c a p e r n o i t e d

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"Forbidden things have a secret charm."

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"Alright, truth or dare?" She asked when I bit my lip, looking at Zara and Logan briefly, who gave me encouraging looks when I smiled

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"Alright, truth or dare?" She asked when I bit my lip, looking at Zara and Logan briefly, who gave me encouraging looks when I smiled.

"Dare." I said, and everyone "oohed" at us, leaning in closer so they could hear what dare I would be given.

"Alright then. Harmony, I dare you to kiss the first man who steps out of that room." She pointed towards a random door across from us and at the end of the VIP section.

All of us looked towards it when I noticed this door was a little different from the others.

It had two bodyguards outside and more around, meaning someone important was inside. I gulped when I heard that I had to kiss the person and turned to look at her with wide eyes.

"K-Kiss? I could... hug them, or like, peck them on their cheek, you know." I said nervously when she shook her head and crossed her arms.

"Nope, it has to be a proper kiss on the lips, with tongue." She said and I felt as if I'd die right then and there.

"You don't have to do anything you're not comfortable with, Har." Logan looked at me concerned, and Zara nodded, but I shook my head, feeling confident and somewhat bold.

Definitely capernoited, meaning slightly intoxicated and tipsy.

"I'll do it." I said firmly when everyone cheered as I got up from my seat, heading towards the door when the body guards eyed me curiously.

"Hi, I'm Harmony Reed. You know, like in Conrad Reed?" I asked as recognition flashed across their faces, and they nodded.

Thank God for Conrad's fame.

"How can we help you, Miss?" One of them asked politely, and I smiled up at him.

"I like you, you're polite. You see, the thing is, I've got a dare, and I have to stand here and wait for the first person who comes out the door." I said, and saw them nod in confusion just as the knob to the door started spinning.

My eyes widened as the guards stood straighter, and my heart beat grew erratic as I subtly glanced at my friends, who were watching me with their hawk like gazes.

"Please don't be an old man, please don't be a perv." I muttered under my breath constantly when the door opened, revealing the man I saw previously with the navy blue shirt looking back and talking to someone.

I took a slight step forward, waiting for him to step across the threshold and mentally preparing myself to kiss this handsome man.

At least he's handsome.

But right at the last moment, my heart nearly stopped when instead of the navy blue shirt man, the one in the all black suit stepped out in all his glory, pushing the other man back into the office.

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