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Clearly at this moment, Miskesh town could be seen from where they were and the moment that Eloise Abraham squinted at the far Miskesh town, she gasped in shock before saying, "What are those things coming towards us?" One should know that Eloise Abraham didn't talk about the state of Miskesh town but something else prompting Tanya Belinsky to shove her aside before standing on to the platform to see what had scared the shit our of Eloise Abraham.

"Your highness, I think you have to see this." Tanya Belinsky turned her head towards Shura Roosevelt and said.

Shura Roosevelt didn't say anything and he walked towards the platform curiously, what he saw on the other side rendered him speechless for a moment.

There was a woman whom Shura Roosevelt could not see clearly, this woman was standing on top of a dilapidated house while gazing at the incoming carriages but the woman was not what caught the attention of Shura Roosevelt, it was the worms which were slithering on the sand with the aim of meeting their carriages.

Shura Roosevelt could clearly see that the worms had exited faces, agitated and bloodshot eyed as if they were about to meet the love of their lives but that was not it, it was because their eyes were seeing them merely as their food.

What surprised Shura Roosevelt was the existance of the lone woman whom he could not sense even a strand of lifeforce from him as if she was merely a statue.

The worms were coming from Miskesh town in waves but they were not interested in this woman as if she was not alive but a dead husk that they could not milk.

Even Shura Roosevelt had first thought that the woman was the one controlling the worms until he saw the vague figure behind the woman. This vague figure smiled at Shura Roosevelt as if it had seen him but strangely, this figure seemed to not have sensed the presence of the woman that Shura Roosevelt could see, this surely confused him further and he forgot to alert the warriors about the precarious situation ahead, on time.

It was only the neighing of the horses that removed him from his stuporous moment.

Before Shura Roosevelt could walk down from the platform, he casted a last glance at this vague figure. This figure had the legs of a quadrupled animal with hoves but the figure was surely not quadrupled as it could walk with only the two legs and the forelimbs were used as its hands as it took a humanoid pose. Shura Roosevelt could not clearly see its face or torso because the figure was cladding itself in a human skin. This skin covered most of its parts leaving only the appendages and its showing teeth to be see.


The figure suddenly disappeared as if it had never been there in the first place making Shura Roosevelt to breath heavily, he hastily moved down from the platform and saw that the horses were behaving abnormally as they had refused to move forward. 

All the carriages had came to a halt but this didn't stop the horses from becoming restless.

"What can we do?" Tanya Belinsky asked as right now, everyone had already known that something was not right though they had not seen the incoming waves of worms.

"Sir Ashish, what are the things that I have just seen?" Shura Roosevelt asked subconsciously.


"The incoming waves are the notorious  worms that are usually bred by the oasis near Miskesh town. It seems that these worms have evolved and they could also move on land, they were not this way. Host should be calm as these worms are not as hard to kill, I know you can kill them all, you should also not forget to eradicate them completely so that they could not be a stumbling block to your project."

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