limited iron ingots

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"Another thing, let the Litkesh merchants to continue trading with us, just pretend as if nothing happened." Shura Roosevelt warned them, he didn't want them to go and seal the border between Litkesh and Azuhai, that would kill many jobs, trade has to continue. It was just that he didn't expect the Litkesh to be this shameless and copy his inventions, though it was expected, but it came too early, but he was not surprised or furious, some simple items like a spade could be made by any blacksmith that saw the tools so it was expected.

Shura Roosevelt couldn't sell the items to the Litkesh even if he wanted but even if there was space to sell the items, the production speed was just too slow in that the items could not even satisfy his people let alone exporting them to other kingdoms. He had already accepted the outcome.

"Guys, give me a moment to think about a solution." Shura Roosevelt said to them before turning away.

"Sir Ashish! I have a problem with the iron supply, I can not make the wheel and the addition farming tools without iron." Shura Roosevelt turned to Ashish. Ashish was the only one who could save the situation or else they would have to buy the iron ingots at a ridiculously price from Litkesh but his treasury didn't have much money to spent.

_"The detailed map that I gave you already has the marked spots where iron ore can be mined, what host need to do is to simply select and unlock the mission of mining the iron ore and then what needs to be done will be unfolded." 

"What! So... I can select the missions myself?" Shura Roosevelt was flabbergasted, Ashish had never told him that this was also feasible.

_"On the tab, there is a (select mission) icon where three random missions that host can manage to do them with the current level of technology had been given."

Shura Roosevelt didn't wait for Ashih to finish as he hastily willed the panel and at the bottom of the tab, he saw an icon for (select mission)

Full of anticipation, Shura Roosevelt clicked on the mission icon and he saw that there were only three missions remaining as he had been given one of the missions to fabricate the wheel and the carriages.

Mission 1 [ Mining the iron ore ]

Mission 2 [ The blast furnace ]

Mission 3 [ Oil production ]

The missions were highlited as simply as that with no further information, this forced Shura Roosevelt to click the icon of the first mission for further details but to his disappointment, another icon appeared where it asked him to pay with fabrication points in order to unlock the mission.

Unfortunately, Shura Roosevelt didn't have that much fabrication points as he only had 450 fabrication points while the mission wanted 500 points to unlock it, thus, he was forced to finish the current mission of manufacturing carriage wheels so that he could get the needed points to unlock the mission of mining the iron ore.

Shura Roosevelt decided to click on the last mission but the result was simply the same. The missions of creating a blast furnace needed 1000 fabrication points while oil production needed 700 fabrication points.

"Erm, Eugene Perrin, how much do we have in the treasury?" Shura Roosevelt asked the treasurer. 

"We have remained with one million gold coins. This is just enough to last us this month if we don't go to war, that is, your highness." Eugene Perrin answered earnestly.

"That is enough for us, you will need to buy the iron ingots from Litkesh even if they have doubled the price. I will see what I can do later." Shura Roosevelt didn't have a choice, but he would just have to buy the iron ore for now so that he could finish the current mission. 

"That will need us to use 100, 000 gold coins for buying the iron ingots alone." Eugene Perrin showed unwillingness. He thought this was a total waste of funds.

"Just do as his majesty has said, why are you reluctant, do you want to be replaced?" Tanya Belinsky asked Eugene Perrin dauntingly. Eugene Perrin didn't have a choice but to do as Shura Roosevelt wanted.


"Your highness, the blacksmiths can continue making the ploughs, I think you should rest a bit. We have been working in this place for more than two months." Tanya Belinsky said to Shura Roosevelt with a look of concern.

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