Carriage making completed

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One should know that the capenters made the wagons that could carry two people, four people and a bus like structure that could carry forty persons. This bus like structure would be pulled by six horses, so one could clearly tell that this thing would need three pairs of wheels with the two pairs of the front wheels being flexible to enable a turn around at an acute angle so that the horses would not be strained when a turn was initiated.

Inside the wagons, the capenters had created seats and small ventilations, they didn't make large ventilations incase the enemy ambushed the passengers while they were unprepared, the wooden covering could protect the passengers if they were ambushed suddenly, right?

"So, this is the finished product? It looks so cool." Maks Popov could not help but utter to his partner. He could not help but want to drive such a thing. It would be cool when he was travelling inside this carriage than on the back of the horses, right? Not to mention that not all of them had horses, they would need to rent the horses when travelling from place to place, the patent of the carriages was a game changer because a carriage like the bus one, could carry more than forty people while using six horses to move the carriage, what would that mean?

That would mean that they would have to save money because it would basically be cheaper to travel using this public carriage than traveling on a private horse, right? Furthermore, this thing would enhance socialization and thus they would not be tired when traveling even if the travel would take months because they would be chatting in there and even playing some games.

"Mu! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! What do you think about this, sir Stenya Agin. When we take this designs to his majesty, he would be happy, right?" A carpenter spy from Litkesh kingdom could not help but ask his partner whom he came with from Litkesh.


"This is a simple design but I don't know why we coudn't come up with it. Are we too simpleton in that we have to copy this simple work from Azuhai kingdom?" Stenya Agin who held his chin said to his partner after pondering, he was not as happy as his partner. He came to Azuhai kingdom thinking that they were going to make something groundbreaking but it turned out to be something that he could make, it was just that he didn't thought about it earlier, he could not help but curse himself inside for being this dimwitted. Why Azuhai, Why?


Thursday, 25th, 1468.

Shura Roosevelt heaved a sigh as he wiped the sweat dripping down from his face. Due to working for five months straight, he was so tired yet one could see that he was also hiding a distant smile.

Finally, they have finished manufacturing the wheels and the carriages. This was not the only thing that made Shura Roosevelt to afford a slight smile, it was because he had gotten a message from Magyo kingdom. Yes.

The guys from Magyo kingdom had stopped their internal stifles for some reasons, though it was anticipated because those guys loved to fight each other and then calm down, it was just that their battle this time round ended early which was something that was not anticipated by anyone.

During the manufacturing period of making the wagons, the people from Litkesh kingdom caused some troubles for them but Tanya Belinsky was quick to put them to their place, no one caused trouble for them from then on.


Shura Roosevelt heard the beeping sound of the system and he knew already that his mission was successful.

Quest : [ Fabricate the wheel and the carriages ]

Quest status : [ Completed ]

Quest reward : [ 100 fabrication points ]

[ Congratulations host for finishing the quest ]

When the fabrication points that Shura Roosevelt had just been given was added to the totals, he would now be having a total of 550 fabrication points.

The 550 fabrication points were just enough for opening the locked mission for mining the iron ore. Shura Roosevelt was expectant and exited as he turned to select the mission for mining the iron ore.

After this, Azuhai kingdom would no longer be humiliated by Litkesh kingdom over the trade of the iron ingots. They could make their own ingots here and even sell the excess to other kingdoms, right? Shura Roosevelt could not help but be exited about the future of Azuhai kingdom.

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