Chapter nine

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I smirked as I saw Annie leaving. I noticed Mike leaving as well. I frowned and got up, asking the teacher to leave for the bathroom. I followed Mike, seeing he was walking towards the ladies' bathroom. I saw him entering the bathroom. I quietly followed him but hid behind the door.

"I didn't know that you were into that stuff." Mike said and smirked at Annie. She got startled and asked him confused. "What do you mean? And why are you even here? You're not allowed here."

He smirked and got closer to her. "I saw what Jay was doing to you in class." She took a step back and acted dumb. "What do you mean? I don't know what you're talking about. "

"Oh really? Do you want me to show you what I'm talking about?" And grabbed her wrist, pulled her closer. She tried to push him away. "What the hell are you doing?! Let go!"

"Why? You didn't mind Jay touching you, and you guys hate each other. So what's wrong with me touching you the same way he did?"

I couldn't stand him touching her and went to him and pulled him away from her and punched him in the face. "Didn't you hear what she said you little fucker? Step the fuck away from her. This is my last warning!"

Annie widened her eyes and looked at me. "Jay! Don't"

He stumbled back and looked at me with anger, and punched me back. "Mind your own business. I can do whatever I want to." I groaned and wiped the blood from my lips and grabbed him by the collar. "I'm not playing. You know damn well what I'm capable of. Don't you fucking dare to mess with what's mine!." And with that I pushed him to the ground and punched him for the last time.

"Jay, please stop!" Annie begged me. I took her hand and walked out of the bathroom. She stopped walking and looked at me. "Was it really necessary to punch him again?"

I looked at her in disbelief. "Annie, he tried to touch you! Are you that desperate?." She looked at me, shocked. "Wow.. is that really what you think of me?" I exhaled. "No, look, i'm sorry, okay? He tried to touch you, and I know that you tried to push him away, but he wouldn't - " I looked at her. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to -" she cut me off. "It's okay. Let's treat your wound."

"I'm good. Let's go back to class." She nodded, and we went back to class. The boys and Hearina looked at us worried and confused. I whispered that I will explain it later.

After the class was over we packed our things and went to the cafeteria and sat down. "Now tell us what happened hyung" Jungwon asked. I exhaled. "Well, I saw how Mike was following Annie, and I had a bad feeling and followed him too. I saw how he was trying to touch her and beat him up."

Everyone looked at me worried. "Noona, are you okay?" Jungwon and Ni-ki asked at the same time. Annie nodded. "Yeah, I'm good. Don't worry, guys." Hearina got mad. "I swear to god. Next time I see him. I will cut off his dick and shove it down his throat."

Annie giggled and nodded. "I'll help you." Heeseung shook his head. "You girls won't do anything. We're here. We'll take care of it." Annie put her hand on her mouth and wiped her fake tears away. "Omg, you guys are so cute. What would I do without yall"

I just rolled my eyes. "Ok enough now. There is a party tomorrow at Soobin's House. Yall coming, right?" The boys nodded and Hearina looked at Annie "Are you going?" She shrugged with her shoulders "I don't know yet. I'll let you know if I'm going" Hearina nodded.

Annie looked at us. "Guys, I'm being honest right now. I'm gonna skip school. I'm not in the mood to listen to Mrs. Lee talking about the same subject over and over again." She got up and grabbed her bag.

Hearina exhaled. "I wish I could skip too, but my mom will kill me. So I have to stay." She pouted. I got up as well. "I'm leaving too. See yall later." and walked out of the school to the parking lot waiting for Annie.

After a few minutes, Annie came as well and took my helmet. "Are you okay?" She nodded and hopped on my bike. I put my helmet on and drove us home. After we arrived, I parked my bike and helped Annie to get off the bike. "Thanks." She mumbled

I took off my helmet and looked at her. "What's wrong?" She shook her head. "Nothing, you want to come over?" I just grinned at her. She rolled her eyes. "Of course you want to come over." And chuckled.

She unlocked her door and went in. I followed her and took off my shoes. I went to the living room and laid down her couch. I saw her coming towards me. "Do you want to eat something?" I grinned at her."Well.. you know -" she cut me off and rolled her eyes. "How come that you're always horny? I never noticed it." I grabbed her hand and pulled her on my lap.

"I don't know, pretty girls make me horny." I grinned at her. "We pretty much ignored each other, and I had Sora." She scoffed and tried to get up. I put my hands on her hips and closed my eyes. "Stay."

She put her head on my chest and closed her eyes as well. I wrapped my arms around her, and after a while, we fell asleep.

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