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At the door to the Potions classroom Riki and Emiko paused. They had only taken a few steps into the classroom and most students were already there. Snape of course hadn't arrived yet, as there were still a few minutes left until class started - and he would rather be thirty seconds too late than thirty seconds too early. The mere thought of having to exist in the classroom with his students without teaching sounded torturous to him.

"We should sit by them," Lin whispered quietly and nodded towards the table where Emiko and Sunoo sat in silence - both looking to be studying the table surface intricately.

"We've been sitting with the Slytherins for weeks now," Riki reminded in a quiet whisper, looking towards the table they usually sat by. The one with Malfoy, Crabbe, Pansy, Goyle, Jungwon, any other faceless Slytherins in their year.

"And how much have you been speaking with Sunoo and Emi?" Lin hissed quietly.

Riki pursed his lips quietly, sending a glance to the Hufflepuff and Gryffindor sitting in the corner. A small sigh escaped Riki before he nodded and followed after Lin, who took charge in setting their route straight for the small corner table. Just their presence by the table was enough to make Emiko and Sunoo look up with no emotion in their faces.

"Can we sit here?" Lin questioned hesitantly, her eyes flickering back and forth between Emiko and Sunoo, "please?"

"Why would you want to?" Emiko murmured and looked back to the green stuff she was scratching off the table.

"Because we're friends," Riki quickly excused when Lin had sent him a glance, begging for help.

"Are we?" Emiko arched a brow as she raised her head once again, continuing to scratch her thumb nail on the table.

"Of course we are," Lin smiled slowly, laying her head a bit to the side as she tried to charm her way back onto the Gryffindor girl, "my house might not let me be friends with you specifically, but that didn't stop me last year, did it?"

"Is it you two that has been leaving Orange Chewits to Jiyeon?" Sunoo questioned and finally looked towards the two Slytherins.

"We initially wanted to get her Strawberry, but Riki pointed out she didn't like it in sweets," Lin nodded quietly, "are we wrong?" Lin frowned immediately once she noticed Emiko and Sunoo sharing a small look before slowly smiling.

"No..." Emiko trailed off, "how have you gotten hold of them? They're only muggle things."

"Uhm... Heeseung's been willing to help us with that," Lin slowly admitted, fiddling with the edge of her robe sleeves, "you know... because he uhm... he owes me a favour or two."

"Why?" Emiko snickered in amusement.

"Uhm... just some Christmas gift for Xia," Lin waved it off casually, "can we please sit here?"

"We're sort of waiting for you to actually sit down," Sunoo reminded and immediately Lin sat down on the nearest chair, almost stumbling over her own feet to get to the stool. Leaving Riki to go over to the other stool that stood a bit further away, but still by the table.

"Told you it'd go well," Lin sneered at Riki, who immediately held his hands up in defense.

"I just... yeah, nevermind," Riki shook his head and resorted to just have a small smile on his face - finally content with having another person than Lin to talk to.

Upon entering the classroom the four friends did get a peculiar look from professor Snape. Supposedly rumours between the four would have it that he was simply too surprised to see the four friends sit with one another once again, he didn't even spare it one thought that they usually were six - one of which was in the hospital wing and the other sitting across the classroom with the other Slytherins. This idea had come to amuse them quite a lot in the days up to Christmas, just the thought that they had managed to induce another emotion than none emotion at all in the oh-so-cold professor Snape seemed hilarious and impossible.

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