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Soomin turned in her seat with a frown when professor Snape had rushed into the Potions classroom in the dungeons. A frown on her face as she looked towards Jake and Millie, who both were seated beside each other. Immediately a small snicker made its way onto Jake's face and he leaned his elbows on the table.

"What? Missing someone?" Jake questioned in amusement, deciding that while Snape was still writing on the blackboard it was still alright to talk since class technically hadn't started.

"Miko is not here?" Jay frowned in confusion and looked towards Millie.

"It was a night for sure," Millie nodded quietly and brushed her hair out of her face, "we almost thought she had been petrified."

"Is she alright?" Jay questioned and Millie immediately nodded, sucking in a sharp breath before sending a glance up to Snape at the blackboard.

"Yeah..." Millie hummed, "we got professor Sprout for her and everything is alright. She's just not feeling too good today."

"The Girding Potion," professor Snape turned around abruptly with a small 'whish' from his cape. Sternly glancing around the classroom. Millie shutting up like an oyster and directing her attention towards Snape, "when consumed, it increases one's endurance for a considerable number of weeks," he continued and pressed his finger tips sternly together, stepping down between the student table's, doing a slow turn while taking a good look at his students, "I must, however, warn those of you who wish to experiment with this potion... the maximum dosage of this is no more than two small vials. Anything else could potentially end... lethal."

By the time the whole class had gotten their ingredients and gone back to their tables Jay had frowned over towards Millie again. Looking closely as she got the heat under her cauldron turned on.

"When will she be back?" Jay questioned and Millie looked over at him in bewilderment, "Miko? Is she very sick?"

"Oh, no, no, no," Millie shook her head, "she'll be fine by tomorrow."

"Sunghoon's sick," Jake pointed out and nodded at Soomin, who kept sending him suspicious glances, "I walked him to Pomfrey this morning," Jake handed her the small bowl of fairy wings, "he's fine. Just a cold."

"Ah," Soomin nodded quietly, turning her attention to her potion in the making. Focusing on heating her potion until it turns a bright turquoise - after adding in the fairy wings.

Jake snickered to himself, glancing over at her before simply nudging Millie's arm. The girl looking over at him in confusion, only to get nodded in Soomin's direction. A small smile spreading on Millie's face as well.

"How long?" Jake whispered in amusement, mindlessly stirring in his potion.

"Hm... hard to say," Millie frowned, squinting her eyes at the Gryffindor girl on the other side of the table, "not this school year. I don't believe it."

"If we push them towards each other?" Jake offered with a small grin, "perhaps by summer?"

"Mmm... I'm not sure," Millie shook her head quietly, "maybe... next year?"

"First then?" Jake gasped and Millie nodded quietly.

"Pretty sure," Millie agreed.

"I'm gonna up you on that one and say it's not before we're in our fifth year," Jay murmured in return, leaning closer to Millie and Jake, "Sunghoon's still too shy."

"Fair point," Millie nodded quietly, "what are we betting?"

"Trip to Honeydukes?" Jake questioned and Millie immediately nodded, looking towards Jay.

"I'm in," Jay nodded, returning to his potion and adding one flying seahorse to his potion. Rhythmically stirring clockwise. A small smirk resting on his face as he sent Soomin a small glance.

"What?" Soomin murmured once she noticed her house mate looking at her in amusement.

"Nothing," Jay shook his head casually, looking back over towards Millie and Jake, "we were just chatting and you seemed zoned out."

"Chatting about what?" Soomin frowned and looked over at Millie and Jake.

"I was just asking about the Chamber of Secrets," Jake shrugged, "You know... muggleborn, I'd like to know whoever is out for my blood. My dirty, dirty blood," he snickered in amusement.

"Oh, well... did you tell him yet?" Soomin questioned and looked to Jay, "you know of it the best. Don't you?"

"Only from what dad told me about the last time it was opened," Jay shrugged, "my uncle went to Hogwarts then, even though he was only a first year."

"So?" Soomin questioned and Jay cleared his throat.

"Do you really want to know?" Jay questioned and arched a brow of confusion.

"Yeah man, go ahead," Jake nodded, "story time in Potions class. Maybe you could lighten the mood."

"Well..." Jay sighed and straightened his back a bit more, deciding to keep his focus on the mushy colour of his potion while he explained the myth, "Hogwarts was of course founded by the four founders. Helga Hufflepuff, Godric Gryffindor, Rowena Ravenclaw and... Salazar Slytherin. Their own values to represent their houses, which we then represent today I suppose... Uhm... Salazar Slytherin allegedly claimed that magic should be gatekept to the ones that was rightful to it through blood... so... purebloods. I guess you can still see that in the members of Slytherin house now, at least half of the house is against anyone but purebloods attending Hogwarts. The three other founders - Godric, Rowena and Helga - of course didn't agree with Salazar's viewpoints. They believed magic belonged to anyone who possessed it. So... legend has it that Salazar Slytherin built a secret chamber for his heirs to come at Hogwarts. The Chamber of Secrets. No one knows if it exists of course, but there's different stories about it--"

"Such as...?" Soomin frowned and cocked her head to the side.

"Some say it is cursed. Some say it is evil. Others say it's simply a place for the heir to run to in times of need," Jay shrugged, "but it is generally agreed upon that only Slytherin's heir would be able to open the chamber... so of course... enemies of the heir must be mugglebloods, as it was enemies of Salazar as well... last time the chamber was opened a student was killed..."

"Well... now I'm surely in a better mood," Jake declared with a few blinks down at his potion.

"It's not gonna happen again," Millie shook her head, "the teacher's won't let it get that far if it's already happened before. They'll end it before it gets out of hand."

"We can only hope so," Jay nodded quietly, "but maybe someone is just playing pranks on us. Who knows?"

"I don't think this is something other muggleborns have planned," Jake shook his head quietly, "I surely haven't heard anything, and it's across different houses."

"We'll just hope it's over soon then," Jay nodded quietly, looking down at his potion that finally had started to take the turquoise colour he needed it to be before the next step. Leaving his three other friends in a deep silence.

Soomin clearly unsure of how to react kept on sending glances towards Jake. The same did Millie, she did - however - give a few consoling backrubs to Jake, who seemed to be greatly bothered by the possibility that another student might be killed this time around. And that he was in the group of students that was most at risk.

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