blacksmith guild

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One should know that before even the king arrived at the blacksmithing guild, Gigi Dufour and some of the immortal warriors had arrived at the place first so as to create room and make arrangements.

"I think the king wants us to create even more weapons and armors, so he is coming here himself just to show us the gravity of the matter. I heard that the war against Virtya Markov's warriors is so intense that our forces are almost losing the battle..." A middle-aged man who was Nataschenka Melnikoff's assistant said in a low voice.

"Shhh! Don't speak about his Majesty's war against Vitya Markov here, if any warrior heard what you have just said, your head will surely roll." Nataschenka Melnikoff hushed the middle-aged man after interjecting him. She swept her glance around them and after she found out that the warriors had not yet locked on them, she heaved a sigh.

There he comes...

Shura Roosevelt came down from his horse and his minions who had followed him did the same thing.

"My king, we are humbled to have you here with us today, it is our pleasure." Nataschenka Melnikoff said with a smile as she clasped her hands in front of the king, the other blacksmith's higher-ups also did the same.

"No problem... Erm. I am in a little hurry because my time is limited. I will be using your blacksmith guild for several weeks. So, I can't wait for longer or engage in much pleasantries. Show me what usually goes on in this guild, I also want you to assemble the best blacksmiths whom I will be using to create some items." Shura Roosevelt said in a hurry rendering the blacksmith higher-ups agape that the king would be staying in their guilds for weeks. They had prepared some gifts for the king but it seemed that the king would not even be interested in them as they could see that he was truly in a hurry.

"My king, if you don't mind me asking, what are the items that you are going to create? You can simply tell us if it is a sword that you want us to make and we can do so. You don't have to be here personally." Nataschenka Melnikoff said to Shura Roosevelt as they walked into the blacksmithing guild. She was a bit curious because this was the first time that the king had come to their guild.

"I have not come here for some weapons. You guys will be making farming tools that will make the work on the farm easier." 


"This is the main furnace where we create important items like the weapons that the warriors uses to fight in the war." Nataschenka Melnikoff showed Shura Roosevelt a large coal forge. The blacksmiths used hydraulic presses and coal to power the forge.

Previously, Nataschenka Melnikoff had warned Shura Roosevelt about the high temperatures in the room where the forge was, but she was astonished to find out that Shura Roosevelt was unaffected by the higher temperatures.

One should know that a blacksmith needed to undergo some training to make their body's phsique - sturdy so that they could be unaffected by the high temperatures in the smithing rooms. But Shura Roosevelt didn't need such trainings because his body was already sturdy as it was because of the boon presented to him by the dark stone.

It was not just Shura Roosevelt but also Nataschenka Melnikoff could see that there were some warriors who could also persevere in this high temperature room without batting an eye, the warriors were after all, the immortals with sturdy phsique just like Shura Roosevelt, so high temperature didn't affect them but their counterparts like Gigi Dufour who were not immortals could not even get near the door of the room as they felt like the fats in their bodies were melting.

Anyway, since this was the first time for Shura Roosevelt to come in contact with the coal forges, hydraulic presses, anvil and metal ingots in the blacksmithing guild, he simply stood there watching as the several skilled blacksmiths created the items that he had drawn on the scrolls. He wanted them to make machetes, sickles, rakes, mattocks, handforks, trowels, axes, spades, shovels, hoes, pruning shears and pangas. Some complicated items like the wheelbarrows and the plough would be made personally by him after learning from the experienced blacksmiths.

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