finally arrived in Miskesh

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It was like Tanya Belinsky's brain was fried, she could not imagine. Do you know how cool that technique was? It was simply impeccable and overbearing.

As Tanya Belinsky pondered while shouting like a silly girl, Shura Roosevelt asked Ashish.

"What is the energy that I just used to kill those worms. This is the same energy used by that woman (Claudia) right?"


_"The energy that you used is called KI but yours is not the same as the one used by that invader. Hers is a dark energy that was being tapped from somewhere else, it's something dark and divine. I can't explain it much but just know that it's source is different from yours. Because the energy used doesn't come from her body, she can tap this energy and use it perpetually but yours can only be used for a limited time before you are worn out so you have to be vigilant about your use of energy."

Shura Roosevelt pondered for a moment, he was not happy after he heard that Claudia was still ahead of him. What he was thinking right now was about a way to surpass her.

"Sir Ashish, is this KI useful. I mean... Can it kill people?" Shura Roosevelt asked curiously, when he used the energy earlier, it didn't kill the people around him but the energy simply sieved out the worms.

_"It depends with you yourself. If your desire is to kill people, then your energy will just do that."

Shura Roosevelt nodded as he had understood what Ashish meant. Back then, his main target was to eradicate the worms and it became just as he had desired.

"But why didn't you told me about this internal energy? And is it possible for me to tap on this divine energy just like the mysterious woman?" Shura Roosevelt saw that Ashish knew about KI but it didn't told him which made him to ask.

_"There are many things out there and many of them you have to find out and learn by yourself. I am only interested with development remember. I can't divulge other information outside tech advancement."

"Well." Shura Roosevelt rubbed his glabella thoughtfully before his train of thought was interrupted by Tanya Belinsky.

"Your highness, we have now arrived at Miskesh town."

[A/N: Don't forget to read /// I Became A Womanizer After The Apocalypse///. Volume 2 is up, and it will be all about Jaffery trying hard to make Recho his woman.

Anyway, you can also follow me on Wattpad.]

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