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"My sister's in Hufflepuff, but to be fair I'm not really keen on any of the houses," a particularly tall girl commented as she rushed up through the Great Hall alongside the rest of the first year students and the one girl she had befriended on the train.

"I'm not even sure what houses there is," the other girl chuckled and looked around herself with great marvel at the architecture and the look of the Great Hall. One question was permanent in her mind, how did the ceiling work just like the night sky outside?

"I'm sure you have nothing to worry about. From my experience you're pretty nice, Jiyeon," the taller girl remarked as she stretched her neck to get a look at her sister down by the Hufflepuff table, "who do you think my sister's friend is?"

"I don't even know who your sister is Emiko," the other girl, Jiyeon, remarked with a small laugh.

"Kumiko," Emiko casually replied as if that would make it any clearer to her new friend. Which it really didn't.

"Fàn, Li Yang."

Jiyeon quickly stretched her neck to watch a girl step forward and up to the stool in front of everyone in the Great Hall. Meanwhile, down by the Slytherin table Xia unconsiously straightened her back a tad bit more and squinted her eyes as the hat was placed upon her sister's head.


The hat had barely even touched Lin's head, and Xia let up in a sigh of relief as her sister jumped up and rushed down towards the Slytherin table. The first Slytherin student of the night. The next two that would be sorted into Slytherin happened to be the same two she and her sister had accompanied on the train. Yang Jungwon and Nishimura Riki. That year Slytherin got the most new students.

"I could see you in Hufflepuff," Emiko remarked as she squinted her eyes at the boy nearing the stool in front of the entirety of the great hall. His name was Kim Sunoo or something along those lines, "with how nice you were with me on the train."

"It would be weird if I had been mean to anybody on my first day, wouldn't it?" Jiyeon chuckled as the sorting hat loudly declared Kim Sunoo to be belonging in the Hufflepuff house, "he looked kind, didn't he?"

"Hm... yeah... I suppose so," Emiko hummed before her eyes widened and looked down at Jiyeon.

"What?" Jiyeon frowned.

"You didn't hear?" Emiko whispered, "it's you... your name... go."

"Song, Jiyeon," professor McGonagall's voice was a tad bit more agitated when she repeated Jiyeon's name, causing for the girl to rush forward and abruptly sit down on the stool.

A few places in the great hall an echo of snickers and chuckles sounded. Just the sound was enough to wash out the sorting hat's mumbles to Jiyeon and burn her cheeks a bright red. It had gotten to the point that once the hat announced she was in Ravenclaw she hadn't heard it and just had to rush down to the table that clapped the most in the assumption that it was the right table.

"Come sit down, hurry," Jake grinned widely and waved the newcomer over to the seat beside himself, "I'm Jake."

"Jiyeon," the girl breathed out with a small relief that she hadn't been turned away immediately and shook the hand extended to her.

"Don't worry, I was nervous too you know? The day I got sorted," Jake whispered to her, noticing how her face still was a flaming red from her small embarassment in front of everyone, "that's Sunghoon, by the way," Jake nodded across the table, earning a small tight lipped smile from Sunghoon, "he can be a bit shy around girls. Don't mind him. His brother, Jay, is much more outgoing."

"I see..." Jiyeon trailed off, glancing at Sunghoon before turning back around and looking up towards the sorting. And it was just in time.

"Takahashi Emiko."

"I sat with her on the train," Jiyeon grinned widely and looked over at Jake before abruptly turning her attention back to Emiko.

She looked quite nonchalant, Emiko, when she sat down upon the stool and stared straight ahead with a blank look. The hat sat on her head for quite a while, yet she never even moved. Not a milimeter. 

It was first after the hat had announced for her place in Gryffindor and that the Great Hall were able to see the entirety of Emiko's face that she did move. Despite the loud cheering and clapping from Gryffindor Emiko almost acted like she could not hear it. She simply walked slowly down to the table and sat down beside whom she'd later learn to be Soomin, one of her sister's good friends.

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