Chapter eight

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Annie POV

I woke up seeing Jay lying next to me, and I remembered yesterday. I smiled and looked at my phone. "Ugh, I don't want to go to school." I mumble. I got and tried to go to the bathroom, but I couldn't because I was still in pain. I scoffed and slapped Jay on his back. "You little piece of shit, get up and take me to the bathroom!"

He groaned and woke up looking at me. "Hm, what do you want?" I rolled my eyes."I can't really walk, take me to the bathroom. We have school today, you piece of shit. " He was now smirking. "Ah yeah, should we do it again today?"

I took a pillow and threw it at him. "I can't walk properly and you want us to fuck again?! I swear to god Jay if yo-" he cut me off with a kiss "relax princess, I was just joking" He chuckeld and whispered in my ear with his morning voice.

Ugh, not his morning voice. "I didn't brush my teeth.. " I mumbled and looked at him. He grinned. "I don't mind." He got up and picked me up. I wrapped my arms around his neck and went to the bathroom with him. He put me down and went to pee.

"You're peeing while I'm here?" I asked and didn't turn around. "You already saw me naked." He shrugged with his shoulders, "so I don't see a big difference here." I took my toothbrush and shook my head and brushed my teeth.

He came and hugged me from the back and kissed my neck and grinned against my neck. "You look so hot with my hickeys" He bit his lips. "I really want to give you another one." I turned around and looked at him with a warning look. "Don't you dare! I have to put make-up on because of you."

He chuckeld and gave me a kiss on my cheek. "Okay, okay, chill. I won't do it today." He took a new toothbrush from the drawer and brushed his teeth. I limped to my room and hissed in pain. I went to the closet and picked an outfit that would cover my hickey and picked an oversized shirt and sports pants for him. I went back to the bathroom and gave him his clothes. "Here, this is the only thing I can give you."

"You do know that I can go back home. We're literally neighbours." He chuckeld. "Ah, right, I forgot." he grinned and slapped me on my ass "I'll be back." I groaned in pain. "Jay! It still hurts."

"Oops, sorry, love." And with that, he went home to change. I just rolled my eyes and put make-up on my face and neck, hoping that my hickey won't show. After that, I changed and put a jacket on that would cover my neck just in case my make-up wasn't strong enough to cover his lovebits. I took my bag and went to the living room, putting my shoes on and went out.

I was about to walk to school when I saw Jay coming out of his house with his helmet. "Come on, princess, i'll drive you." I shook my head, "Idiot, we hate each other. We don't go to school together." He scoffed."I'll just tell that my mom forced me. Come on now."

Little did we know that Jay's mom was watching from the window. She was stunned when Jay offered her to drive to school, and she agreed. She saw her limping but wasn't thinking anything.

I went to him, took the second helmet, and got on his bike but struggled a little. I saw him smirking. "Stop smirking before I beat your smirk out of your face." He chuckled and was about to kiss me, but I stopped him. "We're outside!"

He rolled his eyes. "Who's gonna see us? The trees?" I scoffed."Your mother maybe! Idiot, now drive. We're going to be late." He put on his helmet. "Hold on tight, princess." And with that, he drove off to school. I heald on to him my dear life, while screaming and scolding him to slow down.

We arrived and he parked his bike. I got off his bike and took of his helmet and hit him with his helmet. "Are you out of your mind?! I thought that I was about to die!" He chuckled."Not when i'm with you, princess." Hearina and the boys saw us together and came to us. "Am I seeing this, right?! Jay and Annie came together to school?" Hearina asked.

I just rolled my eyes. "Chill, I didn't really want to, but my mom forced me." Jay scoffed. "Are you wearing make-up, noona?" Ni-ki asked me. I nodded. "Yeah, I just felt like wearing make-up today."

"Why? Are you going on a date after school?" Ni-ki asked and wiggled with his eyebrows. "No, as I sai-," Jay started to laugh. "Annie and a date? Haha, that was a good one, Ni-ki." I just rolled my eyes and went to Hearina."Let's go." Hearina looked at me a little worried. "Are you okay?" Jay just smirked and didn't say anything. "Yeah, I just hurt my knee this morning." She nodded, and we went to class.

Jay and the boys came along with us and sat down. I sat down, and Jay decided to sit next to me. "Why are you sitting next to me? Hearina always sits next to me." He pointed his finger to Hearina, who was sitting next to his crush, nearly drooling. I scoffed and shook my head. "Don't talk to me during class!." He nodded. "Alright, Princess." He grinned.

The teacher came and started his lecture, and I noticed a hand on my tight. My eyes widened, and I looked at my tight, noticing Jay's hand. "Keep your hand to yourself!" I whispered with gritted teeth. "Hm?, you want more?" He whispered back and was moving up to my cunt under my skirt. I gasped and bit my lip and tried to push his hand away.

The teacher looked at me. "Is everything okay, Annie?" I nodded. "Yeah, I thought that I saw a spider." I said, embarrassed. The teacher nodded and carried with his lecture. I pinched his hand and tried to push it away. He was smirking and rubbing my cunt. I tried hard not to moan. I couldn't handle it anymore. I got up and asked the teacher if I could use the bathroom.

I went to the bathroom breathing heavily. What the hell is wrong with him?! I calmed down and was about to leave when I saw someone entering the bathroom.

《you're mine》|| p.jsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora