Rosemonde Hebert

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Rosemonde Hebert was a blacksmith from Polpei city port and she was also among the blacksmiths who found the chance to be selected by Shura Roosevelt so that they could build the construction tools and equipments and also the huge storage tanks and huge pipes for the oil project.

Actually this was something new to Rosemonde Hebert as she used to build weapons and even her hand and mind has gotten used to that act, she never knew that one day she would create something different like the construction tools, this was surely a life changer for her and she was happy to be part of this change.

Shura Roosevelt had asked them to build some stuffs and many of the items she didn't even knew what they could be used for, but after these tools were made, she saw with her own eyes that they were much useful especially in digging the wells and ensuring the safety of the workers.

Today, Rosemonde Hebert was going to create a wrought iron pipe. Wrought iron pipes were easy to forge as compared to steel that required a lot of workmanship and technology.

A simple furnace had been made earlier when the blacksmith guild building was constructed, this furnace was the one that was heating the iron until it became malleable.

Rosemonde Hebert used the hammer to fold the edges of the metal sheets in front of her and then she welded the edges together. Moreover, Rosemonde Hebert would at many times roll the pipe through a series of grooved rollers that molded the material into a circular shape. The process looked simple but it required an experienced blacksmith to do so, in order to create something perfect.

The pipe was then finished by passing it through a groove and rolling mill.


Shura Roosevelt was in his office drawing the architectural design of how the finished oil refinery would look like. That was when a person stepped into his office room without knocking, he was distracted at first but when he saw that it was a palace cook that had brought him food, he went back to work after telling the cook to place the food on the table, he had to finish his drawings first before he could dig in, he was determined to lay the foundation of the oil refinery today and as for the storage chambers for the crude oil, those ones were finished a long time ago and there were even more chambers under construction.

The piping from the wells had already been done and the crude oil was being directed to these storage chambers. They had enough iron ingots to finish this project as one should know that the merchants from Magyo had ensured continued supply of iron ingots to the kingdom, the merchants had also did what they promised Shura Roosevelt by introducing him to other merchants. Although some of them were not specialized in iron ore mining, they were still important as Shura Roosevelt was almost finishing this oil project, maybe the next project would be what would make money for him after selling the products to the merchants but as for now, there was no transaction that he could do with them, what he only did was the signing of the necessary documents to finalize an alliance.

"You seem to be so busy in that you don't even want to eat now. You should eat this food while it is still hot." The cook who brought in the food said to Shura Roosevelt with a laid-back voice, she didn't even turn around to leave after placing the food on the table but instead, she sat on the arm of a chair opposite Shura Roosevelt.

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