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(In the Monastery of Spinjitzu, Cole, the Chicken, and Izzy are playing Prime Empire when Lloyd and Coral walk in with laundry.)

Lloyd: Are you both seriously playing video games right now?

Cole: It's our day off. Why wouldn't we be playing video games?

Coral: We've been gone for weeks, Cole, and this monastery won't clean itself! We've got laundry to do, leaves to rake, firewood to chop, Traveler's Trees to water, and don't even get me started on repairing the sentry cannons outside the wall.

Izzy: That sounds like a lot of work. Sure you don't wanna play?

Coral: Did you just hear us? Cole, Izzy, we've got a ton to do and- (She looks at the TV.) wait. What game is this?

Cole: Prime Empire.

Lloyd: What?

Cole: What "what"? What's wrong?

Lloyd: Oh, nothing. Except we were just trapped in that game and got cubed!

Cole: (He, Izzy, and the chicken look at each other.) You need to let go of the past, Lloyd. Anyway, it's totally safe. Unagami and Dyer worked out the kinks and it's really fun. Look, I gotta concentrate. Just about to beat this level.

Lloyd: (He sighs, then throws his laundry aside to join Cole on the couch.) I guess one game wouldn't hurt.

Coral: (Sighs.) Boys. (She leaves with her laundry.)

(Outside, Jay and Nya are raking leaves.)

Jay: Ugh, how are there this many leaves? I don't even see any trees.

Nya: They blow over the walls, Jay. And we've been gone a while. Aspheera's invasion, our little trip to the Never-Realm, being stuck in Prime Empire.

Jay: (Sighs) This will take forever to clean up. (He sees some leaves blow in the shape of a tornado.) Unless...

Nya: No! Don't get any ideas.

Jay: What? We could be done instantly!

Nya: If Master Wu sees you using Spinjitzu to take shortcuts like raking leaves, he's gonna be furious!

Jay: Oh, he won't know. He's been locked in with his scrolls all day.

Nya: Please don't.

Jay: (He does Spinjitzu anyway and gathers all the leaves.) Yeah! Woo-hoo! Nice! Haha! (He and Nya gasp when Master Wu suddenly emerges from the giant pile.) Aah! Ahem, um, Master Wu. Sorry! Uh. I got all hopped up on dreams of efficiency and it ... (Master Wu walks away without a word.) Uh, what?

Nya: Huh. That was weird. Master Wu just totally passed up an opportunity to lecture you on something. (Wu closes the door.) 

Jay: Yeah, he didn't even notice.

(The Postman climbs up the steps to the Monastery, grunting.)

P.I.X.A.L.(Repairing the sentry cannons.) Good morning.

Postman: Good morning.

Lloyd: (He and Coral enter the library to find Wu.) Master Wu? Is everything okay? Nya and Jay said you seemed a little ... distracted.

Wu: What? Oh, n-no. I'm fine. J-Just reading a scroll.

Coral: (Looks at the unopened scroll.) You haven't even unrolled it. You were staring out the window.

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