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That evening, when the first years were brought into the Great Hall to be sorted Xia easily caught a glimpse of the two shadows that had barged into her and Heeseung's conversation earlier that day. Had the Great hall been set up in another way, she would've been able to turn around and give a knowing look to Heeseung, but as the nearest table was Ravenclaw she didn't have the chance. In all honesty it did make historical sense for the Gryffindor and the Slytherin table to be positioned at opposite sides of the Great Hall, but nowadays it probably wouldn't have mattered that much.

"My dad was in Hufflepuff," one of the first year girls explained to the other girl she was walking with. Both had only just met on the train, but as neither of them knew no one else, they would have to do with conversing with one another, "expects I'll be in the same house as well."

"Really?" the other girl questioned, "you didn't strike me as a Hufflepuff. It doesn't even have a good sound to it. Millie the Hufflepuff? It would sound better with Gryffindor, wouldn't it?"

"You have a point," Millie sighed as they all came to a halting step, "Millie the Gryffindor has a bit of a ring. I could see it. Besides... red would probably look better on me than yellow would."

"Red would look better on anyone," the other girl snorted.

"You should be in Hufflepuff. Soomin the Hufflepuff has a bit of a ring to it, doesn't it?" Millie questioned, brushing her dark brown hair back over her shoulders and glancing at the pale girl beside her, "Soomin the Gryffindor is a bit... meh."

"I suppose," Soomin nodded.

"What house was your mom in? She was a witch right?" Millie questioned and Soomin shrugged as she stretched her neck a bit to get a look of the front of the group.

"I don't know. My aunt won't tell," Soomin shrugged.

"Huh... weird," Millie mumbled as the sorting started.

Both girls watched in curiousity as their coming classmates got sorted into one of four different colours. Red, Yellow, Blue or Green.

"Bae, Millie Kirk!" professor McGonagall's voice seemed louder to Millie when it was her name that got called out over the great hall, yet she didn't flinch before approaching the stool.

A small smile spread on Millie's face before the hat slid down into her forehead and almost covered her eyes. Had she been counting Millie would know that an exact of seven seconds had passed before the hat had made an announcement for the lesser sounding name. She would have to do with Millie the Hufflepuff for the next seven years of her life. Just like her father had done before her.

When the hat had been lifted from her head she sent a smile to Soomin, which only conveyed that she wasn't too pleased, but at least the hat hadn't yelled her to get out of the school and never return. Soomin watched in amusement as Millie rushed down to the cheering yellow table, only to realize shortly after that her name was being called out.

"Lim, Sophie."

This time Soomin winced, she didn't like when people used that name for her. She had hoped that now she was at Hogwarts she would be able to escape the name Sophie, which her aunt insisted on addressing her with. She wanted to be known as Soomin, just like her parents had intended for her to be known as.

The stool on which you sat when being sorted wasn't that tall, and Soomin came to realize that when she almost had stumbled backwards when she sat down. Everything in the magic world was so new and yet familiar to Soomin. She wasn't scared when the hat started talking, but she was surprised by how familiar the voice was when it started speaking.

"Lim, eh?" the hat questioned with a small chuckle, "I bet your mother wa Samantha Lim? Yes... of course... the same exact mind as her. Then there's only one place to put you. Gryffindor!"

It almost seemed comical that both Millie and Soomin would have to identify with their lesser sounding names while at Hogwarts. This was a thought that immediately struck up in Soomin's mind and had gotten her to let out a small laugh as the hat was lifted from her head. She had to shoot Millie an apologetic look through her laughter as she ran down to the red and golden table, that was awaiting her with excitement. How funny she and Millie had to switch like that.

"Come sit down," one of the second year boys greeted her happily and gestured to the seat beside himself, "I'm Heeseung Lee."

"Soomin, please don't call me Sophie," Soomin immediately shook his extended hand while she sat down beside Heeseung.

"The night's first Gryffindor," Heeseung chuckled and patted her back, turning his attention back to the sorting once more, "oooh... this will be interesting."

"What?" Soomin questioned and watched the next boy walk up to sit on the stool.

"He approached my friend and I on the train, very talkative. Asked if they could sit in our compartment. He might be a Hufflepuff from my judgement," Heeseung murmured as the sorting hat took its great deal of time to decide on the correct placement for the boy on the stool. The interest in Heeseung's face fading into an excited smile as he jumped up and clapped at the mention of Gryffindor, "I was wrong then! How exciting!"

Soomin couldn't help but follow suit and stood up to clap with the rest of the table, watching as the boy rushed down to sit across from her. Quickly she extended her hand towards the boy.

"Jay," he grinned widely before quickly looking over his shoulder again, knowing his brother was up next, "that's my brother. Do you think he'll come to Gryffindor too?"

"Are you alike?" Heeseung questioned and leaned on his elbows across the table as Jay craned his neck backwards to look at his nervous brother up on the stool.

"Far from, and then again..." Jay trailed off and squinted his eyes slightly, worrying that the sorting hat was taking far too long to place his brother in a house.


"Huh... I hadn't seen that one coming," Jay commented before chuckling, "I didn't know he was that bright."

"They're not just clever," Heeseung reminded.

"You're right... he likes planning ahead far too much for his own good," Jay nodded in agreement and turned back to the sorting, "and he probably isn't as brave as me," he snickered.

"Sim, Jake."

"Oh, he sat with us on the train," Jay gasped and turned to both Heeseung and Soomin, eager to tell them about his new friend, "he's muggleborn, and doesn't know anything about Hogwarts or the houses. I wonder what he'll get placed it," Jay frowned and look back up at the boy he had sat with on the train. To his own surprise and Jake's the hat barely even touched his head before announcing Ravenclaw, "Hm... I guess he and Sunghoon will be great friends then."

Soomin nodded quietly in agreement and stretched her neck to look over towards Millie. No new Hufflepuffs had been announced since her, and she didn't look to be even engaging in any conversations at the table. Perhaps she and Soomin would make great friends in the long run, just like they had become on the train. However, one of the last girls remaining in the group a Kumiko Takahashi was sorted into Hufflepuff and didn't seem to struggle one bit when it came to sparking up conversation with Millie.

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