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Saturday, the 26th September, the weather was remarkably good for that time of year. The sun was shining high on the sky and not a cloud was in sight, in fact it was the perfect weather for the Slytherin try-outs that had taken place that very morning. Most students even resorting to sitting outside in the sun to study.

It wasn't any different for Jake, Kumiko and Jay. All three of which had decided they should sit outside for a bit to study. Jay and Jake both focusing on Arithmancy and Kumiko on her Study of Ancient Runes. All subjects that were new to each of them.

"I bring news," Soomin grinned widely as she rushed towards Kumiko with her Ancient Runes book under her arm.

"What?" Kumiko frowned in confusion as Soomin glanced between all three of her friends that sat by the benches in the courtyard.

"Well, for a starter it turns out my aunt thought I forgot a book at home. But it was from last year, so I just sold the book to another Second year that would be in need of it," Soomin waved it off as she sat down across from the three others, "secondly, Millie is joining us as well. She was struggling a bit with her Muggle Studies, and I might've promised you would help her... Jake?"

"Yeah, no problem," Jake nodded casually, "anything else while you're at it?"

"Emiko's boyfriend made the team," Soomin breathed out and looked back to Kumiko.

"Shut up," Kumiko widened her eyes.

"Who?" Jay frowned as Soomin nodded to Kumiko.

"Little mad cat?" Kumiko continued as Soomin nodded again.

"Who?" Jay questioned a bit louder.

"Are you serious?" Kumiko let out a small chuckle.

"Dead serious. You can kill me on the spot if I'm lying!" Soomin exclaimed in excitement.

"Emiko has a boyfriend?" Jay raised his voice, finally catching the attention of the two girls at the table.

"Oh dear God no," Kumiko let out a small laugh, shaking her head, "we just call him that, because Emiko swears there's no other boy in her year she hates more. Which much mean she's head over heels for him."

"Who is it?" Jake glanced between Kumiko and Soomin eagerly.

"Nishimura Riki," Soomin proudly presented, "new Slytherin beater. Jungwon became their chaser and Draco their seeker."

"But Riki is pureblood, is he not?" Jake frowned, "one of those crazy families?"

"Oh yeah, but he doesn't care," Kumiko shook her head, "he already knows. His sister is in our year. Doesn't say much, but she knows I'm half blood and Emi is my sister. Two plus two is four."

"Ah," Jake slowly nodded, "and Jungwon became chaser, Draco seeker?"

"Exactly," Soomin nodded with a small smile, "I don't suppose we'll have any trouble winning over Slytherin this year," she grinned at Jay, "then our biggest problem is Ravenclaw."

"And we are amazing of course," Jake excused with a small shrug, "especially our keeper."

"Yeah, don't get too full of yourself," Soomin scrunched up her nose at him, "anyways. That was the only thing I had to deliver. Riki and Jungwon on the Quidditch team. Millie asking Jake for help. Yeah..."

"I still don't get why you call Riki for Emiko's little boyfriend?" Jay frowned.

"Because she swears she can't stand him, yet are friends," Kumiko shrugged casually, "it's obvious that she likes him."

"To who?" Jay frowned, making Soomin and Kumiko share a glance. Kumiko immediately shaking her head - giving up then and there.

"You two sisters are very alike, huh," Soomin sighed and opened her book, flipping down to the right page before starting to quietly read.

"What?" Jay questioned in defense, Kumiko immediately snapping her head down to look at Jay.

"Nothing," Kumiko shortly replied.

"Kumiko and Emiko might eb very alike," Jake sighed before looking to Jay, "but you and Sunghoon can be equally as oblivious."

"That's no fair!" Jay immediately complained as Jake glanced over at Soomin, clearing his throat uncomfortably. Within seconds Soomin had straightened up, leaning her elbows on the bench table and squinting her eyes at Jake.

"What do you know that I don't, Sim?" Soomin murmured.

"You haven't asked about where Sunghoon is?" Jake questioned and looked through his book.

"I don't care."

"You don't?" Jake arched a brow and glanced up at her, "I'll have you know he's walking around the Black Lake right now. Needed to go for a walk in this weather."

"And I don't care," Soomin nodded, looking back down at her homework.

However, only a few minutes passed of the four reading and doing their homework. Millie even managed to arrive and open her book in silence, looking it over. Eventually all of them were interrupted by Soomin sighing and closing her book.

"I can't do homework in this weather," Soomin declared and stood up, shoving her book under her arm, "I'll go for a walk."

"Where? The Black Lake?" Jake questioned.

"You know what... I might. Seems like a nice place for a walk," Soomin nodded before turning on her heel and walking off. A snickering Jake watching her back disappear into the castle and turn down a corridor. Jay and Kumiko frowning at Jake in confusion as Millie only seemed to be more confused than the two latters.

"Did I miss something?" Millie frowned.

"Nah... I can just read Soomin like a book," Jake chuckled to himself before looking over at Millie with a wide smile, "she said you needed help with Muggle Studies?"

"Yeah," Millie sighed and brushed her hair away from her face, "what is... a microwave?"

"Sorry?" Jake blinked a few times, his smile dropping as Millie looked up at him, "a microwave? Millie... isn't your stepmom a muggle?"

"Well... yeah," Millie nodded casually, "but the house is purely magical. She doesn't want to use money on muggle things when a wand can do the work."

"Okay..." Jake nodded, folding his hands in front of himself, trying to find the right words to explain what a microwave was - when Millie in reality never had seen one or even heard of the concept.

Who would've thought that Jake, who just had outsmarted Soomin and reading her as if she was an open book, would be left speechless by a question as simple as "What is a microwave?". What was even worse was the follow-up question Millie had posed. "What does it do, exactly? And why?"

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