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The Hogwarts students had barely even returned from their Christmas break before getting thrown straight into their usual timetables. The only light in most students' lives was the thought of the Quidditch matches starting up again in March. 

"Can you see who our first match is against?" Jungwon questioned, letting Riki push through the mass of students in front of him. All gathered around a simple notice outside the Great Hall, eager to see which house their Quidditch team would take on when in the upcoming two Quidditch matches.

"Wait..." Riki murmured and scanned the list, "first match in March... and it's against... Ravenclaw."

"Ravenclaw?" Jungwon questioned as Riki managed to turn around and shimmer his way out of the group with Jungwon in front of him.

"Do you think Yeon already knows?" Riki chuckled as he and Jungwon walked a large circle around the group of students around the notice and into the Great Hall for their lunch between classes.  

Somehow both boys managed to land their eyes on a mischevious smile sitting by the Gryffindor table in her misfitting blue colours. Both boys immediately sighing at the sight of Jiyeon sitting by Emiko and Lin.

"She definitely knows," Jungwon murmured, his eyes following Sunoo, who happily skipped over towards the table and sat down beside Emiko while eagerly telling her something.

"She'll be beating our arses," Riki declared and Jungwon nodded in return, lips pursed as he let his eyes wander about the Great Hall.

"We have to join them for lunch, right? Avoiding her would seem suspicious," Jungwon declared and started heading for the Gryffindor table.

"Mostly suspicious for you," Riki reminded before they split up to walk down each side of the Gryffindor table.

Riki quickly slid down into the seat on the other side of Emiko, whilst she continued her eager conversation with Sunoo. Jungwon hesitantly deciding to sit down beside Jiyeon.

"So..."Jiyeon immediately turned to sent Riki and Jungwon a smug look, "are you ready for March?"

"Are you ready?" Riki retorted and Jiyeon only snorted in return, letting her eyes take a small roll before looking back at him.

"Oh please, what are you gonna do? Knock me off my broom?" Jiyeon chuckled, "you might be a beater, but I bet you none of your bludgers would be sent in my direction."

"How will you keep the Quaffle from Jungwon?" Riki nodded towards Jungwon across from him, letting Jiyeon's attention draft to Jungwon, who uncomfortably shifted in his seat as he pretended to be a bit too busy with his lunch. At least more busy than he actually was.

"Well, how do Jungwon plan to take the Quaffle from me?" Jiyeon questioned and quirked a brow at Jungwon.

"He won't even dare fly close enough," Lin snickered from beside Jiyeon.

"Easy," Jungwon waved it off and sipped from his water cup, "you fly in rather big circles around your opponents. If I can calculate the size of your circles in the air... you won't see me coming."

Jiyeon simply squinted her eyes at Jungwon at his answer. Looking like she was quietly sizing him up and checking him over for any signs of joking or bluffing. But he was dead serious, he had noticed her flying pattern easily. It was the exact opposite of what he went for himself, the zig zagging method in and out between opponents. Switching direction so often no one seemed to notice when he had suddenly disappeared.

"We'll win... easily," Jungwon snorted.

"No foul play?" Jiyeon questioned in disbelief, having noticed the dirty tricks played in the match Slytherin had played against Hufflepuff back in November.

"I'm no part of that," Jungwon shook his head, "I play fair and square."

"So do I... I would say," Riki piped in with a small nod. Wincing slightly at the fact that his position on the Quidditch team literally was to knock people off their brooms, "I don't need to hear it Emi," he quickly warned and Emiko quickly closed her mouth after having turned to Riki with a deep frown and gaping mouth. Quietly turning back to listen to what Sunoo was telling her, "if we don't win over you this year, we will next year. We will come back with many more new techniques."

"And who will you manage to do that?" Lin questioned in amusement, picking her slice of bread apart on her plate as she looked over at Riki in amusement.

"Jungwon and I have gotten tickets to the Quidditch world cup this summer," Riki remarked proudly, "Jungwon is coming with my dad and I."

"Oh my... that's so funny. What a coincidence," Jiyeon gasped in fake surprise, "because actually..."

"No, you couldn't have gotten tickets," Jungwon pointed out quickly. Knowing for a fact that Jiyeon's parents couldn't have gotten tickets for the world cup, as they were muggles, and tickets simply wasn't available for muggles.

"Oh no, not yet," Jiyeon waved it off, "but mum and dad heard me speak of the cup. I got money to buy a ticket for Christmas of course. If I'm not wrong Cupid should be back with my tickets tomorrow morning."

"Oh come on," Riki complained and let his face drop into both of his hands in despair.

"Yeah... so, I'll see you this summer, and we'll see who nails those new techniques the best," Jiyeon chuckled and gathered her things for the next class, "we should get going Lin... I have been foretold we should get to Divination early if we wish to aquire the best seats in class. All the way in the back."

"Fair point," Lin nodded and grabbed her books as well, "toodles lads."

Riki and Jungwon watched in an astonished silence as Lin and Jiyeon wandered off in a wave of green and blue down between the Gryffindor and Hufflepuff table. Lest speechless by the interaction they had just had.

"I think Lin is rooting for Ravenclaw," Jungwon remarked.

"Bloody traitor," Riki murmured.

"To be fair I think all of us are rooting for Ravenclaw," Sunoo defended, having tuned in for the last bit of the conversation. Riki and Jungwon both looking at Sunoo in disbelief, "oh, I definitely am. You guys played dirty in your match with us."

"We're not part of it," Jungwon clarified sternly.

"But you're on the team," Sunoo pointed out.

"I'll be rooting for just you two if it helps," Emiko offered with a tiny sympathetic smile, "No?"

"Well, at least someone is with us," Jungwon shrugged and looked down at his lunch before a scenario slowly dawned on him and he looked back up at Riki, "we can't let Ravenclaw win. We would never hear the end of it."

"It's on you," Riki murmured, "I'm just the beater. You actually have to get us goals."

Jungwon stared at Riki in quiet disbelief for a few moments, eventually realizing Riki was right. So he simply resorted to anxiously biting down on his thumb nail as he tried to think of how to outsmart the Ravenclaw chasers. Which seemed near impossible in his head. He knew already that Jiyeon would be changing her flying patterns for the match now that she knew he had noticed them.

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