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A dull looked had permanently painted itself on Lin's face, fingers tapping slowly on the table top. She had sat herself with her sister at the Gryffindor table, despite refusing to speak to any of the other four people seated with her. Xia had simply ignored her sister's dull mood while she discussed some Divination homework with Heeseung, determined to finally tell a prophecy professor Trelawney would believe. Soomin, who sat across from Lin, was far too busy explaining some History of Magic homework to Sunoo, and the rest of the Great Hall was mostly empty if not for the few people that were saying goodbye to their families.

The only thing that seemed to be interesting to Lin was when I fully decked out Jiyeon came running into the great hall. Covered in so many layers that her face barely even were noticeable behind the dark blue scarf. 

"Sunoo?" Jiyeon called out, said boy turning in his seat to look at the girl running up to him. Behind her Jiyeon's hair bounced up and down before she came to a halt and tapped Sunoo's shoulder quickly, "I need to ask a favour of you before I go."

"What is it?" Sunoo questioned with a frown, "I already said I'll take care of our Asphodel while you're home for Christmas."

"I know," Jiyeon smiled sheepishly, "I just wondered if you could send an owl to your dad... about giving me a lift home once the summer is over?"

"I could try..." Sunoo nodded slowly, "where are you from?"

"Darlington," Jiyeon smiled widely, "I know it's just on the way if you take the A1. You can still catch Perth as well from Darlington," she quickly added on and looked towards Soomin with a small smile.

"I'll have to ask. It's already a very long trip," Sunoo pointed out and Jiyeon immediately nodded, "if anything my dad was offering to pick me up in Dufftown. You could catch the train from Aberdeen. There's a station in Darlington, isn't there?"

"Yeah," Jiyeon immediately nodded, "it's just... initially my family would get me from King's Cross, but apparently there's something at the university the same day, and my dad don't have more sick days to take the day off. So transport is a bit tight."

"I'll send my dad a letter and have an answer for you after Christmas," Sunoo nodded with a small smile.

"Thank you so much," Jiyeon had almost leaned down to hug him before she looked at the small group around the table, "happy Christmas!"

A small chorus of 'happy Christmas' sounded back at Jiyeon before she rushed back out of the Great Hall to join the stream of students that were making their way down towards Hogsmeade. In particular Lin managed to catch Jiyeon joining a red and green scarf out in the hallway before disappearing into the mass of students.

"Why wouldn't you take the Hogwarts Express back home?" Lin frowned over at Sunoo.

"I live an hour from Hogwarts," Sunoo shrugged, "it's a bit of a hassle to take the train all the way to London and then go back here. It's almost a two day trip," he excused and found a piece of parchment to quickly scribble down the letter to his dad, asking about whether or not they would be able to help Jiyeon's transport problem.

"But... you can just use the Floo Powder network... or apparate," Lin pointed out.

"We've already talked about this, Lin," Xia sighed heavily and turned to her clueless younger sister, who seemed to be confused as to why her sister had been so quick to scold her. 

"What did I say?" Lin questioned in confusion,

"My dad is a muggle," Sunoo calmly interrupted before Xia got the chance to explain. Instead Sunoo calmly folded up his letter and dug into his satchel to find an envelope, "mom's a witch. Died when I was born."

As Sunoo stuffed his letter into the envelope he quickly got up from the table with his satchel and History of Magic book before rushing out of the Great Hall. Trying to fight against the stream of students going home for Christmas.

"Well, how was I supposed to know?" Lin defended and looked towards her older sister.

"You weren't. But you have a habit of assuming everyone is completely used to magic," Xia pointed out, "Sunoo is a great example. Half-blood, but only experienced magic when he entered Hogwarts."

"I didn't know," Lin defended.

"Jiyeon too," Soomin pointed out, "as far as I understand Jake has almost adopted her up in the Ravenclaw common room. Sunghoon complains about them constantly."

"Jiyeon's half-blood too?" Lin frowned in confusion, trying to find meaning behind such an enthusiastic student being a half-blood.

"No," Soomin shook her head with a small chuckle, "she and Jake are both muggleborn. They've been trying to hex a Nokia telephone all year so far."

"Telephone?" Xia frowned.

"Muggle born?" Lin questioned.

"A telephone is well... a howler, but not really a howler. It's uhm... you use it to talk to each other in real time," Soomin frowned, trying to explain as best as possible.

"Say... I'm in Hogsmeade, and you are here," Heeseung started and patted Xia's shoulder, "you asked me to get you something, but I can't remember what. So instead of walking all the way back here to find you and ask you and go back. I can call you on a telephone, if we both have one and have each other's telephone number. That way, we can be in two different places and use a small device to speak to one another."

"Oooh..." Xia nodded slowly, "that's pretty cool," she realized in surprise, "and that's normal muggle things?"

"Every house has one," Soomin nodded slowly, "some people have one they carry around in their pocket. The thing is... they don't work at Hogwarts. Some spell on the castle that blocks out their function... I didn't get it completely, Jake rambled on about it for an hour or so when I was doing homework."

"They sound pretty useful though," Xia remarked and Soomin quickly nodded in agreement.

"They are," Soomin agreed, "it would definitely make it easier for the ones of us who have muggle parents that are not used to bird post."

"My dad did not look too happy when I got my Hogwarts letter," Heeseung chuckled and shook his head, "I don't think he was ready for an owl sitting in the bathroom with a letter."

"My aunt nearly killed the poor bird," Soomin shook her head in disbelief.

"A telephone..." Xia trailed off, trying to think up a way she might be able to help Jiyeon and Jake to get the peculiar thing to work inside the walls of Hogwarts. Maybe she would have the solution by the time Christmas was over.

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