Chapter two

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Annie POV

I went to the classroom with Hearina and sat down. She looked at me. "It wasn't really nice of you that you kicked him down there, and besides, what did you do?"

I giggled. "Well, he deserved it, and maybe I put a hole in his bike's tyre." I shrugged with my shoulders. She looked at me, shocked. "He will kill you like literally kill you. I'm really scared for you. I will pray for you!." She started praying for me.

I chuckled. "Chill, he won't kill me. I know him. " I smiled. I saw him entering the classroom and smiled at him cutely. He gave a death glare and sat down.

After school was over, I went to my locker and put all the books that I don't need today in there and was about to go home when I heard Jay scream my name really loud and angrily. I grinned. "Upps." I saw him looking for me. I quickly put my bag on and ran home. I quickly unlocked the door and searched for my mom. "Mom?" She didn't answer. "Mommy!!"

I heard her in the kitchen. "I'm in the kitchen. " I rushed to her. I chuckled lightly. "Mommy?". She looked at me suspiciously. "You only call me Mommy if you're in trouble. What did you do?".

I smiled at her sheeply. "Please, no matter what, don't open the door for Jay. Please, i'm begging you!" She rolled her eyes. "Poor boy, what did you do now?". I shook my head. "Nothing bad.. but please don't open the door or I don't know. Tell him I'm not home, anything!" I begged

She exhaled and nodded. "I still can't believe why you guys are still doing stuff like that." I ignored her and went to my room and locked the door and opened the window. I saw Jay pushing his bike to his garage, and I giggled. I do kinda feel bad but only a tiny bit. I saw him looking at me angrily. He said something that I couldn't understand. I just shrugged with my shoulders and went to my closet, and took my clothes that I would wear after showering.

I went to the bathroom and took a shower, got changed, I put on my shorts and a sleevless shirt and went back to my bedroom. I laid down and exhaled, but then I heard his voice. "Nice pyjama, Princess," He said and smirked, looking up and down at me. I got up really fast and looked at him a little scared but didn't show it. "How did you come in?!"

"I have my ways, but did you really think I wouldn't do anything after what you did?" He asked and came closer. I took a step back and pretended i didn't know what he was talking about. "What did I do? And how did you come in? I locked my door." I asked, confused.

"Oh come on, Aerin-ah, you know me for like nearly 18 years now, and you still ask me the stupidest question." He said and pointed at my window.

Ah, right, I let my window open. I scoffed and sat on my bed. "What are you going to do, Jongseong?" I grinned. He was calm, which was unusual because he didn't like his Korean name.

He came closer and closer and bent over until his eyes reached mine and whispered in my ear. "I know your little secret, Princess. What was his name again?." He was thinking, "Ah right, Mike, right? But doesn't he already have a girlfriend? I heard about your little plan. Hmm, I didn't know that you were like that. Anyways, good luck with your plan." He gave me a kiss on my cheek and smirked, went over to my window. He turned around and winked at me.

I was shocked, and I noticed how I was slightly blushing. What was that?! Why is my heart beating so fast?. I looked at him in disbelief. "Wha- " I was about to ask him what he was talking about, but he had already jumped over my window and went home.

I immediately called Hearina. She picked up her phone. "Hell-". "How the hell does Jay know about Mike and our plan?!" I said a bit louder. Hearina didn't know what to answer. "Ehm, maybe because we have the same friend group?.."

I exhaled. "I only told you about Mike, Hearina!. The boys don't know about it. How come he knows about it?" I whined.

"Oh.. I think I accidentally told Sunghoon about it when I was a bit drunk. And maybe he told Jay about it. I'm really sorry!" She apologised.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "Nice.." I said and ended the call. I laid on my bed and was thinking about what Jay had just said. Ugh, I can't believe it. But why did he kiss me on my cheek.. . I just shook my head and tried to sleep.

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