The state of Miskesh

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One weak later...

"Your highness, we have reached at Miskesh town but it seems like something is not right in that place." Tanya Belinsky reported to Shura Roosevelt. She had been glancing through the carriage window from time to time and this was the time that she was able to see Miskesh town, though vaguely because they have not reached at that place.

What she saw was only utter destruction, it seemed like there was no life in Miskesh town as they had anticipated but that was only Tanya Belinsky's conjecture because they had not reached the real place, maybe her eyes were playing tricks on her or that was certainly the way the people of Miskesh lived, maybe that was how their town looked like these days.

"What have you seen?" Shura Roosevelt asked her nonchalantly.

"Erm... It is difficult to explain what I have just seen, I can only say that Miskesh town looks like it had been destroyed."

Without casting a glance at Tanya Belinsky, Shura Roosevelt walked to a raised platform in the carriage where there was a window above the platform, so that he could catch a glimpse at the state of their destination.


Shura Roosevelt was suddenly taken aback after just a mere glance at the place. 

When Shura Roosevelt came to Miskesh the last time to dethrone the rulers of this place so that he could add Miskesh to be part of his kingdom, Miskesh town was lively and bustling but with just a look, he could tell that Miskesh town was now deserted and destroyed.

He didn't knew where the people went to or who destroyed this town? Unlike Tanya Belinsky, Shura Roosevelt could clearly see the state of the town from where he was, there was truly no surviving soul in that town, an eerily wind would sweep across the town from time to time which made Shura Roosevelt a little dismayed but he didn't allow it to show on his face. 

"Call Eloise Abraham here right now!" Shura Roosevelt ordered Tanya Belinsky before he sat down on his seat while glancing from side to side. 

"Right away!" Tanya Belinsky jumped down from the moving carriage and awaited the incoming carriages. One should know that Shura Roosevelt's carriage was the one which was leading the way to Miskesh. Other carriages were behind it so Tanya Belinsky had to wait for them.

Tanya Belinsky tied a showl on her face because the dust left behind by the carriage was perturbing her.

"That is where Eloise Abraham is, let me check her out." Tanya Belinsky hung on the carriage that she had marked and jumped in. Here, she found Eloise Abraham and some of her knights chatting and laughing while drinking beastial blood like wine.

They seemed to be in a jubilant mood as if they were out in a weeding ceremony instead of a serious mission, when the soldiers saw the silhouette of Tanya Belinsky, they stopped what they were doing and went on one knee as a show of respect. No one dared to stare at the commander right in the eye.

Tanya Belinsky was cold and she didn't say anything about their earlier behavior, she only beckoned Eloise Abraham to follow her before she jumped out of the carriage.

"Your highness, here I am." Eloise Abraham reported while still standing beside Alicia Roosevelt.

Finally, Shura Roosevelt who was still concentrating on his blueprints raised his head to stare at Eloise Abraham.

"What happened to Miskesh town?" Shura Roosevelt didn't beat around the bush, he asked her directly.

"Forgive me my king, I really don't think there is something wrong with Miskesh town, when I left that place for Miskesh docking to welcome you, the town was ok as it would usually be." Eloise Abraham answered sincerely.

"Tanya Belinsky, please show her the state of Miskesh town." Shura Roosevelt didn't want to argue with a mere duke, he thus beckoned Tanya Belinsky to show Eloise Abraham the reality.

[A/N: please, I need followers.]

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