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Slowly as the last day of school rolled around and neared, Millie had found herself skipping around the Great Hall for the last lunch before they would get on the Hogwarts Express tomorrow morning. Only this morning had a eerily familiar Barn Owl delivered a letter to Millie and now she had to go about and ask everyone else.

"Jake!" Millie called out as she rushed up to the Ravenclaw table, a wide grin on her face as she caught the attention of both Sunghoon and Jake, "you're going to the world cup, right?"

"Got my tickets just last month," Jake nodded with a big smile.

"Do you have a camp site? Dad has a tent and has offered to set it up and stay with us if you'd like to join," Millie explained and clutched her letter tightly in her hands, "Jiyeon just agreed to join this morning," she excused and turned around the letter with a small smile, "so you won't be alone."

"Who else is going?" Jake questioned witha  nod.

"I asked Lin, but she didn't have a ticket," Millie excused and nodded her head towards the Slytherin table behind Jake and Sunghoon, "I agreed with Heeseung that he could join us back in February. Sunoo said he had to ask his parents first, but did have tickets so that he could go."

"I'll join you," Jake nodded with a small smile, "and your dad is staying with us?"

"Yeah," Millie nodded, "he doesn't have a ticket, but he'd go home during the match and then come back in the evening to make sure we all got back and in bed... you know... just playing a parent," Jake smiled at Millie's explanation before her eyes drifted over to Sunghoon, "are you going as well Sunghoon? We can find space for you as well."

"Jay and I are staying the summer with our grandparents in Ireland," Sunghoon shook his head quietly with a small smile, "but I appreciate the invite."

"Soomin said something about Ireland as well... maybe you'd pass by one another," Millie smiled before sending Jake a knowing look.

"Soomin in Ireland?" Sunghoon frowned and Millie nodded and clutched Jiyeon's letter tightly in both her hands, "for what?"

"I'm really not sure. She seemed pretty happy, so I think her aunt sent her off on something," Millie waved it off, "maybe some summer school of some sorts. In Ennis, I believe."

"Ah... no, we're staying in Trim," Sunghoon pointed out but smiled afterwards, "perhaps we might go in and see Dublin on the same day."

"Maybe," Millie shrugged, "but... I'll go ask Sunoo if his parents have answered him yet. So... I'll see you on the train."

"For sure," Jake nodded with a wide grin watching as Millie skipped the rest of the way back to her seat at the Hufflepuff table. Immediately turning to ask Sunoo.

"You're in love," Sunghoon remarked and Jake immediately shook his head, "oh no, you are."

"Shut up, will you?" Jake murmured and looked back down at his lunch, "you were ready to abandon your grandparents at the realization that Soomin would be in Ireland for some of the summer as well. You're more in love than I am."

"Soomin's just a good friend," Sunghoon shrugged, getting a disbelieving look from Jake - who almost sneered at him.

"Whatever you say man," Jake shrugged and looked back over at the Hufflepuff table towards Millie's seat, meanwhile Sunghoon's eyes quietly searched the Gryffindor table.

"We're worse when Jiyeon isn't here, aren't we?" Sunghoon eventually questioned with a small frown on his face.

"Oh definitely," Jake nodded and lifted his chin from his palm, "she's a tad bit more sensible."

"Making us more sensible," Sunghoon hummed with a small nod."

Meanwhile, over by the entrance to the Great Hall a few voices managed to rise above anyone else's. Soon enough around the corner came Heeseung with a clearly livid Xia hot on his heels. 

Xia was not holding back from voicing out her thoughts out loud. No matter ho would be listening. Her list of complaints went as follows:
-Heeseung ignoring her
-Heeseung treating her like air
-Marie Benson being an insufferable and a Gryffindor with a superiority complex
-Heeseung being bipolar

Of course the list might've not been in the correct order, but the overall content was there. Heeseung was remarkably good at ignoring her before he eventually snapped about and loudly told her to shut up and leave him alone. A silence lasting at the Gryffindor table before Xia eventually went walking straight for the Slytherin table, steam almost fuming out of her ears - had it been possible.

"That's a way to end the year," Jake commented and Sunghoon immediately nodded in agreement and placed his chin in his palm as well. Mirroring Jake's position. Eyes eventually drifting back to the Gryffindor table once Xia had passed the Ravenclaw table.

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