Completed mastering the universal language and stabilizing the kingdom

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"Eeerm, well... This is your favourite cattle blood." The maid answered in haste. 

'Fortunately, it is not what I thought it was.' Shura Roosevelt heaved a sigh inwardly before taking the cup from the grip of the maid who was still quivering, but even if the maid was quivering, she was being extra careful not to spill the contents of the cup for fear that her head would roll.

Shura Roosevelt walked towards the door of his study before he turned and said, "tell the people who are upstairs that I will not join them for dinner. Also, no one is to disturb me while I am studying." 

He didn't even wait for the reply from the disoriented maid and he walked into his study. Actually, Shura Roosevelt had thought earlier that the blood that was in the cup was human blood, after all, the previous Shura Roosevelt could do anything, so drinking human blood was not that strange for a person like him.

It was thankful that the previous Shura Roosevelt's craziness didn't took him that far. As for the cattle blood that he had been given, he was going to drink it, after all, to the ancient people, drinking animal blood was not an abomination, it was instead recommended because animal blood gave them strength like beasts.

Anyway, Shura Roosevelt was melancholic because although he had gained power from the system, he had also lost some things, including his son, his son was no longer his anymore. 


"Finally, I have mastered the universal language." 

After five days of hardwork, Shura Roosevelt had finally mastered the universal language. What he simply did was to interact with some learning books that the system offered which had the psychic quality of understanding. Thus, he quickly became a master of the language, he could now read, write and speak in the universal language as if he was born while in the know.

[ Congratulations host for achieving mastery in the universal language, this is just the beginning of your journey to interstellar. ]

"Quest" : [ What should have been done : stabilize the kingdom of Azuhai and map the permanent borders. ]

"Quest status" : [ Completed ]

[ What should have been done has been completed, host has now stabilized his kingdom. Congratulations for finishing this mission. ]

"Quest rewards" [ 100 fabrication points, an updated detailed map of the kingdom of Azuhai. ]


"Side Quest (ii) activated now that host has mastered the universal language" : [ Teach the people of Azuhai the universal language and simple mathematics. ]

Side Quest (ii) time limit : [ Three months ]

Side Quest (ii) quest reward : [ 100 fabrication points ]

Several notifications appeared in front of Shura Roosevelt's eyes. He pondered for a moment and nodded his head. He would have taught his people the universal language even if the system had not told him. The 100 fabrication points as rewards was just some free points because he knew that he would finish this mission early because learning the universal language was not that difficult.

He would make sure that his people understand the language very quickly. What he would need to do was simply replacing some symbols of his local language with the universal language's letters. 

Truthfully, Shura Roosevelt was also awed by the universal language. It was simple than the way they in Easten expressed themselves. One should know that their language used symbols for expression but this universal language used letters and numbers which was much easier to understand making the language much more perfect.

Full of curiosity, Shura Roosevelt clicked on the reward thread and claimed the detailed map, his fabrication points on the other hand were added to his fabrication parameter on his status tab.

Shura Roosevelt walked out of his study, now that he had finally mastered the universal language, he was now free to start the main mission of agriculture.

He walked towards his throne room while the palace maids and the warriors everywhere he passed lowered their heads. 


Alexandre Daviau was seated in his room in the palace with some maids massaging him, he was full of himself because he had not only won the war that his -majesty asked him to lead, but also he had come back with no warrior who was dead.

"Sir Alexandre Daviau, what went on back on the battlefield? I mean, you achieved victory yet you guys don't even have a scratch, I am confused here, care to enlighten me." A palace guard who was the overseer of Alexandre Daviau's room asked.

"Hahaha! Those f*ckers were as weak as shit. I can tell you for sure that the fuckers were helpless and vulnerable in front of my sword. One slash of mine was enough to wipe out several bastards, I was domineering and a badass, I wish you were there to see how I fucked them all..." Alexandre Daviau moaned lazily as a maid caressed his chest.

"The palace guard was the one who was speechless, he didn't even got most of what Alexandre Daviau said but from the whatever few words that he could understand from Alexandre Daviau, it was that the enemy was helpless before them."

"Sir, the king has called for a meeting." Another palace guard came in and notified Alexandre Daviau. 

"At last, the king is up." Alexandre Daviau sat up tiredly before walking out of the room together with his room overseer. He couldn't wait to tell the king about the good news.


"I want to form two administrations, the first one regarding agriculture and the other will be for education purposes..."

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