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The first week at Hogwarts was never easy for a first year. There was no help provided to the first years. No map, no tour of the school. The only two things you knew to find was from the Great Hall to your common room and vice versa. Anything else was almost impossible to find. It didn't become any easier when you had gotten up late in the morning and was rushing to get ready while the rest of your dormmates already were on their way to their first class of the day.

"Ex-excuse me!" Heeseung managed to call out to another student, who had noticed just a hint of red on, "Gryffindor!"

Immediately the older student had turned to look at the bewildered and running first year that came running straight at him. A perplexed look covered the older student's face as he glanced around the hallways, confirming the fact that they were the only two students in sight.

"Yes?" the older Gryffindor frowned in confusion.

"The Potions classroom, where is it?" Heeseung breathed out and halted his steps in front of the Gryffindor, panting slightly and looking up at him with big eyes.

"In the dungeon of course," the student replied as if it was obvious, "you don't know where the dungeons is?"

"I'm new," Heeseung excused, starting to look equally as perplexed as the older student.

"It's just down that corridor and down the stairs to the left, straight ahead until you can hear professor Snape," the student easily explained and pointed down a nearby hallway, "you listen some more when your prefect gives you directions."

Heeseung didn't feel like discussing it with this student, but the prefect simply hadn't given out any directions for any classes. They had moreso been given a "good luck finding your way around" smile last night when having been led to their dorm rooms. Heeseung simply nodded as a quick thank you and set into a run down the corridor he had been directed.

He almost skipped down the stairs. Taking two or three stair steps in one jump, letting him down into the dungeons impressively fast in comparison to taking one step at a time. He continued quickly down the hallway, nearing a corner and a classroom door, he suspected to be the potions classroom.

However, he never made it as far as the potions classroom. From around the corner and straight towards him came a green cloaked shadow that clearly was too busy with anything but looking up. Adjusting her cloak properly and grabbing a book that almost slid out of her arms when she had taken a sharp turn around the corner.

With mere seconds to adjust each of their routes they collided into one another, just a few meters from the Potions classroom. Heeseung stumbled a few steps backwards and almost landed on top of his satchel when he landed on his butt. Xia on the other hand, had stumbled forward and scattered her books and wand out in front of her.

"I'm terribly sorry," Xia immediately started as she reached out for her wand as the first thin and shoved it into the wand pocket on the inside of her cloak.

"No, no, it's fine. I was definitely the one who didn't move when I saw you come," Heeseung chuckled as he rushed to pick up a few of the books Xia had come around the corner with, "I had plenty of time to move out of the way, I just didn't think fast enough."

"I shouldn't be running around those corners with such a speed," Xia shook her head with a small laugh, "I take full responsibility, don't say no. I'll be the guilty one," she assured and accepted the books Heeseung had picked up for her, before helping him to his feet.

"I'm a first year, I should be making way," he shook his head quickly.

"For who? I'm a first year too," Xia smiled slightly, giving him an amused look as Heeseung then proceeded to struggle to find the right words.

"Oh, but I thought... you just looked like you knew where you were going so I just assumed... I thought you were a second year," Heeseung excused awkwardly and looked over his shoulder, as if he was being chased by the older Gryffindor he had seen earlier.

"No," she shook her gently and extended her hand in front of her, of course first after having balanced all her books on one arm, "I'm Fàn Li Xia... but I'm mostly just called Xia, to avoid confusion."

"What confusion?" Heeseung quickly turned his head back to look at her.

"My little sister," she excused and pulled her hand back to stable her books, "her name's Li Yang."

"What? So you call her Yang?" Heeseung frowned.

"We call her Lin," Xia gently corrected, "and what do we call you?"

"Ah... Lee Heeseung," he excused and extended his hand forward.

This time Xia smiled widely as she reached out and shook his hand, finding a small relief in him showing no recognition of her last name. He might just not be listening enough when his parents spoke of the great wizard war that had ended only nine years ago.

"Well, there we have my last student," a dull voice remarked from the door to the potions classroom.

Heeseung looked over in horror, remembering why he had been running so fast he had collided into the girl in front of him. He was late for class, and now the professor of that class stood in the door, his hair as greasy as he had heard stories of and face as tight and strict as he had feared. Professor Snape looking at him with all the dismay he could imagine

"That'll be costing Gryffindor five points for you mr..." Snape trailed off and glanced Heeseung up and down.

"Lee, sir," Heeseung quickly replied.

"I'm taking five points from Gryffindor for your late attendance mr. Lee," Snape finalized before turning his stare to the Slytherin student in the hallway, "you better rush to charms miss Fàn before I find it fitting to punish Slytherin for your lateness as well, if professor Flitwick won't do it for me."

"Of course. Sorry, professor," Xia excused and rushed off, sending Heeseung one last horrified glance before she rushed along the hallway.

From Potions class and up until lunch Heeseung kept replaying the meeting in the dungeons to himself. Somehow he had already decided subconsiously that this girl was going to be his very first friend at Hogwarts. Unknowing to him, she had decided the exact same thing at lunch that day.

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