Chapter twenty-two

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Annie POV

I noticed something squeezing my breast, but I didn't pay attention to it and turned to the side and wanted to sleep when all of a sudden, I was turned around and lying on my back. I quickly opened my eyes and saw Jay hovering above me and smirking. I scoffed. "Jay, I'm tired. Let me sleep." He grinned. "I told you, Princess. The minute i'm up, you won't be able to walk." I yawned. "Shhh, later, and besides, i don't like to kiss if we didn't brush our teeth. " And closed my eyes again. I pouted. "I'm only letting you sleep because I lov -" he realised what he was about to say. "Who said we're going to kiss?" and grinned. I ignored him and fell back to sleep. He scoffed and got up and went to her bathroom, brushed his teeth, and went back to her.

"Princess, I'm being nice right now.." I scoffed and sat up tired. "I can't believe i'm waking up just to... If I don't get a good fuck I will kill you with my own hands!" He smirked. "Oh Princess don't you worry about that." He was about to kiss me when I put my hand on his chest. "First I need to brush my teeth and second we can't do it here. I don't want to risk it." He rolled his eyes. "Where do you want to do it?" I shrugged with my shoulders and got up. "I don't know and I don't care but not here or where your parents are." and went to the bathroom brushed my teeth. He put his pants and shirt back on and sat on my bed. I went back to him and looked at him.

"Should we go to a hotel?" and wiggled with his eyebrows. I shrugged with my shoulders. "Yeah, if it's the only place we can do.. it" I thought about something but didn't know how to tell him. He grabbed my hand and pulled me on his lap. "What's wrong?" and gave me little kisses all over my face. I bit my lip. "Nothing." He grabbed my face and looked me in the eyes. "You know you can tell me anything." I looked at my hands. "I ahm, can we -" I cleared my throat. "No, it's nothing. Come we should go to a hotel." I was about to get up when he grabbed my waist and pushed me on my bed and hovered over me. "What is it?" I shook my head. "Nothing, really now let's go or did you change your mind?" He came closer to my face and whispered in my ear. "I will not fuck you until you tell me what you want." Why is my heart beating so fast .. omg. I rolled my eyes. "No problem with me."

He smirked. "Oh yeah?" Within a second, he pushed my underwear to the side and caressed my cunt. I gasped and moaned unintentionally. "J-jay." He slapped it and pulled my underwear back. "No problem, huh?" And smirked. He got up "Alright princess, see ya at school." I was so shocked that I didn't move or said anything. He went back to my window and jumped down, and went back home. "What the hell..." I sat up. I got a message from Jay.

I won't do anything with you until you tell me what you want.😘

I hate you so much! .. how do you know that I want something?

Princess, I've known you for your whole life. You can't lie to me. Now tell me what it is that you're shy about to tell me?


Alright, princess, you know where to find me if you want to finally tell me what you want.

"Ugh, I hate him so much.." I had to think about the way he was hovering over me, staring at me and how he slapped ... I bit my lip. I got up and changed my outfit. I unlocked my door and went downstairs. My brother saw me. "Where are you going?" I ignored him. He got up. "I asked you something!" I scoffed. "And i'm ignoring you!" He got mad and came up to me and grabbed my jaw. "You better not go over to Jay or else - " I tried to push his hand, but I couldn't since he was stronger. I gritted my teeth. "Or else what, huh?!" He was about to slap me again, but my mother came in between. "Changbin! Let her go. You can not force her to do what you want." He let go of me, and I looked at him with hatred. "It's her life, Changbin. She can do whatever she wants to." He looked at mom. "Whatever she wants to?! She's fucking around and you let her? What if she gets pregnant?" I scoffed. "So what if I get pregnant. I will handel it myself."

He got mad again. "Do you even know what you're saying?!" Mom had enough and shouted at us. "Enough! Let her do whatever she wants to, but remember!." She turned to me. "If you get pregnant, I will kick you out!" I scoffed. "I won't need your support if I ever get pregnant." Changbin ran his hand through his hair. "She's not even denying that she's sleeping around!" I got mad and shouted. "So what?! I can do whatever I want to. It's none of your fucking business!" and with that I grabbed my shoes and went out barefoot. I was so angry that I didn't even wore my shoes and went straight to Jay. I knocked on his door and his mother opened the door. "Oh Annie my dear." She smiled at me. She noticed that I was angry. "What did Jay do this time?" I shook my head. "It isn't Jay. Can I come in?" She stepped aside. "Of course, dear, come in. You know where Jay is." I smiled at her and nodded. I went in, let my shoes in front of the door, and went straight to Jay's room. I didn't even knock and went in.

Jay saw me and got up from his bed and smirked. "Are you finally telling me wha -" I didn't let him finish and went straight to him and hugged him. He hugged me back. "What's wrong, princess?" I couldn't hold it anymore and cried. He caressed my back. "Shhh, it's okay." I shook my head. "No, it's not! I hate him so much!" He grabbed my face and wiped my tears. "Who?" I sniffed. "Changbin oppa." I told him what had happened earlier. "Oh.. but princess, I kinda can understand him. I mean, he didn't say it in a nice way, but if I had a little sister and she was seeing someone like me.. I mean, we both know how I was.. I would react the same way, like Changbin Hyung, well, a little nicer, but you know what I mean." I nodded and exhaled.

He looked at me. "So you wanna tell me now what you were so shy about to tell me earlier." I bit my lip and looked away. "Come on, princess, you don't need to be shy with me. I won't laugh or judge you." I looked up. "Well, ahm, I was wondering how it would be if we -" I exhaled. "If we do it in the car." I mumbled. "That's it?" He asked me, and I nodded. He chuckeld. "Princess." I looked at him and pouted lightly. "You just said you won't laugh!" I pushed him away, but he didn't let go and smiled at me. "I wasn't laughing at you. It's just cute that you were so shy about it." I rolled my eyes. "Whatever.."

"You wanna to it today in the car or should we go to a hotel." I shrugged with my shoulders. "I don't know. Where do you wanna do it?" He was thinking. "The car it is." I nodded. He went to his drawer and took a few condoms and put it in his pocket. He took my hand and went downstairs. We put our shoes on. I saw his mother in the living room and let go of his hand. "Bye, Aunty." She smiled at us. "Bye kids, have fun and don't get in trouble!"

Jay unlocked the door, and we went outside. "Why did you let go of my hand?" I looked at him and raised an eyebrow. "Your mom was there, and you were holding my hand. We're always doing something that makes them think we're together." He didn't say anything and unlocked the car and got in the car. I got in the car and put on the seat belt. He started the car and drove somewhere I wasn't really sure about.

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