Chapter fifteen

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It was 6 a.m., and my phone rang. I scoffed and picked up the phone without looking at the caller. "You need to be here in 15 minutes." My boss said. I opened my eyes and saw the caller. I exhaled. "I'll be there." And hung up the phone. I looked at Annie and smiled. I gave her a kiss on her cheek and slowly got up. I went to the window and jumped down. I quickly went home, got changed, got on my bike, and drove to the place my boss wanted me to be there. No one was there. That's weird. I thought to myself.

"Hey, bad boy!" A man called from behind. I was about to turn around and see who it was. I got hit with a rod on my back. I fell down. "Ugh, you little piece of shit." I turned my head and saw who it was. "Alejandro, seriously? What the hell?" He just smirked "Sorry kiddo, Boss told me to do it, and you know I always do what the boss says." I tried to get up, but I was in pain. "Why did he tell you to do it?" He just shrugged with his shoulders. "Don't know. All I know is I have to beat you up until you can't move no more." And with that, he came towards me and started to beat me up.

I tried to push him away, but unfortunately, he was way stronger. I somehow succeed to push him away. I got up with all my strength, punched him in his face, he stumbled back, I quickly pulled my knife that I hid in my pocket and stabbed him in his leg. I was about to stab him again, but he caught my knife and stabbed me in my belly. "Ugh, you littl-" I fell down and breathed heavily. I coughed blood. He threw my knife away and punched me in my face. I closed my eyes and was about to pass out. "Don't you dare to leave or the Boss will kill you, you lover and you're whole family personally." And with that, he left.

I was losing blood. I couldn't really think what to do. All I knew was that I had to call Sunghoon. I quickly called him and was hoping that he would pick up. He picked up. "Boy?! It's 6 in the morning. What do you want?" I couldn't really talk. "H-help me. XXX Street." And with that, I passed out. Sunghoon couldn't believe what he heard. He quickly called an ambulance to XXX Street and didn't even think about changing his clothes. He texted in the group chat that Jay would be in the hospital. He himself called a taxi and went to the hospital, and they took Jay.

The ambulance arrived and took Jay to the operating theatre. After an hour, he was done. Sunghoon was waiting impatiently. The doctor came out and told him that everything was okay and he could go to him. Sunghoon went into the room and saw Jay sleeping. After 20 minutes, the boys came running in the room without even knocking. "Jay hyung? What the hell happened?!" Ni-ki asked. Sunghoon just shrugged with his shoulders. "I don't know he called me and asked for help and passed out." Heeseung looked around. "Where is Annie?"

"She's probably still sleeping.. should I call her?" Ni-ki asked. Heeseung shook his head. "No, let her sleep. Jay is out of danger." Jake shook his head."I can't believe it. Jay never did something bad. How and why did he get stabbed?" Sunghoon sighed. "I don't know. I hope it won't happen again. I haven't told his parents yet." Sunoo nodded. "I think it's better if they don't know about it."

I slowly opened his eyes and groaned in pain. "Ugh, fuck". Jungwon went over to me "Jay hyung, are you okay?" I looked around and saw that I was in the hospital. I tried to sit up. "No, don't move. You need to lay down." I scoffed and searched for Annie. "She's not here yet. She's probably still sleeping." Heeseung said. I nodded. "Did anyone tell my parents?" Sunoo shook his head. "No, we didn't know if we should tell them or not." I exhaled. "Good, don't tell them."

After 15 minutes, I heard the door open and saw a very worried Annie coming in with her pyjama. "Jay." She came running towards me and slapped me on the shoulder lightly. I hissed in pain. "What the hell?! You were literally next to me this morning and now you're here?" I saw the boys looking at each other and then at us smirking. "We're going to buy some food." And with that the boys went out to give us some privacy. Ni-ki turned back to look at Annie and me before going with the boys.

I smirked at her. "Why, were you worried?" She gave me her death stare "of course I was!. I thought you're going to die. I just woke up and looked at our group chat. The first thing I see is that Sunghoon told us you were stabbed. What the hell." She had tears in her eyes. "Princess," I tried to grab her hand but she moved it away. "Don't princess me!" Her tears ran down her face. "Babe, come here." I sat down and groaned in pain. She hugged me right away and cried. "I'm sorry, please don't cry" She huggend me tight. "You piece of shit. Don't scare us like that!"

I grabbed her face and wiped her tears, and grinned. "Who knew Miss Choi would cry for me." She scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Shut up!" I chuckeld lightly and kissed her. "Relax, Princess, I'm fine, still breathing next to you." She pushed me away."We're not alone! What if one of the boys sees us?" I rolled my eyes. "Babe, I don't care. They're all hoping that we get together. So, they won't mind." She exhaled. "I hate you so much right now." I smirked and nodded. "Mhm." She looked at me. I grinned at her. "As I said, I'm all yours, you can kiss me anytime you want to." She looked at my lips, came closer and closer, but went near my ear and whispered, "You look uglier than before." and giggled.

I looked at her and smiled. I was about to kiss her when I noticed someone standing next to the door looking through the door window (is it called like that?😅 I hope yall know what I mean.) But the person disappeared right away. The person kinda looked like Ni-ki. Annie noticed me looking at the door. "Is everything okay?" I nodded. "Yeah, everything is okay." She looked at me. "Can you tell me what happened? Why did someone stab you? And who was it?"

I sighed. "I don't know, but I survived. That's all that matters, hm?" She exhaled. "What if it happens again? What if it happens again and you don't make it?" I held her hands. "It won't happen again." She sighed and nodded. I smirked. "So you really were worried, huh?" She scoffed and got up. "I swear to god Jay, I will bea -" I grabbed her hand again and pulled her to me. "I missed your lips." I whispered and kissed her again. She kissed me back, and I grinned.

I was about to kiss her again when I heard someone open the door. She quickly pushed me away and cleared her throat. I hissed in pain. She panicked a little. "Omg, I'm sorry!" Ni-ki came in and looked between us. "Noona, don't kill him. He's weak right now it's not fair." He chuckled lightly. She rolled her eyes. "Well, weak or not, he's still annoying. "We brought some food the boys will be he -." Ni-ki was about to say when the boys came along.

"We brought you some soup and burger.. . We didn't really know if you wanted to eat the burger, so we brought the soup too." Jungwon said. I nodded. "Thanks, boys." Annie went to the door. "I'll be back." and left the room.


Author's note

Here is a little longer chapter. Hope yall like it!😁. Why do you think the person was spinning on Jay and Annie behind the door?

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