l a t i b u l e

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"Your heart will always find a way back to where it belongs."

* * *

"So everything was okay?" Zara asked me as I rolled onto my back on the bed, putting my phone beside me as I put it on speaker.

"I don't think so. I mean, he just looks so tense and even Sawyer wasn't himself today." I chewed on my lip nervously.

"Sawyer? What happened to him?" 

"He came home right after I did and seemed deep in thought and kept zoning out afer every few minutes. I asked him what was wrong but he didn't really say anything, just that it wasn't really important." I answered and she hummed.

"Any idea about what it might be?" She asked me when I frowned in thought.

"I don't think its about work," I paused thoghtfully, "I think its about a woman." 

"A woman? How do you know?" She sounded curious, and I wasn't sure of my answer myself but said it anyway.

"They were talking about a 'she' this morning and stopped when I entered the kitchen. I don't know who though." I told her just when I heard a loud yell.

"Harmony!" Logan's excited voice reached me and I beamed.

"Logan, hey! How are you?" I turnd to my phone, awaiting his response.

"Doing well, sweeheart, but tell me about yourself. How's college treating you without us?" He asked and I grinned.

"Oh, I am living the life, it is so cool not to have you around, everyone is so happy." I joked.

"Ha, ha, real funny." He replied sarcastically, making me chuckle.

"But seriously though, is everything alright with you? Is that professor of ours and his brother respectful to you? Tell me and I'll beat them up if you want." He spoke in all seriousness and I smiled at his concern.

"I'm fine, Lo, but thanks for asking. And yes, they're really nice and respectful to me. Sawyer makes sure I'm happy, and Sebastian too. They're both very supportive." I said in all honesty and heard his relieved sigh.

"That's good then. I miss you, you know?" He spoke and I smiled sadly.

"I know, I do too." I whispered and heard his heavy sigh.

"We'll be back soon, so don't miss me too much, okay?" He reassured me and I smiled.

"Of course, I'll be waiting." I replied and we three talked for a bit more before saying goodbye.

Sighing, I went out of my room and downstairs to see Sawyer reading through some type of card.

"What are you doing?" I asked when he looked up and smiled at me.

"I'm trying to make lasagna from my grandmother's recipe." He said, his brows furrowed as he read the recipe card over and over again.

"Do you want any help?" I walked over to him when he sighed, his shoulders slumping.

"Yes, please I don't want to burn this kitchen down, or Sebastian's gonna kill me for real this time." He said dramaticaly and I giggled as I took the recipe card from him, our fingers brushing in the process when I flinched.

He frowned and I bit my lip, hoping he wouldn't ask about it but I was dead wrong when he moved a few steps too close to me with narrowed eyes and I moved back instantly in fear. 

Looking up at him, I held my hand out to stop him and his eyes widened and he raised his up in surrender.

"I'm not going to hurt you, Harmony, calm down." He said in a gentle tone and I nodded slowly, looking at him suspiciously when he sighed heavily, but I knew I could trust him.

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