"

"It's founded in science that doing sports is good for you," Jake defended quickly, "like... for your arteries and heart. I used to play football back home. Lots of kids play sports, because it is healthy."

"But isn't it boring?"

"It's quite fun actually."

"Hm... muggles sure are peculiar," Millie hummed in amusement and looked back down at her book, "oh and also... if it says English... is that just reading? Learning the alphabet?"

"I suppose," Jake nodded.

"And you use all your school years on that?" Millie whispered in disbelief, "just learning how to read."

"I mean... no..." Jake trailed off, "you also learn to analyse texts I suppose," Jake excused and glanced into the Great Hall, "sorry. But I really want to eat my lunch, I'll tell Sunghoon everything over lunch and he can help you later."

"Sunghoon's in the hospital wing," Millie shook her head and looked over her shoulder, for a moment letting Jake widen his eyes in shock, "he went there right after class. Said it's been long since he visited Jiyeon."

"Oh thank god," Jake murmured, feeling every muscle in his body relax once again.

"Well... then go find him and I'll see you in Herbology," Millie shrugged and rushed into the Great Hall for a moment forgetting the fact that Jake wasn't supposed to wander about the school all alone.

This realization came to Millie embarrassingly late. She had almost sat down beside Sunoo before she had changed her mind and ran out into the hallway, calling for Jake - yet not moving too far away from the Great Hall, even she was scared of all the attacks that had happened to students in the past months.

"What did the sudden change mean?" Kumiko chuckled once Millie finally returned to her seat after having given up on finding Jake.

"I let Jake go up to the hospital wing alone," Millie sighed and let her face slump down into her hands, "how stupid can I be? I mean... he's not supposed to go alone. I should've walked with him to the hospital wing and he could walk back with Sunghoon."

"Well, maybe he meets Sunghoon halfway," Kumiko assured and looked back down at her lunch, "I'm sure he'll be fine."

"But it's my fault if anything happens," Millie reminded with a heavy sigh.

"Didn't he run off on his own?" Sunoo frowned and Millie nodded, "it's not like you told him to sod off."

"I know... but... ugh," Millie ran both her hands through her hair before shaking her head and closing her eyes for a good second, "you're right. Nothing's gonna happen. He'll be fine. I'll see him for Herbology right after lunch."

"I'm sure we will," Kumiko nodded in agreement, "now... I hear Sunoo on the other hand has been having some very good days recently."

"Is that so?" Millie raised both her eyesbrows and looked over at the bright red second year student beside her, "how so?"

"It's nothing," Sunoo quickly shook his head, "Lin and Riki just finally approached Emiko and I."

"And what about Jungwon?" Millie hummed and started putting food onto her plate.

"We're waiting for him to approach us," Sunoo shrugged, "we know he's sitting up in the hospital wing most of his free time. So we don't mind him, but he has to approach us first."

"Seems fair enough," Kumiko nodded in agreement.

However, a painful silence seemed to dawn upon the trio at the Hufflepuff table when they all saw Sunghoon enter the Great Hall in silence. No Jake near him or whatsoever. Slowly, table by table, Sunghoon moved from the Gryffindor table where Soomin and Jay sat and over towards the Hufflepuff table where Kumiko and Millie anxiously awaited him. Jake had been found petrified just outside the hospital wing. It was Ron Weasley who found him when leaving Hermione Granger for lunch.

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