Evelyn Christian

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Evelyn Christian herself was five years older than Shura Roosevelt.

One would ask why Evelyn Christian as the sovereign queen of Lonest kingdom herself, she would take orders from Virtya Markov,

This is because Virtya Markov is the emperor of the North. Virtya Markov has managed to dominate all the continents of the North and placed his own henchmen on the thrones to serve as kings, one of his henchmen being Evelyn Christian. 

Shura Roosevelt's world was called Easten. This Easten had ten continents that were as large as Earth. Although the art of survival ruled Easten, the population of its inhabitants had not plummeted that much, each continent was a habit to not less than a billion denizens. 

However, the name Virtya Markov was well known in the entire Easten than Shura Roosevelt's name, this was because Virtya Markov had already dominated three continents and right now he was retaliating against Shura Roosevelt who had only dominated twenty kingdom, Virtya Markov had already taken five kingdoms from Shura Roosevelt leaving him with only fifteen kingdoms.

But the kingdoms that Shura Roosevelt dominated over were not of quality as those of Virtya Markov because all the three northern continents that Virtya Markov had dominated were more developed and had more resources as compared to the southern continents. This gave Virtya Markov an easy way to dominate these southern continents and Virtya Markov only met a stumbling block when him and Shura Roosevelt met. He would have already dominated all the southern continents if not for Shura Roosevelt's presence...

'King, no, emperor Virtya Markov has conquered almost the whole Easten, he has only remained with the southern and the Western continents to be like a god of Easten, he should have already conquered that land that Shura Roosevelt takes pride in, It seems like there must be something that is holding him from accomplishing the task, I wonder what is that?'

'If I can know the reason holding back emperor Virtya Markov from going all out, maybe it can reveal Virtya Markov's weakness then I can use this weakness of his to replace him, no, I will use his weakness to help him and be on his good side.' Evelyn Christian thought to herself as two gigolos caressed her smooth legs.

She was so absentminded as anyone could see that Evelyn Christian was deep in her thinking, no gigolo by her side dared to make a sound for fear that they would distort the way of her thinking. 

"My daughter, what is going in your mind? Is there something wrong with you?" A middle aged woman who's face resembled that of Evelyn Christian walked towards her.

One could clearly tell that the Lonest Kingdom was more advanced than Azuhai Kingdom just from their cladding alone, not to mention that Evelyn Christian's palace was heavenly and exquisitely build by the most sought after craftmen who would not even dare to step in the southern kingdoms because the southern kingdoms were subpar, even if these craftsmen were given more than money, they would not step in the southern kingdoms for fear that their reputation would plummet.

This was also the reason why Shura Roosevelt's father accepted Evelyn Christian's hand in marriage with Shura Roosevelt because he wanted his son to live a better life with his wife(Evelyn Christian) in the northern continent. One should know that in Easten, the legal age was 13 and Shura Roosevelt having reached 13 years at that time, he was totally ripe to take in a wife for himself.

At that time, Evelyn Christian was 18 years old and when she met Shura Roosevelt and saw how handsome he was, her as a person who always wanted all handsome men to be her's, she brazenly asked Shura Roosevelt's father to give her Shura Roosevelt as her man. Of which Shura Roosevelt's father didn't decline, it was merely a difference of five years, so it was not a big deal. Not to mention that Shura Roosevelt himself liked mature women because they were more sweeter than young girls.

But Evelyn Christian was a femme fatale, a heartbreaker who was not just satisfied with one man and this behavior was what led to their breakup.

Definitely, Shura Roosevelt loved Evelyn Christian like no other but that was not Evelyn Christian, she only liked Shura Roosevelt because of his delusional desires(want to rule the world) that made the little Shura Roosevelt too cute in her eyes, thus she wanted so much to devour this cuteness because it made her to recall her boss - Virtya Markov. 

Just like that, Evelyn Christian married Shura Roosevelt at that time and they lived in marriage for two years as Shura Roosevelt endured her insane sexual appetite towards other men.

They lived on and also managed to have a son together but during that time, Shura Roosevelt's father passed away.

Stupidly, Evelyn Christian rejected Shura Roosevelt's desire to go and bury his father, on the other hand, Shura Roosevelt thought that Evelyn Christian loved him so much in such a way that she could not accept to part with him but that was not the case, it was just that Evelyn Christian had still not satiated herself with him.

Years and years went by, Shura Roosevelt only heard that his brother was the one who took the throne after their father's death. 

When the time came when Evelyn Christian had now satiated her lust, she was now not interested with Shura Roosevelt anymore.

She humiliated him, embarrassed him and unceremoniously threw him out of the palace together with their son. 

One should know that Evelyn Christian had many men under her gigolo harem and So losing one man and a child was not an issue to her. All that was in the mind of Evelyn Christian was that she only wanted to enjoy her life of debauchery without anyone perturbing her.

Shura Roosevelt begged in front of Evelyn Christian's palace for days but Evelyn Christian never gave him a chance, she instead even asked her palace guards to throw Shura Roosevelt to the city streets and if they also wanted to have a 'round' with him, they could do so, Evelyn Christian was indifferent and inhumane.

[undisputed_shame: Romance is always a must have in any novel. Actually I like this lass(Evelyn Christian). It's an impeccable creation, I will make her even more evil and I will not 'kill' this character.]

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