Reclaiming territories

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All the soldiers had agitated looks. They could not believe it. They were immortals and unkillable.

"Die! Fucking piece of shit! Why can't I kill you bitch? Has my sword turned into a toy?" Alexandre Davidau was helpless as he had slashed Tanya Belinsky many times but he could not kill her, this made him too desperate as he even wished Tanya Belinsky to spat even a little blood so that he could save some face. This was really embarrassing especially when his juniors were watching.

"That is enough! You can now see that all of you are now immortals and unkillable but don't be too contented. I as your king can kill you easily because I have the dark stone, not only that, but I can also know what you are thinking, so don't dare to be a traitor or go against me, all of you will forever be my warriors. In addition, don't disclose you being an immortal or unkillable to anyone, this will be our hidden sword."

"I am happy that no one among you has bad intentions or they are being used by the enemy, continue being loyal and no one will die. You should also know that those who didn't participate in this fight have not received this boon, so don't tell them about this and remain indifferent." Shura Roosevelt said coldly to all of them.

"We give our lives and trust to the king!" All the warriors hollered in sync while slapping their chests. No one dared to refute or doubt the king, they had after all, seen and experienced the power of the dark stone as it could even make them immortals.

After everything wàs said, Shura Roosevelt and everyone went out of Collow Abyssinian. One should know that they didn't get in the cave with their horses which were left outside because of the impassable terrain of the cavern. 

They got their horses still out of the cave and used them to go for war, yes. Shura Roosevelt had decided that he would start the system's missions by stabilizing his kingdom and mapping it.

This was something that was supposed to have been done, but because of conquering other kingdoms and losing some conquered kingdoms to Virtya Markov, it had made his kingdom's map to change now and then, he had to finish the war once and for all so that he could have an unchangeable map and bring peace to Azuhai kingdom.

Shura Roosevelt then willed the system's interface and clicked on the gift's scope.


Fifteen days later at the Valley of death...

"The stupid warriors of Virtya Markov are now helpless, they have just realized that they are not going to win this damn war." Alexandre Daviau uttered with his face full of prejudice. Now that he could not die, he felt like their enemy had became much weaker and vulnerable. Their enemies could not even hold their swords tight, their earlier courageousness and prejudice over Shura Roosevelt's forces was now replaced with dismay, they wanted so much to turn back and flee but their opponents were not giving them that chance. 

The unkillable state of Shura Roosevelt's forces had made Virtya Markov's warriors to go crazy, they couldn't believe what they were experiencing right now. Even if their opponents remained still and they stabbed them countless times, their opponents would not die, how do you expect them to fight with such freaks?

'Impossible! This has to be a dream!'

Was all that was going in their minds but it just felt so real when their opponents decapitated them, they had wished and prayed for this nightmare to come to an end but it never did so.

Back then when Shura Roosevelt's immortal army stepped in the Valley of death, they had already found out the warriors that they left here to retaliate against Virtya Markov's warriors were already massacred. Their enemy was simply relaxing in their tents before they could move ahead and conquer even more lands but they never anticipated to encounter Shura Roosevelt's immortal army. The enemy comprised of more than a hundred thousand warriors but that many warriors were nothing in front of Shura Roosevelt's immortal army.

"From what I have just observed, it seems that not many of us are needed here, is it right Alexandre Daviau!" 

"Yes, my king." Alexandre Daviau perked up his ears.

"You are going to lead the immortal warriors to reclaim the five kingdoms that were taken from us, we had worked hard previously to aquire those kingdom, I will not allow them to fall in to the hands of the enemy." Shura Roosevelt said to Alexandre Daviau while reminiscing about the past.

"Your majesty, what do you mean by reclaiming our territories? We would have done that even if you didn't told us... What I mean is that, are we not going to conquer even more kingdoms now that we are immortal and capable enough?" Tanya Belinsky asked him with a look of puzzlement.

From the voice of Shura Roosevelt, all of them could clearly tell that Shura Roosevelt was no longer interested with conquering more kingdoms even though they had now received the 'quality' that was needed for them to rule the world. The other higher-ups also perked up their ears to hear Shura Roosevelt's answer.

"That's right. We will no longer conquer more kingdoms. What we will be doing is to protect our own kingdom for now. I don't want any more bloodshed." Shura Roosevelt told them coldly giving them no chance to oppose.


"There are no buts!" Shura Roosevelt stopped Alixandre Daviau's train of thought.

All of them were even more disoriented. They knew very well the desires of their king, how come he had changed his resolve so suddenly? Was it because of the stone?

"I think that will be a better course." Vlad Levitsky agreed with Shura Roosevelt while nodding his head.

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