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After the first week of classes a hunt for a piece of parchment large enough for a sign had ensued. As a result both Sunoo and Lin had found their own techniques. Sunoo kindly asking the professors for a piece of parchment large enough - Lin sneakily taking a piece of parchment large enough. Not taking... borrowing of course.

"Alright, let's see," Lin sighed as she and Sunoo had gathered in the library an early Sunday morning, "what sizes do we have?"

Once both Sunoo and Lin had laid out their pieces of parchment winnings in front of them, it became clear which was the largest. Lin quietly marvelling at the size of the piece of parchment Sunoo had aquired.

"Where did you get this?" Lin tapped the parchment in question. Sending Sunoo a surprise look.

"Surprisingly enough... Snape," Sunoo frowned as he recalled how easy it had been to convince Snape to give him that piece. All he had to do was convince him it was for extra notes for potions class. Apparently Snape had deemed Sunoo bad enough at potions that he almost seemed to be delighted when Sunoo had shown the slightest interest in getting better at the subject - unlike most other students.

Even though Sunoo was hardly a bad student in potions it was enough for him to be from Hufflepuff to be bad at potions. Because in Snape's eyes it was common for the only good students in potions to be from Slytherin. That had proved itself true for the entire of Sunoo's year. Little did Snape know the reason that Lin, Riki and Jungwon in particular seemed to excell at potions was due to their seatmeates from other houses. Somehow it seemed that Sunoo, Emiko and Jiyeon always managed to make a better potion than the other three, and were generous enough to share before Snape realized how horrible his own house was doing in potions.

"Goodness... it must be these essays Xia's been complaining abou," Lin murmured in assumption, pulling Sunoo out of the daze he was in - in which he recalled how easily Snape had budged.


"Mhm..." Lin nodded with a small hum, "apparently Snape's been giving the fifth years some large essays."

"Dear god..."

A silence spread in their corner of the library as a wordless agreement got them packing away all but one piece of parchment. Eventually they ended up just sitting and starring at the blank piece of parchment. Completely empty of ideas.

"So... long essays?" Sunoo questioned in an attempt to ignore the problem at hand.

"Yeah, Xia's been pretty stressed about them so Heeseung has promised to pay for her when they go to the Three Broomsticks on their next Hogsmeade trip," Lin shrugged quietly. Eyes darting around on the parchment in front of her.

"Is it that good? As they say it is?" The Three Broomsticks?"

"Itøs alright," Lin shrugged, "a bit crowded... you never tried it?" Sunoo shook his head.

"Dad's a muggle, remember?" he smiled slightly.

"Hm, I'll take you. We can get a butterbeer, maybe a cake too," Lin shrugged and couldn't help but let a small smile spread once she noticed a small trace of excitement on Sunoo's face, "where's Emi anyway? I thought she hadn't dipped yet."

"Depends on what excuse you'll believe," Sunoo shrugged with a small chuckle, "extra transfiguration lessons with McGonagall or something with Riki."

"They have been spending a lot more time together lately, haven't they?" Lin nodded in disbelief, "stopped bickering too... it's almost unsettling."

"Almost only wrote him during the summer," Sunoo nodded, earning himself a confused frown from Lin, "Yeon's poor owl was gone more than Emi wrote letters to you. I found the ripped envelopes just before I had to leave for London."

"That's so weird," Lin frowned, "I wonder what happened."

"Yeah... me too," Hunoo hummed eventually clapping his hands together ( a bit too loud for the library, he winced)," Let's make this banner so that Yeon will make the team."

"Mhm," Lin nodded in agreement, "maybe i'll try out next year when we need a new keeper."

"I'll make a banner then too," Sunoo mindlessly assured, "now what should we write?"

"It needs to be somethint that'll assure she'll be picked," Lin thought out loud, "it would be bad of us to write down a spell or something? Like one of those.. rune spells, you know?"

"I think it would be cheating," Sunoo nodded quietly as he placed his chin into the palm of his hand.

In the end the sign didn't matter as much once the day of the try-outs came about. The day was filled with rain, and in the end the banner couldn't be brought out of Sunoo's innerpocket without getting soaked and turn unreadable. Instead Sunoo and Lin had sat and yelled for Jiyeon from the stands, and proudly gave themselves the honor of being the reason Jiyeon had made the Quidditch team as a chaser - and not Jiyeon's abilities to fly and play at the same time.

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