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The days between Halloween and Christmas passed quicker than the days since the school year started and until Halloween. It might've just been the the sun hours becoming fewer that made the days seem to pass quicker, either that or it might've been the lack of news on Sirius Black. The convict mostly disappearing from the minds of most Hogwarts student.

"Why is it that Snape always goes over time?" Soomin complained quietly and tapped her foot impatiently, "I didn't even need to leave Divination for my fated toilet visit today."

"You had to word it like that?" Jay frowned and glanced at her, the fingers on his left hand fiddling with a pumpkin fizz cab in the pocket of his pants.

"It's professor Trelawney we're talking about," Soomin chuckled and rolled her eyes, "a random toilet visit isn't enough. I had to fake it since the beginning of class. She even told me to leave when the end of the class neared."

"That woman is simply only knots and bolts," Jay shook his head before quickly looking over at Soomin, "that means... crazy or weird, right?"

"Yeah," Soomin nodded with a quiet sigh.

"I heard Miko use it once," Jay nodded with a small satisfied smile.

"Oh, what an easy learner you are," Soomin hummed sarcastically.

As the door to the Potions classroom opened and fifth year students started piling out of the classroom. Some students far more tired than others. They had most likely been that lesson's victims of Snape's fury.

Once a group of fellow Gryffindor students rushed out of the classroom they all sent their fellow housemates a confused look. Most confused of the Gryffindors seemed to be Heeseung, who was very aware of what subjects they had had beforehand. The divination tower was easily the classroom furthest away from the dungeons, and Jay surely didn't have a class near the dungeons during the previous period.

"What are you two doing down here?" Heeseung frowned. No sensible Gryffindor would go down into the dungeons out of own free will, if it wasn't because they had a potions class.

"Actually... you would kno-" Jay started, before the slightly more sensible Soomin butted in.

"It would happen to be none of your business," Soomin excused, earning an even more confused look from Heeseung before he slowly nodded and continued up towards the Great Hall, in search for lunch.

One of the last to exit the Potions classroom was Xia. She hadn't even looked up before turning in the opposite direction from everyone else. Wanting to stop by her common room before lunch. However, Xia didn't get far before the two displeased Gryffindors that had been waiting outside the classroom stopped her.

"What is this?" Xia questioned, seeming to find it slightly amusing that Soomin and Jay had decided to built a tiny wall in front of Xia. Hindering her from getting down to her common room.

"What is happening?" Jay questioned with a frown.

"What?" Xia frowned as well.

"Marie Benson and Heeseung. What the bloody hell is going on with that?" Soomin complained, crossing her arms over her chest, "I am actually going insane."

"Well, to be fair. I don't really have an idea," Xia shrugged and clutched her books closer to her chest, "as I said to Lin... We went to Hogsmeade together and had fun. I started feeling a bit sick, so I walked back to go to Madam Pomfrey. Sunday he didn't speak to me and gave Marie Benson all of his attention. That's what I know."

"Still not talking?" Jay continued.

"Oh no no, if I try and get to talk to him he excuses that he has to go find Marie for some reason. And that's about all the conversation there is," Xia shrugged, "wait... you're going insane?" Xia turned to Soomin in confusion with a frown.

"Marie Benson is the most insufferable girl I have ever met," Soomin nodded, "we sleep in the same room and she never shuts up. Especially now that she's seeing or dating or whatever some fifth year Gryffindor. She's talking about it as if we're impressed. I would be more impressed if she had bagged a Weasley twin, but she's bragging about Heeseung? Really? And she never shuts up. I just want it over."

"Then talk to Heeseung about it," Xia chuckled, glancing over Soomin's shoulder, "if you don't mind. I need to go get my History of Magic books before my next class. Alright?"

Xia was quick to walk around Jay and Soomin, leaving the two fourth years with less closure than before. Jay sending Soomin a glance - she had by far been the most riled up about Heeseung and Marie.

"A Weasley twin?" Jay arched a brow in amusement.

"Shut up, they're funny," Soomin rolled her eyes and started to walk towards the stairs, "come on. I want lunch."

"You like fun guys?"

"Shut up Jay!"

"No, no, no. You like funny guys."

"Last warning Jongseong!"

Soomin was already halfway up the stairs once Jay let out a small laugh of amusement.

All This Time | EnhypenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora