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As the Hogwarts Express started filling up with students Jiyeon became a woman on a mission. Lin and Emiko had walked ahead of her to go find Sunoo and Riki in the compartment they wanted to secure for the train ride and now Jiyeon had set her mind to one specific thing. Rushing down along the platform scanning each Slytherin's face she came across.

"There you are," she called out and grabbed onto Jungwon's shoulder, catching him off guard. He had almost thought he was starting to hear things had he not turned around and stared straight at a smiling Jiyeon.

"Me?" he questioned and Jiyeon nodded immediately, "are you sure?"

"Yeah," Jiyeon nodded, "now come on. The others went ahead and found a compartment for us," she urged and stepped onto the train in front of him, tugging on his wrist for him to follow after her.

"Hold on," Jungwon shook his head and tugged on his arm to get her to stop in the middle of walking, "you are not mad at me?"

"Riki told me," Jiyeon shook her head quietly, "I doubt you'd be writing my family as much as you did if you really were that disgusted by me."

"I was never disgus-" Jungson started, halting his words as Jiyeon slowly started smiling.

"I know, now come on. I don't want to be falling when the train starts," Jiyeon urged and reached out to grab his wrist once again, pulling him along.

When they finally reached their compartment they got multiple odd looks from its occupants. Emiko and Sunoo sharing a confused look as Jungwon quietly helped Jiyeon put away her trunk in the overhead holders. Riki sending Lin a knowing look when she had turned to look at him accusingly.

"Where did you put Cupid?" Sunoo frowned as Jiyeon sat down across from him beside Emiko.

"I let her fly home," Jiyeon shrugged quietly as Jungwon hesitantly found his seat beside Jiyeon as well, "I had to ask if it was alright I went to your house this summer. Didn't I?"

"Oh yeah," Sunoo slowly nodded, "dad did say you could just come visit whenever it was best for you."

"I'll probably be stopping by in July. I suppose I'm helping at the university as per usual... I think," Jiyeon slowly admitted before glancing between the others with uncertainty.

"Unless you've heard anything else, I think it's like any other summer," Lin nodded in agreement, glancing over at Jungwon, who sat quietly beside Jiyeon.

The compartment was relatively quiet and it was first really after the trolley had passed them the first time, only ten minutes after the express had started moving, that something was said in the compartment.

"Doesn't Soomin collect these?" Riki questioned and extended a Chocolate Frog card towards Emiko.

"She does," Emiko nodded quietly and grabbed the card from Riki, turning it over between her fingers.

"I have one too," Jungwon added and extended one towards Emiko, who hesitantly grabbed it.

"Here," Jiyeon muttered and shoved one into Emiko's hands as well, securing Jungwon's card into Emiko's hand in the process, "we have a long way still, don't we?"

"At least seven more hours," Sunoo nodded in agreement, "and then another four back home."

"Lucky you, huh," Emiko chuckled in amusement.

"I need some sleep," Jiyeon admitted and pushed her hair out of her face, "asleep for six months and still tired as ever."

"Sleep it off during the summer," Emiko let out a small laugh, "just like the rest of us."

"Yeah..." Jiyeon hummed quietly and tugged her jacket tighter around her, leaning over to let her head rest on Jungwon's shoulder, "just a bit of sleep."

"I should go down and hand these to Soomin as well," Emiko excused leaving the compartment quietly, noticing how everyone was sending Jiyeon odd looks. Mostly puzzled of her willingness to be even be near Jungwon.

Meanwhile, further down the train Emiko knocked on a compartment door from which a loud laughter echoed out in the train. Inside Jake was happily explaining about some dream he had had while under petrification. 

"Soomin?" Emiko carefully called and Soomin let her laughter die down as she straightened up, from having knocked into Sunghoon out of laughter.

"Yeah?" Soomin smiled widely at the younger girl.

"Humble donations of Chocolate Frog cards," Emiko happily declared and extended the cards towards Soomin, who immediately went to inspect the cards - controlling which ones she already had and which ones she didn't own yet, "from Riki, Jungwon and Jiyeon."

"Jungwon?" Jay questioned with a weird frown towards Emiko.

"Yeon seems fine with it. Probably already fell asleep against him," Emiko waved it off before looking to Jake, "something about being tired after the petrification."

"Sounds right," Jake nodded to confirm Emiko's statement, "I suspect I'll be sound asleep by the time we reach noon."

"Thank you Emi," Soomin smiled and caught Emiko's attention once again, "I'll add them to my collection. Pay you an honorary sum if I get these sold to first years."

"No, it's fine," Emiko waved it off with a small smile, "have a nice summer."

A small chorus of 'you too' came from the compartment as Emiko silently left it and closed the door after herself. Walking her way back down to the compartment she came from Emiko had an odd feeling of this only being the start of a wild time at Hogwarts.

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