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"I'm sorry... he did what?" Xia blinked a few times, finally moving her attention away from her homework and up to her little sister, sitting across from her in the library.

"I tried so hard to difuse the tension too," Lin complained, laying her cheek down against the cold wooden table they sat at, "and he just kept going. That idiot. Even Riki tried to patch up the revelation."

"You kids will end up being the death of me," Xia complained, rubbing her face in her hands, "why do I feel like I have to nanny you lot every day?"

"Excuse you? I have Soomin and Jay... Emiko too, but she's no problem," Heeseung quickly pointed out, "Soomin and Jay however... don't even get me started."

"I know Hee... but..." Xia sighed, looking up and over at her friend that sat beside her sister. A hopeless look on Xia's face when she glanced down at Lin, "he almost called her a mudblood, it's not just something you glaze over."

"I get that it was bad, but he didn't mean to. Did he?" Heeseung questioned and looked down at Lin, hesitating to carefully move her hair out of her face. Picking the lock of hair up between his thumb and pointer finger before letting it drape over her shoulder.

"That's the worst thing," Lin nodded, "last night he complained to Riki and I that he didn't want to be associated with anyone like her anyways. It doesn't make sense. They always sat together during classes and werr running off in their freetime if the rest of us were doing classes or homework. Now he just doesn't want to talk about her, at all. I'm scared of what will happen during our classes. What if he says something? What if they don't even sit together?"

"Well, they probably won't," Xia pointed out, "but do you mind Jiyeon isn't pureblood?"

"Will you tell mom and dad?" Lin raised her head and leaned her chin in the palm of her hand.

"Did you tell mom and dad about Heeseung?" Xia questioned with a small snicker, only letting Heeseung earn a glance from Lin before she shook her head, "then no. I do not care who your friends are, as long as you're kind to them."

"And Riki didn't mind either?" Heeseung questioned, Lin immediately shaking her head, "well... then you pull yourself from Jungwon."

"But he's our friend," Lin reminded.

"So is Jiyeon," Heeseung nodded, "and as far as I understand, Jungwon is in the wrong here. If he doesn't want to be associated with her, then that is his problem, but the rest of you shouldn't stop being her friend."

"Mmm... I know," Lin sighed and rubbed her face in her hands before letting out a small sigh.

"And if we're speaking off the sun, I think you have the chance right now," Xia pointed out, keeping her eyes on the blue clad girl rushing towards Lin's back.

The moment she had reached the table Jiyeon sat down beside Lin and stared at her dull face. Lin barely even dared to look back at her, Jiyeon just stared for a few minutes - eyes flickering around on Lin's face.

"Do you mind?" Jiyeon let out a small huff and Lin blinked a few times, "do you mind, like Yang Jungwon?"

"No," Lin shook her head, "neither does Riki."

"I know," Jiyeon nodded with a small breath escaping her, eventually a small smile making its way onto her face, "he stood outside Ravenclaw tower this morning to tell me."

"Now, I have never! This is the library, be quiet!" the librarian's voice carried its way through the entirety of the library. A loud rockus following the yell of the librarian. Turning a few corners and frantically running around until they eventually turned down towards the table where Jiyeon, Lin, Heeseung and Xia sat.

"We've gotta go," Jake breathed out as he looked at Jiyeon.

"Why?" Jiyeon frowned in confusion.

"New rules from teachers," Sunghoon waved it off and looked over his shoulder with crossed arms.

"We're to escort all muggleborn students back to their dorms outside of classes and other mandatory schedules," Jake excused, "we heard you weren't in your dorm. Searched the whole castle."

"Why? Did anything happen?" Heeseung frowned and Jake just looked over at him with pursed lips, "more?"

"Three students in three different parts of the castle," Sunghoon nodded, turning his attention back to the table, "all petrified within the last hour."

"Well shit, you better go then Jiyeon," Heeseung remarked with widened eyes and Jiyeon nodded before hesitantly getting up from her seat. In a flash she had turned to look at Lin.

"Promise me you really don't mind," Jiyeon urged and Lin immediately nodded, "alright... then... I'll see you at dinner tonight. Don't wait for me if you guys are planning on doing something together."

"I'll send Sunoo to the kitchen to pick up cookies for you. As a way to cheer up," Lin nodded, catching a glimpse of Sunghoon discreetly tugging on Jiyeon's sleeve.

"Okay... uhm... bye," Jiyeon smiled slightly before letting herself get pulled along to walk in between Sunghoon and Jake - almost as if they were her two body guards.

Heeseung and Xia letting their eyes linger on the three younger students for a few seconds, both eventually sharing a glance with one another. They might be flunking Divination, but something about Jake had made them both seem skeptical.

"He's in danger, isn't he?" Xia murmured.

"Definitely," Heeseung nodded, "something was off."

"I hate to say it. But I agree with you mr. Trelawney," Xia remarked with a small chuckle, trying to dodge away as Heeseung reached across the table to wack her arm with a small smile on his face.

"Do you think Jiyeon is gonna get petrified as well?" Lin turned back to her sister.

"She's far too protected for that," Xia shook her head with a small smile.

"I just thought... maybe if she did... Jungwon would get to his senses," Lin shrugged and picked at her nails, drawing her attention to her ring finger as she let her thoughts wander off.

"You could never know," Heeseung shrugged, "but don't go around harming her just to get Jungwon to admit he was wrong."

"He knows he's wrong. He knows we know he knows," Lin nodded quietly, "he just won't say it out loud or show it," she frowned thoughtfully, looking to the bookshelf behind her sister. Deep in thought while the two older students returned to write their homework.

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