Chapter five

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I went back to class and sat down. I was really pissed who the hell does Mike thinks he is?. I couldn't really focus, so I decided to leave the class. I took my bag and went out. I ignored the teacher calling after me. I was just about to leave when I heard Mike talking about Annie with his friends.

"I think it's going good with the bet. I need a little more time, and I can get her to sleep with me, " He said smirked. "And I'll get 100 bucks each from you."

Did I fucking heard him right?!. My blood started to boil. I went to him, and without any warning, I punch him in his face and threw him on the ground. "You little piece of shit. Do you really think you would get her to sleep with you?!" I started punching and beating him. His friends pulled me off him and pushed me away. One of his friends punched me really hard in my face, and I fell, and it hurt like hell, but I ignored it.

Mike tried to get up, but I went over to him again and beat him up and nearly broke his jaw, but two of his friends came and pulled me away and held me back while the third friend kicked me in my stomach and started to punch me. I groaned and tried to fight back, but i couldn't. I heard the caretaker come and threaten the boys with the principal.

The boys let go of me and ran away with Mike. I fell on the floor trying to catch my breath, but I was in pain. The caretaker came to me and asked me if I was okay. I nodded and got up and went home. I was so angry that I wanted to go after Mike and teach him a good lesson, but I'll do it later.

I reached home and unnlocked the door when I saw Annie's shoe. I took off my shoes and tried to sneak up in my room, but my mother called me.

"Jongseong! Come to the kitchen!" I exhaled and went to the kitchen and saw Annie sitting there with my mother. "Yeah?" She looked at me, shocked and worried, and got up really fast and held my face with both of her hands. "What happened?! You promised me you won't get into fights anymore!" She said with tears in her eyes.

"I'm good. Don't worry, mom." I tried to calm her down and looked over to Annie. I caught her staring at me, little worried. "You promised me, Jay-ah! What happened to your promise?" My mother asked. "He deserved it," I mumbled and rolled my eyes.

My mother slapped me on my shoulder lightly and went to the bathroom to get the first aid box. I looked at Annie, who was still staring at me. "Who did you fight with?" She asked. "No one important, and can we please talk?" She got up and was about to leave, but I grabbed her wrist. "Please listen to me," I begged.

She scoffed. "What do you want?" She asked, annoyed. My mother came back with the box and left it on the table. "I'm in my room. You guys can talk." And went back to her room.

I looked at her. "I'm really sorry.. I shouldn't have put your pictures of the wall, but I was mad because you put a hole in my bike's tyre." She rolled her eyes. "So?! You knew damn well that I hate the pictures, and you still put it all over the hall." I nodded "Well yeah but you also know how much I love my bike, and you still put a hole in it! Aren't we kinda equal?"

"Equal my ass. Let go of me." she tried to pull her hand back, but I holded it tighter. "I'm not done yet." She looked at me, annoyed and mad. "What do you want?" I exhaled. "Please stay away from Mike. He's not a good boy, okay?" She laughed."And you're a good boy, huh? Why should I listen to you?"

I closed my eyes and exhaled. "Please, I heard something that you didn't okay!" And looked back at her. "What did you hear?" I didn't know how to tell her. I started to nibble on my lip. She scoffed. "I don't have the whole day now. Tell me what you heard!"

"Well, he-" I exhaled. "He just wants to sleep with you. He made a bet with the boys that if he gets you to sleep with him, he gets 100 bucks from each of his friends." I didn't know how she would react and looked at her.

She looked at me as if I said the most normal thing. "Okay, so? I want to lose my vir-" she stopped. "I know what I'm doing. You should mind your own business." Did she really was just about to say that she wants to lose her virginity anyway.

"Are you out of your mind?!" I said a bit louder. "So you just accept the fact that he's betting with his boys over you just because you don't want to be a virgin anymore?!" She nodded. I started to laugh because I couldn't believe what she had just said

"So you would basically sleep with anyone who 'offers' to sleep with you because you don't want to be a Virgin anymore?" I asked, and she nodded her head. I don't know why, but I really got mad. I didn't let go of her wrist and dragged her to my room and slammed the door shut, and locked it.

"Take off your clothes." She looked at me with widened eyes."W-what?" I started to take off my jacket, and I was still in pain because of the fight earlier, but I didn't care. "You don't care who you sleep with, right? So take off your clothes and do it with me. " I don't know what the hell is wrong with me, but I couldn't imagine her sleeping with someone else.

"Are you serious right now?!. Jay, we hate each other. We always fight, and now you want me to do it with you? Why?" She looked at confused.

"So? You would've slept with someone anyway. You don't really love Mike, do you? You just wanted to lose your virginity, right?"

She just nodded her head and looked at the ground. "You think I'm a whore, right?" She chuckled lightly. "I know that you know that Mike has a girlfriend, but I saw his girlfriend cheating on him like three days ago.. . I am not a person who would steal someone's boyfriend."

I went over to her and cupped her cheeks with my hands. "I know you my whole life. I know that you're not like that, you silly girl." I smiled at her, "but you're really stupid that you would've slept with anyone just because you want to lose your virginity." I said and smacked her on her forehead.

She rolled her eyes and pouted. "I didn't know what else to do?! Asked the boys? Never! We're friends, and it's weird. Asked you? It's weird, too. We always fight.

I sighed. "Well, we can do it if you want to." And looked at her. She looked at me unsure. "Jay, isn't it weird ... we always fight, and now we should sleep together.?"

I shrugged with my shoulders. "Yeah, why not? We can still fight but fuck." I grinned "like friends with benefits." She rolled her eyes. "We're not friends..". I scoffed, "Okay, then enemies with benefits, better?. Princess, you know what I mean."

She nodded her head "Yeah yeah I know, but I don't know.." She said and started thinking. I sat on my bed. "Why not? I mean, you want to lose it, and I'm a boy, after all. I get needy, too." I shrugged with my shoulders and smirked. She rolled her eyes and hit me on my shoulder. I groaned a little because I'm still in pain. "Omg, I'm sorry!"

"It's okay. So? What do you think?" I asked her. "Don't you have a girlfriend? What's her name again? Saro? No, Sora, right?" I rolled my eyes."She's not my girlfriend. We just fucked nothing more but she's annoying anyways."

She exhaled "I don't know.. it's kinda weird because I know you my whole life and we always fight.. and now this?" I pulled her on my lap and looked her in the eyes. I saw her blushing a little and smirked.

"Princess, why is it weird with me but not with others?" I asked and got closer to her face. I saw her panicking a little and grinned.

"Well, I told you we have known each other for so long and - " she stuttered, but I cut her off with a kiss, and she kissed me back. I smirked into the kiss and pulled away. "Was is that hard?"

She shook her head. "So? It's a yes?" I asked her, and she nodded again. "If you tell the boys or Hearina about it, I will kill you with my own hands!" I just smiled at her. "Alright, Princess, as you wish. It's our little secret." I gave her a kiss on the cheek.

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