Money for project

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Miskesh town was not a simple town as it was full of cannibals that would not care for anyone. Those guys would eat each other when they got hungry and there was no food. One should know that although some towns in Azuhai kingdom were starving, the situation was not as worse as in Mudrer, Magwich and most importantly, Miskesh town, this was because these three towns were occupied by the desert climate and that was the place where Ashish had told Shura Roosevelt that this crude oil was found.

"Oooh f*ck me! I can't stand those maniacs from Miskesh not to mention the climate there is worse especially to people like us who are used to cold weather. We will melt for sure. Your highness, is it possible to change the destination? We can go and enjoy the loneliness in Magvil port town if it is loneliness that you want." Alexandre Daviau complained before he said in a low tone. "I heard that the experience on the beaches of Magvil is otherworldly pleasurable. I recommend that we try Magvil. You will not be disappointed for sure."

"I am not going to Miskesh town to enjoy the view. I am going there for a mission. What I want you to do first is to allert Vlad Levitsky about our journey to Miskesh. Since his work in the agriculture department has plummeted since the planting season ended, he can help us out in this mission. I also want labourers and many of them. Pack everyone that wants some job in the carriages and lets assemble in Widdiff city square after a week." Shura Roosevelt ordered Alexandre Daviau who them washed his hands and walked out of the room. He had heard the urgency of the matter so he didn't dare to slack off.

"Are we truly going to Miskesh?" Tanya Belinsky could not help but want to confirm again. Although Miskesh was a part of Azuhai kingdom, those guys were marginalized by the kingdom.

It was as if Miskesh was just another kingdom within Azuhai kingdom but because the denizens in Miskesh were simply a few countable individuals, they didn't have the power to stand on their own against Shura Roosevelt.

"I will not change my decision, what I have said is exactly what will happen."

"Your majesty, did you call me?" Eugene Perrin suddenly appeared. He didn't dare to step in the room because of the unbearable heat.

"How much have we remained with in the treasury?" Shura Roosevelt went directly to the point. This oil project would cost him an insane amount so he needed to be prepared.

"Well... The treasury has received a huge hit this time round even if we haven't partake in any war. The current balance is merely 300,000 gold coins and if we add the expected revenue of the next month, it would be almost 1.3 million gold coins..." Eugene Perrin paused for a moment before he continued, (one should also know that Eugene Perrin didn't talk about the additional silver and bronze coins because Shura Roosevelt thought that they were valueless, so Eugene Perrin could only convert them into gold so that the figure would be one ones rounded up.) " Your highness, the order about halving the payable tax has costed us tremendously. If you can..."

Before even Eugene Perrin continued, Shura Roosevelt stopped him.

However, Shura was also wondering where he could get the money to sponsor the oil project. 1.3 million revenue was truly a meager sum. The project would cost approximately 15 million gold coins.

The approximated revenue for each month in Azuhai kingdom was one million gold coins. If Shura Roosevelt added the one million revenue that Whiddiff palace got each month, for an entire year of the quest, it would be not more than 12 million gold coins as one should know that within a year, there were two months where most of the denizens didn't go to work because it would be a winter season, the kingdom also had to pay the civil servants and other staffs in this money collected..

Shura Roosevelt needed to find a solution which would give him the additional ten million gold coins. The seven million coins were to be added to the twelve million of revenue while the remaining three million coins was for insurance purposes, just in case the revenue for the year didn't reach the needed twelve million.

"Where will I get this additional ten million gold coins?" Shura Roosevelt asked himself in a low voice.

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