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Heeseung couldn't help but let out a small laugh as he watched Xia struggle down the stairs from the Gryffindor common room. His trunk in her hands as she kicked it a bit in front of her to take a step down. Going awfully slow and holding up quite a few people on the stairs by now.

"You know... I could carry that myself," Heeseung remarked in amusement once they were halfway down the stairs.

"Nonsense," Xia cheerfully waved it off, sending him a wide smile over his shoulder, "I'm doing just fine."

"I would like to catch the train home, you know?" Heeseung let out a small laugh, rushing down by Xia and stopping a few steps below her, "so I'll carry it before you break a leg or two in a tumble down these stairs."

With a small yank Heeseung pulled the trunk out of Xia's hands and into his own, turning around and casually continuing down the stairs. For a few seconds Xia was stunned, not saying a word and staying on her stair step. Eventually rushing down to follow behind Heeseung.

"Why is it even that heavy anyways? You're going home for Christmas, not for good," Xia remarked, "what could you possibly need for those days?"

"I have Christmas gifts to hand over to my family," he casually excused causing a frown to immediately grow on Xia's face.

"I thought you said you only needed muggle bought gifts," Xia retorted earning a small laugh from the boy in front of her as he reached the bottom of the stairs and turned to wait for her as she skipped down the last few steps.

"So? I can't get ahold of that right now anyways. At least not while I'm at school, and a few days until Christmas doesn't exactly give me a lot of time to go out and buy gifts," Heeseung shrugged with a small smile, "now... will you follow me to the door or will I have to go along with the stream?"

"I uhm... I promised Lin and Emiko that I would help them make some Christmas decorations they could put beside Jiyeon's bed," Xia excused quietly, "I think Emiko might've convinced Kumiko that she should make one for Jake as well."

"Alright," Heeseung nodded quietly, "then I have something for you."

"Oh, no I-" Xia started but halted her voice to a stop once Heeseung started digging in his pocket for a small soft package he had wrapped the night before, "Heeseung... I've forgotten to buy you a present..."

"Don't think about it," Heeseung shook his head with a soft smile and extended the soft package towards Xia, "I've had this present since last school year so... I'm just relieved to finally get rid of it."

"You're weird, you know that?" Xia chuckled and carefully accepted the package.

"But first open it on Christmas morning, alright?"

"Yeah... I promise."

"Alright... then I'll see you," Heeseung nodded about to turn around when Xia opened her arms. A small smile spreading on Heeseung's face as he rushed to give her a goodbye hug for the Christmas days.

"I really am sorry about the gift," Xia whispered and Heeseung only let out a small laugh before patting her back and pulling away from her.

"You stop thinking about that," Heeseung reminded with a smug smile, "and once I get back in January you will have completely forgotten about this."

"But I'm sure your gift is nothing but amazing," Xia complained and looked down at the package in her hand, "sometimes you're really annoying, you know?"

"Yeah... but you still love me," Heeseung reminded and nudged her shoulder gently - glancing over his shoulder and out towards the hallway where everyone going home for Christmas were rushing by, "are Riki and Jungwon both going home?"

"Yeah," Xia nodded and looked out on the hallway as well, "a bit of a bummer. Riki really wanted to help us with Christmas decorations. I promised he could help later in the year if she wasn't awake again by then."

"Alright," Heeseung nodded, "just you girls then. Soomin too?"

"I don't think her aunt wants her home," Xia frowned as she shook her head, "just us girls and then of course Jake. But he doesn't have a choice."

"No... I guess not," Heeseung shook his head with a small smile, "well... I best go, and you best run off to get ready for Christmas."

"I'll see you in January!" Xia's last yell was heavily drowned out once Heeseung disappeared into the flow of students that all were rushing down towards the station in Hogsmeade. Eager to get home for Christmas and celebrate with their families.

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