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For their very first charms class Kumiko and Millie had walked together, happily chatting back and forth as they kept on adjusting their cloaks, which still were a bit too big for both of them. They would eventually grow into them, they were sure of that.

"Soomin!" Millie grinned widely once they entered the charms classroom a few minutes before class started. The red clad girl looked up from her wand, which she were turning between her hands, and looked back over at Millie. A wide smile breaking on her face.

"Maybe Millie the Hufflepuff didn't sound too good, but you look better in yellow than I would," Soomin grinned widely as Millie rushed up to sit beside Soomin, Kumiko following on her other side.

"Yeah, well you probably look better in red than I would've anyways," Millie shrugged and sat down happily, first then noticing how Soomin kept on eyeing the girl behind her nervously, "oh right! Soomin this is Kumiko... or well... we could just call her Miko. Right?"

"Yeah," Kumiko immediately nodded and extended her hand towards Soomin, "just call me Miko or... well, no one really calls me Kumi besides my sister."

"Miko it is then," Soomin happily nodded, "my name's Soomin. Not Sophie. Please don't call me Sophie. Only Soomin."

"Alright. Just Soomin then," Kumiko happily nodded, quickly glancing backwards as the row behind the girls started to fill up. Any students on the second row would by default sit a bit higher than any of the students on the front row. It was simply how the classroom was. It was easier to see everything then.

"Oi... Lim," a voice whispered behind Soomin and a strand of her hair was tugged. 

Abruptly Soomin turned her head and frowned up at Jay, who took the seat right behind her with two Ravenclaws tailing behind him. 

"What do you want?" Soomin complained and reached out to smack Jay's arm. Her arm coming short by just a few centimeters.

"Will you help me with homework tonight? I didn't understand everything professor Snape said," Jay whispered.

"And you think I did?" Soomin retorted in a low voice.

"Minus and minus equals plus, doesn't it?" Jay questioned making Soomin immediately frown.

"It does," Kumiko piped in with a small nod, earning a confused look from both Millie and Soomin, "I went to muggle school before Hogwarts."

"Huh... good for you," Millie patted her shoulder gently.

"Who's your friends?" Jay questioned and nodded his head towards Millie and Kumiko.

"Millie and Miko," Soomin calmly excused and turned around in her seat before frownin in realization. The two boys beside Jay looked awfully familiar. She abruptly turned back around, "and those two?" she questioned and nodded to the two Ravenclaw boys.

"My brother, Sunghoon, and our train friend Jake. He's spending the summer with us to live with magic," Jay grinned widely.

"How generous," Soomin bitterly smiled at Jay.

"Are you two sworn enemies or something?" Millie whispered and Soomin immediately shook her head, "you just... you seem a bit bitter, don't you?"

"He grabbed the last pastry this morning. Right in front of my nose, if I could I would curse him on the spot," Soomin excused sternly before sending Jay a small glare.

"Wouldn't we all, wouldn't we?" Sunghoon sighed and shook his head in agreement, "what do you think I've been trying to do for the past eleven years?"

"Hopefully making progress," Soomin snickered in amusement.

"If you eat breakfast at the Ravenclaw table tomorrow, we promise we won't steal any pastries," Jake piped in and patted Sunghoon's shoulder, the other Ravenclaw immediately nodding in agreement.

"I'll be joining that," Kumiko grinned widely as Millie nodded in agreement.

"Who will I talk to then, during breakfast?" Jay quickly interrupted.

"I'm sure Heeseung can help you with potions," Soomin waved her hand calmly and turned back around in her seat in time to watch a particularly small man make his way through the classroom and up onto a podium.

Behind her Jake's eyes almost bulged out of his head, nearly forcing a laugh out of Sunghoon. A laugh which quickly were covered up by a cough before he could cost his house a handful of points.

For most of the students the first charms class always seemed to drag on incredibly slowly. Maybe it was because professor Flitwick insisted that introducing everything you'll be doing in the year, in the very first lesson, is the most efficient way to do his teaching. Perhaps it's simply because it is incredibly boring to go over a whole year's curriculum, when you barely even fathom what the charms do and what spells even go under the category of charms.

"I'd really love it if I could just witness someone do magic with a wand," Jake complained as he gathered his book, once Flitwick finally had announced that class was over, "I have yet to see anyone actually perform magic, and I'm already a day in.

"Well, there's always the small charms," Millie piped up and turned around to look up at Jake, "if You'd like I can show you some during the lunch break. I have History of Magic now, but during lunch I might be able to show you a few small ones. Dad taught me a few before I was sent off to school."

"Really?" Jake's face lit up and Millie immediately nodded, "I'd love that."

And so it happened that Jake learned three very basic spells during his lunch break on the first day of school. Lumos, Nox and Engorgio - the latter came in handy with enlarging his chicken wing for lunch, which Jake were quite happy about. Although he doubt he would be using it on his food any time soon as the taste didn't enlarge with the size of the food, it moreso disappeared.

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