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Millie and Soomin happily walked with their arms linked, heading straight towards Honeydukes, the main sweets shop in Hogsmeade. The day after tomorrow students would leave to go home for Christmas or stay the winter at Hogwarts with their friends, which meant the year's very last trip to Hogsmeade was vital for every student at Hogwarts.

"What have you two now done?" a voice questioned once Millie and Soomin had entered Honeydukes with far too much giddy energy for Jay's liking - immediately raising his suspicion for the two.

"Who says we have done anything?" Soomin questioned in return, trying to suppress her smile, "the question is... what have you two done?" she questioned, making a very confused and offended Sunghoon turn around from the hard sweets he was looking at to instead look towards Soomin.

"Well, clearly you two have done something... Miko is nowhere to be seen," Jay remarked and Millie sighed heavily.

"She's sick," Millie complained, "and would you believe it? She didn't even agree to go to the hospital wing!"

"It's just a cold," Soomin defended.

"Which could be treated in no time if she just climbed up that stupid ladder," Millie pointed out, "but no. She'd rather stay in bed and be sick. Plus, you two clearly have gotten rid of Jake in some way."

"No... he had other plans for today," Jay shook his head, "he went with Sunoo earlier."

"Sunoo?" Millie frowned, "Jake went to Hogsmeade with sweet little Sunoo?"

"He did," Jay nodded.

"Sweet and little?" Sunghoon butted in instead, "that kid is the most vile kid I have ever met."

"What do you mean?" Soomin chuckled, "he's always so polite. Just because he refused to budge and talk Jiyeon off the Quidditch team."

"You should've heard him," Sunghoon immediately defended, "he's evil. I swear."

"Maybe in another world I'd believe you," Soomin snickered in amusement before turning her head to look at Millie, "now if you'd excuse us we have to go get some chocolate to the deadly sick in Millie's dorm."

"I swear... if she contaminates it..." Millie trailed off, "I have to stay there over Christmas."

"But so does she, right?" Soomin chuckled.

"Yeah, but I don't wanna get sick, just because I sleep in the same room," Millie scrunched up her nose in dismay.

"Are you going home for Christmas this year?" Jay frowned and looked at Soomin. She immediately nodded, "your aunt wants you home for Christmas?"

"Some family is visiting," Soomin waved it off, "so I have to return home from my expensive and prestigious boarding school... or whatever she called it. Why would that be a problem? I thought you were going home as well."

"We are," Jay nodded, "Jake just complained no one else was staying with him. But now I hear both Millie and Kumiko are staying, so it'll be fine."

"Yeah... we'll give him the worst time," Millie grinned widely before patting Soomin's arm, which was linked with her own, "chocolate?"

"For sure," Soomin nodded with a big grin as well.

"The best chocolate is down in the far left corner," Sunghoon pointed out and both girls happily nodded before skipping down towards the far left corner. Arms still linked with one another.

"They were weird, weren't they?" Jay questioned and Sunghoon, who had turned back to the hard sweets, simply shrugged in return, "too giddy for their own good."

"I'd say just let them be happy," Sunghoon excused, "it's not like they're planning the end of the world."

"Oh, how wise you are," Jay sneered.

"I am in Ravenclaw for a reason," Sunghoon hummed with a satisfied smirk on his face.

"I'm smart too," Jay defended.

"Mhm... sure you are," Sunghoon hummed and picked out some raspberry sweets, turning the package in his hand, "do you think the girls would like these?"

"Why would that be rele- are you buying them sweets, but not me?" Jay gasped in disbelief.

"I can understand if you're still completely oblivious at this point," Sunghoon waved it off, "but we're all in our fourth year, aren't we?"

"Obviously," Jay nodded.

"And you mean to tell me that neither Millie, Soomin nor Kumiko have had their periods yet?" Sunghoon questioned in amusement.

"I- no! Why would I? You've thought about that?" Jay exclaimed a bit too loud for the students by the nearby shelves.

"Not particularly, no," Sunghoon shook his head, "I'm just buying sweets to keep on me for the days they're in a bad mood. Stay on their good side as much as possible... maybe I should get small chocolate balls instead. I know they have some with raspberry filling."

Sunghoon mindlessly wandered towards the shelves with chocolate balls in all sorts of packaging. Leaving behind his stunned brother by the hard sweets. Jay was simply too stunned and too deep into his thoughts - at exactly what point had his brother started to get so socially intelligent? Should he buy some chocolates as well, just to be on the safe side?

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