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After the Bulgarians had caught the snitch, but the Irish won, everyone had started to leave the arena. Surprisingly enough in an orderly fashion. No pushing or shoving. Just calm walking and excited talking from all audiences. Even the five Hogwarts students staying in the same tent had gotten out of the arena relatively fast, all of them delighted with the outcome of the night's match.

"Dad should be waiting for us at the tent as well," Millie assured everyone with a wide grin.

"I'll see you back at the tent in a bit. I see the twins up ahead," Heeseung excused and patted Millie's shoulder, rushing up to walk along two tall red heads further up ahead. Immediately Heeseung seemed to be enveloped in a passionate conversation about the Quidditch match.

"Well, I think I'll be sleeping just fine tonight," Millie declared, moving her eyes to look over at her other three guests, all nodding in agreement, "I don't think I've ever been as engaged in a Quidditch match as I've been tonight."

"Jake and I need to talk over tactics over breakfast tomorrow morning," Jiyeon pointed out and Jake immediately nodded in agreement.

"If you can start playing like the Irish chasers... man, we'd be winning every match from now on," Jake eagerly hummed, "Roger would buy you all of Honeydukes if you could play like that!"

"Dream on," Jiyeon let out a small laugh, picking up a bit of the speed along with Sunoo, and leaving Millie and Jake behind.

"I don't mind carrying you back if you're too tired," Jake muttered to Millie as they reached the edge of the camping sites.

"You don't have to," Millie waved a tired hand, staggering slightly on her legs, "I'm just gonna sleep really well tonight."

"No, come on. I insist," Jake waved it off and Millie let out a small laugh before eventually giving after and jumping up on Jake's back. Clinging onto his back for dear life as he started walking through the camp with her on his back. A small laugh or giggle escaped Millie every once in a while. Eventually passing Sunoo and Jiyeon on their way back.

"I just don't see why you would choose Sinon of all names," Sunoo complained once again to Jiyeon, after having been told his name had been taken from the actor the Greeks had stationed by the coast of Troy to convince the Trojans to take the wooden horse into the city. Eventually leading to Troy's downfall.

"You can be a bit dramatic sometimes... it just fit perfectly," Jiyeon excused once two figures jogged up to walk alongside Jiyeon and Sunoo, "and now we have witnesses to confirm."

"Confirm what?" Riki questioned in amusement.

"Sunoo can be a bit dramatic, can't he?" Jiyeon grinned widely and looked over at Riki to get confirmation.

"Once in a while," Jungwon hummed with a small shrug, "what are you doing now?"

"I think we're going back and celebrating," Jiyeon shrugged and looked over at Sunoo, who nodded - he had decided it was best to just not discuss with Jiyeon on the matter.

"Ah, really?" Jungwon hummed with a small nod, "maybe you should go home and do that?"

"Home?" Sunoo frowned in confusion as Jiyeon only snorted in amusement.

"Yeah... you know... back home in Darlington or Aberdeen," Riki hummed.

"Why would we do that?" Jiyeon let out a small laugh and shook her head. Jungwon's and Riki's smiles immediately disappearing from their faces as they stopped walking. Automatically causing Jiyeon and Sunoo to turn around and look at them with confused amusement.

"I really think you should go home," Riki sternly murmured, continuing to get funny looks from his two friends.

"It would not be safe for neither of you to stay the night here," Jungwon nodded in agreement, a frown presenting itself on Jiyeon's and Sunoo's faces, "I don't know why or what will happen. I just know you're not safe here."

"And you would be?" Jiyeon arched a brow.

"I'm gonna say this as politely as I possibly can," Riki sighed, "but we're pureblood Yeon. If anyone is here to hurt anybody, we're not at too much risk. Besides... we're taking a port key back to York when we get back to our tent. We're not even staying the night."

"How do you know it won't be safe to stay?" Sunoo frowned and sent Jiyeon a glance. She simply crossed her arms across her chest and looked on with an impatient look.

"They talked about harming muggles in town and terrorising the camp," Jungwon replied quickly, and before Jiyeon could question who had said it he had continued, "it doesn't matter who said it. Just please leave, go home, be safe... we'll see each other at Hogwarts."

"We'll... we're gonna go back to our tent now," Sunoo slowly murmured and Jiyeon nodded as Sunoo turned around to continue walking, Jiyeon following in his heels.

Both Riki and Jungwon had been dismayed at their warning being brushed off and had caught with Jiyeon. Jungwon reaching out to get a hold of her elbow.

"Leave before midnight, please?" Jungwon murmured and Jiyeon only frowned over at him, "send Cupid with a letter once you're home and alright."

"You two are behaving weirdly," Jiyeon shook her arm out of Jungwon's grip. Picking up her pace she caught up with Sunoo and rushed back to the tent with Sunoo.

Back at their tent the rest had already arrived. Jake and Millie sitting by a table and speaking with an elderly man, most likely Millie's dad. Over in his bunk, Heeseung had picked up a Quidditch book he had bought from a vendor earlier in the day. Eagerly flipping through the pages and closely watching the pictures move and show the most difficult Quidditch techniques and tricks used to date.

However, Jiyeon and Sunoo both kept thinking about how they had been asked to leave. Quietly muttering between themselves about how exactly Jungwon and Riki had been so convinced that they couldn't stay. After all, both Jungwon and Riki came from extreme pureblood families.

By the time the clock had almost hit midnight screams and booms had echoed outside the tent, alarming everyone within seconds. Millie's dad had been the first to go out and check on what was happening. Returning within seconds to look sternly around at the five young students.

"Death Eaters," Millie's dad shortly concluded, "I'll take you all back to Bristol. Divide into two, I can only take a few on apparition at a time."

Despite initial confusion Jake was quick to think and rushed to divide his friends into two groups. Quickly shoving Sunoo over to Heeseung and Millie. Millie would be the first one to go, Jake knew that. After all it was her dad, who was taking them back.

"You two wait right outside the tent, and hide on the ground. Don't stay in the tent in case they try and burn it," Millie's dad sternly pointed out as he grabbed onto the first three and disappeared into the thin air.

Jake was quick to tug Jiyeon with him and outside. Everywhere tents stood in flames and smoke flew towards the sky.

"Bloody hell..." Jake murmured and looked about himself, subconsciously pulling Jiyeon closer to him, "mr. Kirk will be back in no time."

"What is that?" Jiyeon murmured and looked up at the sky. Jake's eyes quickly following after her gaze.

Up in the sky a skull had appeared, opening its mouth as something looking like a snake snuck out of the mouth. Somewhere an eerie feeling in Jiyeon convinced her that she had seen it before, but she didn't get time to think about it before a pop behind her had grabbed onto her and Jake's shirts and pulled them away. Letting them tumble out on the living room floor of Millie's house along with Millie's dad.

"Everyone alright?" mr. Kirk, Millie's dad, immediately questioned as Millie's stepmom rushed in with what looked like a tray of tea cups and a kettle.

"Just fine," Jake hummed as Jiyeon looked over at Sunoo with wide eyes.

"What?" Sunoo frowned, rushing over to help Jiyeon up on her feet.

"It was Jungwon's boggart," Jiyeon whispered quietly to him, "in the sky... it was there. I'm sure."

Sunoo could only frown in return as Jiyeon nodded and was given a cup of tea from mr. Kirk.

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