Zakhar Babinski's miseries (1)

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Zakhar Babinski was merely a messenger and his body had grown lean because of his occupation but now that he was sent to dig wells, he could not help but want to run away from this hell but there was no such an opportunity, Shura Roosevelt had appointed a crazy person called Alexandre Daviau as the inspector of all the workers while they were here in Miskesh.

Alexandre Daviau would never pity a person like him especially if he was recognized as a spy, Zakhar Babinski had seen for himself some of the spies that tried to escape, those spies were ensnared and thrown into the oasis where they became food to the devouring worms.

Zakhar Babinski could not help but curse Alexandre Daviau in his heart, if it was not for the cruelty of Alexandre Daviau, he would have tried to escape but right now, he could not even think about that, lest he wanted to be food to those disgusting worms.

Unwillingly, Zakhar Babinski took his mattock from the store and followed behind his fellows to dig the wells that seemed to have no end. Shura Roosevelt had asked them to dig wells almost a kilometer into the ground, do you know how far that was?

Zakhar Babinski felt like he could die anytime especially when he thought that he was among the people who were selected to go inside the hole and dig while their fellows who had "muscles" would pull the soil out of the wells.

Even if the capenters had created supports to help to secure the edges of the wells so that they could not burry them while they were inside digging, Zakhar Babinski could still feel like death was right beside him. One should also know that the iron pipes were inserted into the wells to occupy the space that presented itself when the soil was dug out, thus, it made it impossible for the wells to fall apart.

In that well, it was dark, hideous and even he could not breath properly while he was inside, this made the hairs on his skin to stood on their ends especially when he thought about going to dig in those wells.

He would sometimes hear some voices which had made him go crazy in the time that he had been in Miskesh, he had grown so thin in that he feared that he would not be recognized ones he returned to Ugley.

Was this what they came for? He wished that he would not have joined the people who came to Miskesh, he would have remained as a messenger than grovelling over big money that the spies usually got.

[AN: Please follow me. You can also read other books of mine if you find some free time.]

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