Fire Maker

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(Uthaug and Boma are going back to the Great Lake, carrying fish.)

Uthaug: Do you think they like to eat fish?

Boma: Who?

Uthaug: You know, the strangers, from Nimblago.

Boma: Everyone likes fish. And it's not "Nimblago." It's Ningabo.

Uthaug: That's not what they said.

Boma: Honestly, Uthaug, whose hearing is better? Yours or... ? (Blizzard Samurai are heard marching down the pass.) Listen! Do you hear?

Uthaug: Blizzard Samurai! Heading our way!

Boma: We have to warn the village. (They both run off with the fish. Birds fly off, startled. Grimfax looks up at them, then continues on.)

(Back in the village, Sorla lays out a map for Lloyd.)

Sorla: Your friend, Zane, is imprisoned here in the Ice Emperor's castle. There are only two paths through the mountains. This is the safest.

Lloyd: A pass?

Sorla: In the Old Tongue, it's called Mala-Wojira.

Lloyd: Mala-Wojira?

Sorla: Wojira's Wrath. But you must be careful. You cannot make a sound in this place. You cannot speak or whisper. Even your footfalls must be like a gentle breeze.

Lloyd: Why?

Sorla: If you make a sound, Wojira will strike you down.

Lloyd: Okay... but what is it? (Sorla demonstrates Wojira's Wrath.) Okay! (Takes the map and rolls it up.) Great, well, I guess we'll just be quiet. (He steps outside to meet with the other ninja.) Any luck?

Nya: Nothing. It's really weird. The signal keeps coming in and out.

Lloyd: Huh. Maybe the cold is interfering?

Nya: Cold shouldn't matter. It's like the signal is weak. The mech had a brand new battery, it makes no sense! (They turn to see Kai running around in snowshoes.)

Kai: (Pants.) Hey guys? Have you tried these? You gotta try them! You can walk! On top of the snow!

Cole: I... think that's the point.

Izzy: Yeah. 

Jay: What will they think of next? (Laughs.)

Uthaug: Alarm! Alarm! They're coming! (The ice fishers surround Uthaug and Boma.) Blizzard Samurai! On the march!

Boma: Heading for our village! We saw them coming down the pass!

Uthaug: I heard them first. Boma's hearing isn't as good as m—

Boma: Don't start that again!

Sorla: Boma! Uthaug! Are you sure you saw this? You saw them? (Boma and Uthaug exchange looks and nod.) Gather the elders. There's no time to lose.

(The Elders and the ninja have gathered in Sorla's home.)

Elders: (Muttering.) What if he... must consider?

Elder #1: What do we do? The pass is only a few hours away.

Elder #2: We have to hide. We must abandon the village.

Elder #3: And leave the fire behind? Are you mad?

Elder #1: What choice do we have? I say we hide in the village of the Formlings.

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