The Way Back

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(The ninja start planing on how they will take down Nadakhan.)

Kai: Thank you! I don't know how we'll ever be able to repay you.

Skylor: Let's just say you owe me one.

Ronin: Or a few thousand, if we're talking denomination of currency! (Everyone stares at him.) What? No reward?

Dareth: Hey, you'd do the same for us. Only with less pizzazz.

Jay: Ugh, I hate to break up the reunion, but may I remind you we have a wedding to stop?

Misako: That's right. Jay have his last wishes to take the Djinn down.

Kai: But since we don't have the poison, it'll be up to us to slow him down. Come on, there's no time to waste.

(Everyone rushes off only to be stopped by Lloyd)

Lloyd: Wait! If you defeat Nadakhan, his power will diminish!

Cole: Uh, yeah, that's kind of the point.

Wu: Of course. Lloyd is all too right. If his power diminishes, Djinjago will fall. Ninjago will be crushed.

Izzy: I still can't get over the fact that I'm seeing two Wu's.

Ameythest: It's something isn't it?

Kai: So even if we win, we lose?

Soto: Well, whatever you decide, I sure don't want an all-powerful  calling the shots. You have to take him out if you have the chance.

Wu: Ninja, you go stop Nadakhan. The rest of us will return back to Ninjago to prepare for the worst.

Jay: Ninja, go! (They charge into the action with the Djinn Blade. Dareth tries to join but is stopped by Ronin.)

Ronin: Ah-ha, not you, Dareth.

Dareth: The Brown Ninja will live to fight another day.

Ronin: This way. We'll take the jet down.(The rest of them run in the opposite direction.)

(In the Airjitzu Temple, the wedding has started and Nya walks down the aisle Coral is gagged and tied to a pole.)

Nya: (Whispering) Come on, Jay. Where are you?

Dogshank: She's beautiful.

Flintlocke: And slower than molasses dripping uphill.

(Meanwhile, pirates get ready to attack the ninja.)

Jay: Get ready. (The ninja fight the sky pirates and Jay strikes a pirate with the Djinn Blade. The pirate is sucked into the Djinn Blade.) Oh, yeah, I forgot it did that.

(Clancee reads and stutters as the priest.)

Clancee: I h-h-hereby d-d-declare from here until e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-eternity, that this holy temple in which you are married, shall stand the test of time.

Nadakhan: You keep looking at the door. You said you would stand by my side, Delara.

Clancee: Do you, Nadakhan, son of the King Khanjikhan, take this girl as your wife?

Nadakhan: Aye!

Clancee: And do you, Nya, D-D-Delara, t-t-take him as your husband? To make him all-powerful, freed from the restrictions of love, harm, and added wishes, so sayeth Djinn law?

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