Chapter nineteen

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I was about to lean back, but I heard someone opening the door and storming in. "Omg, Jay baby!. Are you okay?. I saw Sora and scoffed. "What are you doing here?" She came to me and pushed Annie away and hugged me. "Omg, you don't know how worried I was when I heard that you're in the hospital." I pushed Sora away and pulled Annie back. "Can you stop pushing my girl away." She looked at Annie up and down and laughed. "Your girl? You don't have to pretend, baby." I scoffed. "Why should I pretend? I already showed you at the party that she's mine." She shook her head. "I don't believe you. You just want to make me jealous."

I grabbed Annie's sweatshirt and pushed it a little down. "You see her hickeys. That was me." and smirked. Sora rolled her eyes. "I don't believe you. She may also have gotten it from someone else!" I chuckled. "Why should I lie? Want me to show it to you again?" Annie's eyes widened. "We don't have to prove anything!." Sora raised her eyebrow. "Yes! Prove it." The boys and Hearina looked at each other. Jake cleared his throat and went outside. The other boys and Hearina walked after him.

Annie looked at me. "Jay.." I grabbed her wrist, pulled her closer, and gave her another hickey. She closed her eyes and hissed a little. Sora got mad and pulled Annie away and slapped her. Annie was shocked and stood up. She couldn't believe what had just happened. She looked at me and then at Sora and slapped Sora. "Don't you dare to fucking touch me or Jay ever again. I will make your life a living hell!." Sora looked at us with hate in her eyes. "You will regret it! I promise you that." and left.

I looked at Annie. "Are you okay?" She scoffed and rolled her eyes and went out. "Annie!" I got up and wanted to go after her, but the Boys and Hearina came in. "What happened?" Jake asked. I exhaled and explained what happened. "Oh... she's mad." Jake said and I nodded. "Ah, don't worry, she'll be alright." Ni-ki said and grabbed an apple. I just nodded and looked at Sunghoon. "I can finally go home. If my mother asks you if I were with you the whole time, say yes." Sunghoon nodded.

Hearina looked at me. "Should I go after Annie? I mean, she's mad..." I shook my head. "No, let her be. She'll be okay." I got up, took my bag, and packed my things. Ni-ki looked at me. "Did you really gave Annie Noona a hickey?" I rolled my eyes. "Why do you care so much Ni-ki?" He smirked a little. "I'm just curious." I put my bag over my shoulder. "Well, don't be. I'm heading home boys. Thanks for the food and your help Sunghoon." and left with the boys and Hearina.

After 30 minutes I arrived home. I opened the door and went in. As usual, no one was home. I put my bag on the floor and went straight to the bathroom. I took a quick shower and got changed. I took my phone, put on my shoes, and went over to Annie. I rang the doorbell and her mother opened the door. I smiled at her. "Hey, Mrs.Choi, is Annie home?" She smiled back. "Hey, Handsome, yeah, come in. She's in her room. Did you two fight again?" I shook my head and went in. "No, why?" She closed the door. "Well, she's in a bad mood." I took off my shoes. "Hm, I'll talk to her." Mrs. Choi nodded. "Do that, son."

I went up to her room and knocked on the door. I heard her voice. "I not hungry, mom!" I opened her door and went in. "I'm not your mom, but you can call me Dadd -" Annie looked up and saw me. She rolled her eyes, took her pillow, and threw it at me before i could finish my sentence. I caught the pillow and laughed. I went to her and sat next to her on the bed. "Why are you in a bad mood, princess?" She rolled her eyes. "You don't have to roll your eyes now. You can roll it when we're fuc -" She quickly put her hands on my mouth. "Are you crazy?!"

I grinned, took her hand, and put it down. "Crazy over you, girl." She scoffed. "Oh shut up! Why are you here?" I pulled her on my lap. "Why not?" and put my hands on her thigh. She tried to get up, but I held her tighter. "Jay! We're not alone." I shrugged with my shoulders. "So? We've done more before. This is nothing. " She exhaled. "What if my mom comes in?" I grinned. "If she comes, I'll push you away." She smacked my shoulder and smiled. "You piece of shit."

I smiled back. "At least you're smiling." She stopped smiling and rolled her eyes. What we didn't know was that her mother saw and heard everything. She quickly took a picture of us and sent it to her best friend, aka my mother. Annie looked at me. "Aren't you tired or hungry?" I shook my head. "I'm not hungry, just a bit tired." She got up. "Then go home and sleep." I smirked. "Nah, imma sleep here." I got up, laid in her bed, and covered myself in her blanket. "Good night, and don't wake me up. Don't be shy if you want to cuddle with me." and winked at her.

She just rolled her eyes and left the room. I chuckeld and closed my eyes. After 5 minutes, I fell asleep.


Author's note

Hello everyone, I'm sorry this chapter is a little short😅. Hope yall still like it😁

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