Shura Roosevelt

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[undisputed_shame : note that I chose Russian characters because I thought that their names sounds cool. So, don't be angered.]

It's the year 1468 in the kingdom of Azuhai. Here, we find the ruthless and arrogant king of this kingdom who was the current sovereign, yes, the kingdom of Azuhai was ruled by a young man aged 16.

One may ask why he was the absolute ruler or how he even became the leader when there were grown-men to lead the Azuhai kingdom, let's find out as to why he was accepted to lead this kingdom and why he had not been dethroned even until now...

Shura Roosevelt was a young man with intense desires in that if his desires were turned into energy, they would have blown the entire planet down, and what were the desires of this young king?

In deeply, Shura Roosevelt had the desire of one day becoming the absolute sovereign of the entire world, he was not just satisfied with controlling the Azuhai kingdom only, he wanted more, yes, this young man was very ambitious and this was what made him to seize the throne from his lazy big brother.

Just like his late father, Shura Roosevelt didn't like being controlled or being eclipsed by anyone, he didn't like bowing in front of anyone either. He liked to be the absolute ruler and master controller.

Although Shura Roosevelt's desires were "normal" for a leader, his' had evolved leaps and bounds, he would do anything to get what he wanted.

Nevertheless, it's said that intense desire for power makes the heart of one to become dark, making their actions to deviate from the norm and that is what Shura Roosevelt turned.

He went from one kingdom to the other as he dethroned their current leaders and took their kingdom to add to his, yes, Shura Roosevelt had started his journey to rule the world and no talking would stop him. He wanted the whole world to bow to him. He wanted to be god.

Unfortunately, Shura Roosevelt met a strange kingdom from the north when he was still on his journey to rule the world, just like any other kingdom, Shura Roosevelt had decided to bring down that kingdom's monarchy also but to his dismay, the king of that kingdom was just like him - crazy and controlled by the desire for everything.

King Virtya Markov was not a person to be underestimated, using his inherent war tactics, King Virtya Markov managed to defeat Shura Roosevelt's army, and as crazy as King Virtya Markov was, he went ahead and started to claim the territories that king Shura Roosevelt had taken.

Shura Roosevelt's army was helpless in front of king Virtya Markov's tactics.

Nonetheless, Shura Roosevelt had seek every help that he could turn to but to no avail, he had sacrificed countless lives, seek the help of the necromancers, visited the priests but all was for naught, it was not efficacious. He even started to regret for having ravaged the crazy king Virtya Markov's place.

If he had remained contented with only his kingdom, would he have stayed in his palace peacefully? But as proud as Shura Roosevelt was, he didn't like to wallow in his failures, he had to find a way to win the war against king Virtya Markov.

Currently, Shura Roosevelt had only remained with less than five years and then his kingdom would be overwhelmed completely by Virtya Markov. Yes.

"I have to get the dark stone, that is the only way to kill king Virtya Markov." Shura Roosevelt confirmed with a determined look. In one of his tours around his kingdom in search for a way to kill king Virtya Markov, he met a wizard who told him about the mysterious omnipotent dark stone.

In addition, the wizard told him that if he managed to obtain that stone, killing king Virtya Markov would be a walk in the park and he would also have an easy way to rule the world with the help of the dark stone. But how?

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