Trial i

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"What do you want to use the dark stone for?" The avian asked. This seems to be the second test as Shura Roosevelt thought, he had been a leader for a long time and he knew how the wicked individuals talked. 

The avian had used a carefree voice to ask him this question, anyone else who didn't knew a thing about business conversations would thought that this question was just an out of the topic but to Shura Roosevelt, it was not, it was actually the second test even if the avian asked it so casually.

The previous Shura Roosevelt wanted to use the dark stone to rule the world, yes. He wanted to use the stone to finish off his antagonists like the crazy king Virtya Markov who had been getting on his nerves lately. There was a bugging sensation in Shura Roosevelt's heart, his past self though it was vague, it was still urging the current Shura Roosevelt to say that he wanted to use the dark stone to rule the world. That was after all, an inherent desire of the past Shura Roosevelt, he was born that way and nothing could change that but right now, the current Shura Roosevelt was different, he could not allow himself to be overwhelmed with the desires of his past self.

Shura Roosevelt calmed down his agitated heart and swallowed painfully before answering, "I want to use the dark stone to reshape the human life and save the unfortunate." This answer came from the deep heart of Shura Roosevelt, it was now what he wanted not something that he had just said on a whim to exite the masses. The second question of the avian had some relations to the first question. One had to pass the first question first in order to undergo the second question.

"Hmph!" The avian snorted before saying, "Here comes the last question." As Shura Roosevelt expected, the casual question was also a part of the test, he could only heave a sigh inwardly. He was complacent.

Shura Roosevelt thought that just like the first two tests, the third test would also be a question. The third test came so fast without him anticipating it or being prepared.

The environment where Shura Roosevelt was in changed in the blink of an eye. In front of him, the avian was no longer there as it had been erased completely, it was as if Shura Roosevelt had only been seeing an illusion but that was not it, what he had experienced earlier was as real as it could be.

Right now, Shura Roosevelt was in a place that he had never seen even though the place existed. It was a place that was like heaven to him because of the advanced level of technology of this place. He had never seen people this interacting, happy and friendly towards each other because where he came from, it was only a matter of Survival whereby the strong trampled on the weak but in this place, people have everything, there was no need of being jealous to each other or killing each other for resources. It was a peaceful and a happy place that even Shura Roosevelt wished to be among the people of this place.

"Do you think that what you are seeing is real and that your world can be developed to be like this one?" Shura Roosevelt heard a disdainful voice asking him in his mind. He jerked aside as he thought that something was wrong with him or that he was hallucinating but he then remembered that he was still undergoing the trials of the avian. What made him to remember that he was taking a trial was because the people of this developed world could not see or feel his presence. Shura Roosevelt was like a soul that could not be seen by mere mortals, it was not that he was stronger than these people, it was just that he was not of this world so this world could not accept him, he was in this world yet he was not in here.

Shura had paused for a long time as he pondered about the question that the avian had just asked him. This question was not easy to answer especially to a person like him who came from a primitive world that didn't even knew the meaning of a spaceship and warframes. Could someone so primitive believe what was in front of him was real?

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