Pause and Effect

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(In the sewers, Lloyd lays out the map and the plan.)

Lloyd: And if we do this right, we can find Master Wu, save Cyrus Borg, rescue everyone who was kidnapped, and stop Krux and Acronix. But it'll take stealth, concentration, and precise execution.

Jay: And where does the slug fit in?

Lloyd: What slug?

Cole: Aah! That one! (He tries to get the slug off his shoulder.) Ew! Ew! Ew! It's so big! So gross! (He flings the slug to Izzy who is on Coral's shoulder.)

Izzy: Aah! Get off me! Get it off me! I want to go home! 

(Coral flings the slug off her shoulder and off Izzy. Lloyd and Jay laugh as Nya and Kai arrive.)

Nya: Hey, guys. What'd we miss?

Jay: Hahaha! Cole and Izzy freaking out over a slug.

Zane: And Lloyd laying out the plan of attack.

Jay: Hehe. But mostly Cole and Izzy freaking out.

Lloyd: As I was saying, Zane will use his sensors to locate Cyrus Borg while Jay, Izzy, and Cole rescue the workers from the warehouse. I'll get Master Wu, who's probably in the holding cell. Kai, Coral, and Nya, you have the toughest job: locating Krux and Acronix. So you take the map.

Nya: We can do that. Right, guys?

Coral: Yes.

Kai: Barracks, holding cell...

Nya: Ahem. Kai?

Kai: That's the mess hall and...what's this—

Nya: Kai!

Kai: What? Yeah, yeah, we got it. Let's go.

Lloyd: Remember, stealth is key. Everyone knows what they're doing?

Cole: On it.

Jay: Yep.

Izzy: Time to be sneaky.

Nya: Yup.

Coral: Let's go! 

Zane: Affirmative.

Kai: Oh, yeah. I know exactly what I'm doing.

Lloyd: Good luck. No pressure, but all of Ninjago is depending on us.

(With that, the ninja run off to their missions.) 

(In the swamp, Wu fights a Vermillion, supposedly cured of the time punch.)

Wu: Your numbers are great, but they won't be enough. The Time Punch has reversed. My strength has returned. I will save Ninjago. (Misako emerges from an egg wearing Vermillion armor.) Misako?

Misako: Wu, why did you fail me?

Wu: I-I made a mistake. An error of judgment. I should have told you I loved you before you went to—(Garmadon also emerges from an egg wearing armor.) Garmadon?

Garmadon: You let me fall to the darkness, brother. You failed me too. (Morro does the same.)

Morro: And me.

Wu: Morro? I-I don't understand.

Morro: You don't understand how instead of your greatest success, your student became your greatest failure? You've made many mistakes, Master.

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