Chapter twenty-six

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Annie POV

I texted him like a hundred times, but he didn't receive my messages. I tried to call him but it was no use. Hearina looked at me. "Who are you texting? Your little boyfriend?" She asked and grinned. I rolled my eyes. "I don't have a boyfriend." She shrugged with her shoulders. "Yeah your fuck buddy or whatever.. same thing." I put my phone away and shook my head. "No, it's not the same." Ni-ki looked at me and raised an eyebrow. I looked back. "What?" He shook his head. "Nothing."

I had a weird feeling. I really hope that everything is fine with him. Sunghoon groaned. "We have school tomorrow. I don't wanna to go." Sunoo nodded. "Same here, but we have to. It's our last year. We need to focus on school." Jake said. I got up. "I'm going home. We have school tomorrow." Hearina looked at me. "You can stay here tonight. Actually, all of you." She shrugged with her shoulders. We all agreed and stayed at her house.

The next day, everybody woke up. I couldn't really sleep that much because I was thinking about Jay. I got up and got ready. "Guys, I'm heading home to get my bag!" Hearina nodded. "Alright, see ya at school." I grabbed my shoes and put them on and went home. Before unlocking my door, I locked over to Jay's house. I exhaled. I went in, grabbed my bag, and went out. I was just about to head over to Jay's house when I saw his dad. "Good morning, uncle. " He smiled at me. "Good morning, sweetheart." I looked up at Jay's window. "Isn't Jay coming to school today?." Mr. Park shook his head. "No, not today, sweetheart. He isn't feeling well." I frowned a little. "What happend? Is he okay?" He smiled a little. "Don't worry, sweetheart. He's fine. Just a little cold." I nodded. "Hm okay. I'll visit him later. Bye, uncle." I went to the bus stop to go to school. While I was waiting, I called Jay, but he wasn't picking up. "Weird... he never "ignored" my calls and messages." I mumbled.

I arrived at school and went to the boys and Hearina. "Where is Jay?" Heeseung asked. "He's a little sick today." He nodded. We went to class and sat down. I could really focus because all I was thinking about was Jay. I didn't even notice that Mike sat next to me and put his hand on my thigh. I noticed it when he caressed my thigh and went a little up. I flinched and quickly got up. "What the hell are you doing?!" He grinned. "What? It's not something new for you." I widened my eyes and slapped him on his face. I quickly took my bag and was about to leave the classroom when our teacher was scolding me. "Annie, what do you think you're doing?" I looked at her. "He was touching me!" The boys and hearina quickly got up. Heeseung and Niki went over to Mike and beat him up. "Heeseung, Niki, stop it right now!" The teacher screamed. "Heeseung, Niki, it's enough." I said, and the boys stopped. I went out of the class and had tears in my eyes. The boys and hearina came right after me. "Noona.." Jungwon called, and I stopped walking. Jungwon looked at me, worried. "Are you okay?" I didn't notice that my tears were already running down my face, and I nodded. He wiped my tears and hugged me. I really didn't want to cry, but it was too much for me. First, because of Jay. He never ever ignored my calls and messages and second the thing with Mike. "Shh, it's okay, Noona. It won't happen again. We'll make sure." He caressed my back.

While I was silently crying, Niki texted Jay, telling him what happened in class with Annie. I stopped crying and wiped my tears. "Can you all please not tell Jay." I said with my hoarse voice and scoffed a little. Niki panicked a little and asked. "Why?" I looked at Niki. "It's none of his business what happens with me or what I do." He frowned a little. "I thought you're good with him now?" I just shrugged with my shoulders. "Apparently not. He's ignoring my text messages and calls." I looked at her. "Well... I maybe just texted him and told him what happened.." I smiled sheeply. I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "I'm going home." Hearina looked at me. "Do you want us to come with you?" I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't care. Come if you want to."

We all went to my house. I unlocked the door and went in. Took off my shoes. "Guys, I'll take a quick shower." and went to my room, grabbed my pyjama, and went to my bathroom. I took a quick shower. While I was done and changing, Jay climbed up my window, locked my bedroom door, and was waiting for me in my room on my bed. I dried my hair and went back to my room and saw Jay. I got scared and flinched. "What the hell?! What are you doing here? And why didn't you answer my messages or calls?" He got up and came closer and hugged me really tight. I was a little confused and hugged him back. "Is everything okay?" I whispered. He closed his eyes. "I should be the one asking, princess. Are you okay?" He whispered back. I just nodded. He grabbed my face and looked me in my eyes. "Where did he touch you?" I panicked a little because I know what Jay will do. "Ah, don't worry, I'm good. And besides, Heeseung and Niki already beat him up." He tucked my hair behind my ears. "Princess, that's not what I asked." I looked at him and got a little mad and pushed him away. "Oh wait, so if you want to talk to me or ask me questions, I need to answer, but when I messaged you and called you, you ignored me and didn't even care!" He looked at me and bit his. "Princess, I was sick, okay?" I shook my head and looked up at him, and now I realised that he has bruises all over his face. "Jay... again?" He didn't say anything. I grabbed his shirt and tried to lift it up. "Woah, Princess, relax." and grinned. "Shut the fuck up Jay. I'm not in the mood right now!" He scoffed and took my hands. "Don't worry, it's not that bad."

I shook my head and pushed his hands away. "Why do you always have to fight? Why can't you be like the other boys, huh? They go to school and work and come back home with no injuries and bruises. Why do you always have to hurt yourself." He rolled his eyes a little and mumbled. "It doesn't even hurt that bad.." I looked at him with 'are you serious' face. "That's not the point!" I said a little louder. He scoffed. "Relax, it won't happen again. Now tell me where he touched you?" I shook my head. "It's none of your business." I was about to leave, but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back to him and pinned me against the wall and pressed his body against mine. "Princess, if I ask you where he touched you, you better answer me." I chuckeld lightly. "And what if I don't?" He smiled at me and came closer with his face and whispered in my ear. "It's okay, love. I will kill him anyway." And gave me a quick kiss and let go of me. He walked back to my window and turned around and winked at me. He climbed down my window and went back home. I didn't know how to react "Is he fucking serious?.." I mumbled to my self.

I exhaled and went back to the living room and sat on the couch. Jake looked at me. "Are you okay?" I nodded. "Yeah, I'm good, don't worry." I'm still mad at Jay for ignoring my calls but had the audacity to stand in my room. I got up. "I'll be back real quick." And with that, I grabbed my shoes and put them on and went to Jay. Hearina looked after me. "Where are you going?" But I didn't answer. "Probably to Jay hyungs house." Niki said. Sunghoon exhaled. "What's going on between the two of them?" Everyone shrugged with their shoulders. "God knows.." Jake said.

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