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"You have to admit, going to the library is a bit... Jiyeon, you're only a first year," Emiko remarked as she walked between Lin and Jiyeon on their way towards the library.

"So?" Jiyeon chuckled and took a turn down a corridor, "first years are allowed in the library, aren't they?"

"They are, but... it's just weird, isn't it?" Emiko questioned and quickly looked to Lin.

"I don't know... I wouldn't say so," Lin shrugged and glanced over her shoulder, "I do, however, have an odd feeling that we're being followed."

"Followed?" Emiko halted her steps and turned around, looking back down the hallway, "by who?"

"I saw something yellow," Lin casually excused.

"Sunoo?" Emiko called out, her voice echoing off the walls.

"Sorry... I just..." Sunoo trailed off as he eventually came around the corner and sheepishly looked at the three girls at the end of the hallway, "I just... I haven't really befriended any other Hufflepuff from my year," Sunoo excused, "your sister is kind to me though."

"Well, you don't need friends in your year, do you?" Emiko smiled slightly, "come on. You can just come along. Jiyeon wants to go to the library."

"I know," Sunoo nodded and rushed down to them, before realizing how weird he had sounded, "I uhm... I heard her talk about it at lunch, we sat close to each other. I needed a book for my History of Magic homework, so..."

"Just come along," Lin sighed and reached out to grab Sunoo's arm, pulling him with them down the hallway.

Sunoo's ears turned a bright red from embarrassment as he followed with the three girls down to the library. Quite quickly the girls split up, leaving Sunoo with the hard decision of who he should follow. Naturally he would've followed his Herbology partner, but once Emiko had rushed with Jiyeon Sunoo had found it a pity to let Lin go by herself.

"What book is it that you're looking for?" Lin questioned as she started roaming up and down the bookshelves with Sunoo on her heels.

"Something on Emeric the Evil," Sunoo replied and Lin nodded, folding her hands behind her as she continued to wander up and down the shelves, "you don't really talk much, do you?"

"Hm?" Lin hummed and turned her head, abruptly stopping in her steps. It had almost forced Sunoo to collide into her, instead he had been just as quick to stop in his pace.

"I just... I noticed in Herbology, but perhaps you were just shy," Sunoo shrugged and glanced behind him, "but you're walking around with Emiko and Jiyeon, you don't really talk to them, you're just there. Then when you say something it's not a lot."

"Have you been watching me?" Lin questioned with a frown and Sunoo shook his head quickly.

"I'm just... observant, I suppose," Sunoo excused with a small smile, "as I said... I haven't really made any other friends yet... so... I don't have much to do," he excused and started picking at his nails, "you don't really speak with Jungwon or Riki either, during meals. But you sit together. Will you tell me why? Because I don't think you're shy. And you're not cold either."

"Says who?" Lin straightened up a bit, getting ready to defend herself from any blows he might come with.

"Says I," Sunoo shrugged, "but it's just... I feel bad for you."

"Don't," Lin shortly spoke and Sunoo quickly nodded and glanced over his shoulder.

"Well... then I will go look for my book," Sunoo excused and took a few steps backwards, sending lin a tight smile as he glanced her over, "just... you know... I'm as good at listening as I am at observing."

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